bm_601 27 68u't OHk' �0, DESCRIPTION OF BENCH MARK I Wd FAIL ?Q Us. Designation State Calif arnia S on V ie P (�ounty Rkemble Wavy ts.signatioo 27,- Nearc,st Town '�'rlirqyton County Riverside j7homme and Di c"wn from nearest town 1,.5 Men sourbSze out Mractm of Me Brunze Ask in convrete,,mon Smmped 601- W&U, lNuAdAhed by Wry of Riverside . .. ...... Date Detailed Description Ahrnm.1.5 miles southwest alnng flagnolin Avenue from.rhe Riverside Mblic Library, ArLington Brunch, to the iMmsection of MagnuLia Avenup and Polk Street, 86,0 feet southwest of the centerline of Polk Street, W feet sauthee8L of the centerline of Magnalin Avenue, and 14.5 feet southeast of thp southeast rail of tjo, Pacific Ejecryle Railway, A sumndard disk in conerere post, Set wooden guard posts 2.0 feet south and 2.0 feet north of unnument. I q7" Date Date Date Date 717. 161 Flev.