bm_BM 31 DE'SCRIPTION OF BEN(JI MARK W.d MS, Md AM U'll;,C. & GS- State cbunv RbemMe (Way MQnation #3 Newesi down Hem—, -t- County Distance and 1hr"do" from nearest town Character of k1ark W and Duplex Nail Stomped Couupty Surveyor J ­v,, r s i d e —�nablished by R, County Dam Dec . 1965 Maded Desctip6on 2.4 mile southpasL Plong Baullsoa Conyan Road from the inter -section —of Fairvlew Avenue and Sterson Avenue on the sonh sido of Baut4sta Canyon Rhoad 1,0 Hoc north of pover vole f"2831, set roc oig dupleN nail Mush. _ ,", Dare Dec. 1966 Date Date Date Hew 3935,627 Flew F, 1 e. v. El ev