bm_R 71-x -. 0 td< F DESCRIPTION OF HE;NCIf lIARK .Itr ntdrr i S.C.Rc,.S,Dcsignaciou R 71— - __ .State_ �d�1fOrYlld _County _ Ri_versido Riverside County Designation Nearest Town — El Casco _ — County Distance and Direction from nearest town 1.4 Character of Mark bronze disk .._Stamped R 7 Established by _ USC Detsuled Description Date _._ Date FAcv. _ _ Elev. Date °n'"' RECOVERY NOTE, BENCH MARK Designation R 71 Smte Cali.fonua County Riverside Nea.eatt—o El G'asco Coonty Rivors!do Oetoxr 1958 Dlrtance esd direction Imm nsa rest town 1.1, t¢ites test Chnraclar of mark Arotwo dlsl: Stamping R 71 1923 Estrhh,hed , U. S. .Coast Goodetio Survey Preaertl oondlttan flood Detailed report 1.4 rdlos vast along the Southern Pacific Co. railroad from the former station at E1 Ca;co. of private road exossiR° 551.21y 7 poles east of rdlepost 551. about 45 Jad soutlnicst of block sigrm1 5➢1.2, 46.6 feet south of the south rail. 2/t.5 rapt north of the ecvtor line o uon Tiraeteo Cagyon rood. 15 feat northeavt of — pover lino iwlo 40:.g99E. 2.1 feet tvostof a oitnese post. about leval t'dth the road, and set in the top of a conerote post about flush rdth tho Fround. emte: Tgis :.,rl: ie Date:. 1949 Elev: 1701.224 Date _ Date rlev. Dleo