bm_RWDESCRIPTION OF BRENC { MAR, .S.(- < e' S. Des'pnatio[) R141_ CSHD.)_ _ State _ Cal i forni a Riverside County Designation Nearest Town Palm Desert _County Distance arid Direction from nearest town 0,5 mile west C haractei of Mark Copper wi re Sramoed Emablrshed by __ -Calif. State Hwy. Dept. _. Date. lVi..ited Description )'' l )'1 Oitit: t dew County _Riverside DESCRIPTION OF BENCH MARK Desi&eafion Rq (0$HD) Stetn California cn—ty Riverelda Nourast town pals Weert Ca°^ty ,ver.id. --- -- Ch tacco and d rect,on f orn nearest town 0.5 mile woet _ Ch ratter of mark Copper wire Stamping Established by Callforria State Highway Donartcent Detailed ucser'a! oe 0.5 mile ..at .long Mate Y.lghway 74 from the poet office at Palm ➢eaartr at the Junction of State Iflghway 111, 101.8 feet south of the center 11ne of State Highway 111, 51.1 feet eolith of the center line of State Highway 74, 12.5 feat north of the cantor line of a paved roed leadiryl .eat, 8.9 feet east of a telephone ' pole, 1.6 fact south of a wltnea. poet, ahA act in the top of a conerete right of -�, Dale way poet pro,7octirrg 0.6 foot above the ground. Elegy Elev. Date: 1955-56 Elevation: 232e142