bm_32 MDiSCHIPTION OF HENCII MARK 8r ' a)r Finna tion d r ! t Hr �. i,: St ate'�`i T yvrsys'd.a _County ._ RI VERSIDE 1 ?verstde i Designation i,earesr Down — °dIM- WA"IFIR° -- — MILE — — ,' C 'O uu } n t ( Y RIVE R.`aIPE 1 P dRCl Devotion fl "e�*Jl nearest town rt: ?sac *e r of Mark I STabl. =_shed I'y Date Stamped J P 1Q7s.L li razic� i` ?rscripr'ton RECOVERY NOTE, BENCH MARK I Dositnntlon 32 M (} *r'D;C) State California County fti verside F e't t -.i e,- -tor County Riverside Chief of Party".F Malnate D a rid d non from nearest town 3.0 miles northwest Recovery Data Feb, 1960 Cl, raa of rk hror,ze disk Siam in 32 M. 1931 Sin E tabs shad by,'otrooriztan S'ater District of Southern C P ;eat c d' n riot recovered 50 _. 0e1ared report 3.0 miles northini of the Post Office at 'Fh3:tewater, 1.0 -- — — — - rortl of O.C. Iii. I ay 99, at a point where the hi-liway turns from the r.ilroad, abeut 250 feet west of a large wash on the cast side of com- paratively rnceth country extending sevoral miles rnfstward, and surrounded by :: £race. 1. standard disk set in the top of a concrete post projecting -- about 6 ieches. Date: 1931 E11 1598,792 Date — Date — — Date _ Date Elev. _ Elev. ___. lilev.