sbmb019_022Stn to o f Coll f on"o S8 vVe ' i •he andersiynad, owners and persons whoa¢ consent is necessary to the issuing of o clear tit /a County o t.Spn Bernard /no rt.a rorerY'y �, own on this Mop, do consent to the n,okiny and /7 //*?? theraot; and we do hereby On t h is S• day of Se emGer /y//, fjefonr me,- - t deJico to +ar ,au b/ic use o// Streets and Avenues as shown and ed hereon inioloce efthe Co/i orn/o ¢"Sono //y appeared r , g P f JUL di vis N °3 o f o Part of Yueoi/oo o Notary Pub /ic in and far Son Barnordino County, �„ t � P� / � persona //y known to n•, c Struts and Avenues spawn and p /atted on t/ie on inal mo o ersona / known to me t o be the presiden7; and - to be the secretory, of Fred /ands and Yucaipa La Co., whose non,es art subscribed >`a the ✓o /ley, of V subdivision the land shown on this map is o part reserv"ny to our - 'e /ves, oar success- P ors and our assigns f orever, the. exclusive right of way over, across and under- r a// Streets N.ithin instrument Com fv� Solt✓ pany, and acknowledged to me that f/iey executed 7 some. and a venues far .S *relit Cars, steam a /tctr�c, or other roilwoys, to /¢graph, to /e phone, and a %c *r /c / pr,tness whereof / have hereunto set nay hand and affixed my ofJ•icio/ sea ,, of wires m yeneral, sewers, woterI gas conduits, f/umes,difehes,and pipes 4orcarrying water for My office, in the City at /Ped /ands, County of Son Berner o the day and veer In this cert- doma:stic and /rri yot parposes, the constYachon and erection of poles for tt /egro to %phone,ond i fiCa7�'e first &hove Written. ejectric wires in Jenerol, and At r�yhf to construct, operate, repo"", and moinTa/n the Son,e, or any of their, i � � �� (� v •�E _ /orever. B a _ Pres. Notary /14/lc In and fo� �i'aunty of Y Son Bern &"dine, State of Ca liforn ia. Red /ands and Yucaipa Land Co. 6 •! -� -- Secy . Y State of Californ/o SS CityoadCountyef San Francisco. - On 1'lr"s —m ay o'` r\ Ti..x /9//, be f era in e San Francisco Collateral Loan Bank c , a /✓otory Public /n and fora / / t o County, d/ ny therem�d�u /y co Y mi ss fine and'sw Persona //y appeared B tnown to me to be the President and Secretary nespeetive /y of Son Fr+vneisco oy InS era/ Laon Y Bonk one of the corearat/ons described /n and tat ex hecuted fill¢ with /n /nstra/»ent on/ flOa9hl Company p� o /sa known to me to be Me persons w4a executed it on beho /f of -1-he Cor/horof/on 7`hE � � on By_!�' _ _ Secy narned, and the ac*now/edfed to me that-.such Corporo7i/an executed the soiree. the - o% o /9//, before me -fie sold N otary Pub /ic, perso/ao / /� oared •mil — ` _ and - 4 to me fo z'a and Seere ory / active /y o f No a fhton Comp any, one of - M e c'orporaf'i on r in and Me* execu 4 e w /fiii instrairien7 and o /so !mown /a me to be file / verro.,s who exec//fed /f beho /f of• the Corpor -.0740" -M1, named, on/ th�°y 4cknowYedged 7a me that su ch eorPora7"wen' executed *he sore'¢• /r. witisess irhereal /have /l ei- r an - 7`o set my Mond and affixed ir ; officio/ sea /, at /n ision Part //e office in the Gty and Count y of San Fro cco, the day and /✓°3 o year /n its certificate firs / hereby certify that this mop of a port of Sandiv f a °7/ Yaca/ Ya Y above written• /s a Correct* re /on of the Survey -node by me In --61y and Aafast, /9//. Notoey Public in and for the City and C411117`y of Engineer. Son fy- oneis S co, tate of Co /ifo rn/o. Appro J S. Br Jr. County Surveyor. ar G H.O. PEPUTy /Vote All rhea rarernents and acreages shown on t//is rnaP read to the cen7er /roes at street's'. 56tted /Ines Sh ow streets as origin& //y laid oaf. Field notes in F.B. /✓ Co 1ca /a7'1on /n Traverse boob 11 30. 9 "x4" Redwood stakes are set of all lot Corners. A-r o eega /or meet /n9 of the Board of /oervisor of the GO / v a h ° � o Booro/of /no, Stot+2 of Co//f ern /o fie /d en the o — dQ�j/ °f �$a/oerrisars accepted w' o// f hwho /f °/`- ffiP Pub /ic, /i Streets and Avenues , Lot-,Y Blocks, as shown on - this Nla , excepting Such reserva7`�ons os mode by the owner" of P f /and, os shown an th /s /j'lap• Cfioirnion, Board of .Su -1 Clerk o/ so ird Board. B�_ - _ C QQ C /er/r of So /d Coors! Me Or0 Sh own on t moio and her / e by certify that o // boei� faxes on Y uCai a Vo //e ha ve been R-a- -Y Gles/yisated as a par7`ef Sabdivi en /✓o a�ar7` of� , P Si , Oated_� / 9lt i C ou/i•ty Aadif'or Depu t X 1r w dr Qz 0 f-0 o2/ .2 L 20:1 RATIO - FILMING