sbmb023_025TOWNSITE OF i 2190.3' A 2s•te' � h r G O wNERs CERT /F /GATE. We the . utrdersiyned hereby certify th4f we are fhe owners Of Or are //7tereSted it7 the /and //rc /waded in fhe svbdi ✓isio/r shown on the annexed map alto' than" we -1000, , • are the on/ ersons whose consent is' necessa to conYe c lear fit /e to Said /a/rd, and we consent' to Ahe malrin9 of Soid reap and Subd;v - soon, and hereby dedicate to pub /ic use a// �r /, &.�,�, ;•." � -., ,SP ee1` Shown and trot heretofore dedicated, reserving therefrom fhe exclusive right fo fir:: •T� i a carrstruc 177airrtai,7 and repair rai /roads, Telephone, electric. light and pole litres of a// kinds, and �'' waterworks wifftin this subdivision. �' i r o a STATE OF CAL /FORK /A.1 QJ Cou/Yry of Los Arrg On this __day of______ _ / a.A.D, before /rte d,C____ -__ a Notary Public in arra for e County of Los Angeles, State of California residing therein du /y comtrtissioned and s•rrorn ,persona //y appeal - ed _ Frgrrk_�.�'1/a od-5 _ p%?d _ �ar�c�______ -W.Q 2 -d�__ - -- __known to rrre lo be fhe persons whose narrres are ,subscribed to the annexed ttr,strvrneaf' and acAvrowledged AO me that they ecv d the same /lY 1W/T/yE55 WIEREOf I have hereunto ,set my hand A f y . fficial seal the day a/rd year in this cerfificafe, first abo ✓'e written. �: /Yo a,-- Pub /ic, /n a Aar th my of Los Atryeles, State of nia, trtm /s /O Expires s ,e * t I % , � Cl z 4 MY CO AUD /TORS CERT /F /GATE. �, -- -_ -___ �4udifor in and Aor fhe Govnty of Sant Betwa/-di/ro, 5fa e of California do hereby cer/fy t there are no baC/r taxes due or/ any parr of the lane' ir7c/vdea' within the s /�.i 40 1t ShOW17 on fhe annexed map aS fhe records Of fhe same appear o/r the book f /s e. v ir0/ /r/ and for th unty of San Ber77a/ S•taf of a/iforn%a. S p, 0 0 LENWOOD SAN HERIiARDIrIO COVHTY CALIFOR141A M BOARD OF SUPERV /SOBS CERT /F /GATE. SHEET 1 OF 3. On rr/otion 0 f_ 5upervi50r ____''�— �____,secondedby carried, %t is ordered that the /crap of hhe T0VYYS 1TE OF LE/ WOOD be Arrd �/ some iS hereby approYed a/rd the bond Ailed in the office of f17i5 Board a.5 security Aor Payment of tax a } irr fhe S virr of __ __- `�% u _ _ y_ _which i.5 hereby �` %xed as the re9vired amount of card bored to the payment of all faxed which at the t /rne OX Ai /iiry of said rnap a Ilea a94 /nst 'arty ,sdGfr tract, .svbd/risiotr Or par' ¢hereof bv/ trot ye7' pQyab /e, Ana' the• Clerk of Phis Board is hereby d/rected to indorse bi$ certificate art said reap 5170winq that said Bond ha,s' been filed as relaired by /aver. C00-17ty Cle4arY4 ex offic /o Clerk of the Board of .5vperY/SOrs. SURVEYORS AND ASSESSORS CERT /F/cATE. We;.tf/r v siy�ea' Gov/rf �5d/rveyor frrd County Assessor of ,Sort Bernardino County, State of Califor,,7 a, A'o hereby cent %fy that We have ex- atnined the /and sfrorrtr on the Z?MleX&at /n as f'o i/`s Y a/ue for residence and corr/rr/ercia/ purposes and do hereby recotntnerta' its acceptance And oppr �o,ra/ by fhe Boardof.5uperYisors. ounty S - - - --„- , ---------- county Assessor. If ;,-,by Fox, hereby certify that jam a CiY Engineer and Licensed ,surv0yor and that this /nap consisting of 3 Sheets correctly represents a survey /Wade under m st/perrisien in April /922• s Civil Erryitreer and Gi ensced ,Surveyor. JVAP APPRaVEO Loan ,SvrY PORTION O N.W. A SEC. 17. T.9 N. R. 2W. S.B.B. &. M. Outlined in Red shown on the fol lowing Sheets. I ; , -�- Sheet 3 I I I I I I I I - -- I I I i J / �.• /. k R n ���' ' mi l'' • o� o. qj ri 0 L sheep �e, re et. u f Q N � t M M I 0 0 N i rk C; \ v V N Q Ql I I j I I f Q N � t M M I 0 0 N i rk C;