sbmb024_0111 frnd o /d � 5ef / "x42" /ro17 ,ol,�7e � 4 "be /olv .Sur {c�ce . I 3o I ,30' i i i I I 0 X91 I n l O �I i I I i I .I 30 1 30 0 U �t 0 0 l 0 h --------- - - - - -- /Yf,9°.5 - 9,74 1320 - - - -- - - -- -- be%H' rood surfoce 7`or S. �'Y. �.or - Lo {365 Y N.GYCorZ o13G8 i e-1 NO T"E 3 .. u 36' ­ )eeo'woo d stokes oef 4,t c// lot corners. Beorinss ore /e, - urine& by So /or Observcn roo. Oisfornces cos ObOW.r7 e71V f o �ico of st A crec7ge co, fo center- of odjacw7A -Tfreefs c7rx�' fo fhe center- cw G of A. 5 89 °69 /Y G5� 62 Ne Cur- Lot 965 .Set %z'' x 36 G4 /✓ ,o;,oe . 4'h e %w .surfs T� i I i I - �o Vi vD "r�' c r MAP DA-VAN l/R,4/YKENS RESUBD /l�/S /ON ael.,g o s�bdiv1s1o1-? of LOT X365 of" o subdivision of Lands be%ng115 fo �`he S,E'M'/ TiPOPIC L LAD & WA TZR CO. os r corded in A fc7o Book // of Ro9e 12 fhei - eon, Son Bernordino Co.. Records. J Dc?vrdson. G%v%/ E179 1,12eer 5cc7 /e / /00 We, fhe undersigned, hereby certify 7`hof nee ore 7 owr o{ f•/7e /ond ir�c /uo'ec/ tvi/hlr7 fhe subdivision shown orr 7 or717exe d rr,00 c7nd 7hc7f we are •/he on /y ,Cersons whose con--Ik--/7/ is riece ssary fo c017vey o c %r ti //e fv soid . /ond and we hereby consent ;Ao fhe rnakin 07',50/& mop C77d scrborvision one/ hereby dec/icate /0 pub /ic use cT // sfi on said Mop wi11iin sc�ica' subdivision. .57A TE OF' CAL /FO,QIYIA COUNrY OF SAN BEA:'1YA PD1No ss On /his z -•s'oy o { �L Y, eJ �gti3 be {ore me �lai��C,a 1 a - c7 /Nofory in arrd {or 7%e Cvunfy of San B2rr70rt:1117o, Sfvte o{ C<7k 0rnio, r e3idih9 fhereir� c/u /y c0r77r77 /ssr0r7ed cynd SWorri persvn- cr//y oppeored before rrre . A. Bran I�em and MoZ1'Y d.fl kramfpert known 4o /77e h--7 be 7%7e per�ons r4, use 17a177eS ors subxribec7' 7' f onrre iiWsfrumerrf vnc7' oc,Eroyv /edged fo me fhof they execu -0' fhe scrrr,L . 11Y W /TNE - SS MyEREOF, 1 hove hereunto set rr,y fiend 47nd c7ffixeo'rny 01WC co 15(70/ fire ca'c7y and yeor in 7 c=er icc7fe fist vbove) r, � V .. /Yot`c 1-y Elib /.c- in C71-71 r soid County 4nd safe. We, fhe uno'er,3ic�ned, County Surveyor and G'our,fy Assessor; in and fo fhe Gounfy of San B2r17C1- 7'1170, Safe o{Co /if 01-1710, do herwb certify fhc77 we hove 0WC7rl7inec;' c-vch and evQry /.of de 1117e07&& on -1h1s Mop cos fo ifs vo/ue -io'o - esidenfi 7/ a1-- cornrnoreiv/ uae, ono' do hereby recot77rr7er7c/ i7`3 cocceptvnce and opprovo/ by -`fie ,Boor& of SupE!rvisors. Gounfy surveyor. z G`ourrf y AI s.se s sor: 1923. On rn o fiOn .Supery�s s2con'ed c� by Supervisor and curried, 17 r.3 orcle lecl Y12 f f /Ylop of DA.VAN ORANKENS RESUBD /V /S /ON be and Ahe Borne is hereby op roved crr7d fhe bond � /ed in 74741(7 o {� of f/� ljoord ®f Suoer visors c7s se cur; f for . - /be J ' OY nenf o {7`oxes //7 - 117e Burn of AYi o4 do / %r yvbl&b is hereby {Xeol os - 1he requir eo' arr ce`'soic/ bow' 7 1*17Sur poyr?7er-rf o{ o// -`oxes which car e of 7417(7 7`rrne <1/ %r7g card reap a h er? C 4 lIZ57 4 .50X7' 7`rocf , .subc%ivisioa or par4 thereof, 64 , /e is herby 000roveQl urn& 7 C/erk of 7%9 800rd or 5up¢rvisors i.3 'hereby orirecfea' fo enc%rse Phis cer7`- ifi'cafe orr 7`his !✓/oo shovvirr_9 that 5010' bona' hos been 7 i 1ed c7.s requic ed by l 7 w oP'70' fhof - 1, 7 e -f re9 oins vr-der ri�os gdopfec/ by -1 17e Board of _0 er visors of o - meeting he /o' Gpvrrfy G rk orxV' ,Ex O /cio G /¢r,E of - ' 4 he Boor& 07 Svo2r Visors Bemo ii70 aie&7& Dep�74y � G Thereby certify 7 maces on fhe property c�!Q /ir�otec�' on fhe 4rnexec7'rnop op pevrinS ©r, record ih 7%e books of 7`/�e o>�ce cam •f/� un7y Audii'nr or-rz r' , exc¢p/ fcrxe3 no ,00yob /e. Cournfy Auc7 Sorr 5e rnarC1iiro Gourrty- Mqp o�oproved ✓tdu 2� /.923 G surveyor. I hereby certify /hot 1 c r1-, o 1. icen .seq' Lc 7c' Surveyor of fhe ,Sfcafp of Go /i {ornio vnc/ fhof fhi3 moo consisfin� Cl one s17ee7 corrt2c7� /J rQ,cresenfs a survey mode under my supervisior� in ,June /9Z3 arrd fhof a// fhe 177olullne177G shoWn 4c'7�Ud 11y (7)11 c=nod their positions are correcf/y .5 170Wn. OU eased LC?/7C/ Surveyor J