bm_B 406v DFSCRIPTION Of BENCH NIAPK U `3.C. & t:.S' Designation B 4'06 _Stale _ Cal forn {,aunty �1'deJ __— . ,erside County designation _ �,,.. ..,,,.,ri,�m,_ �.- � -.«��- •°'°'°""" Nearest Town W.11 t 2Wa t2Y ` w County fi `". ;i. =;taat<e and Direction from ncai�est town _3--8.11711QS__114P�[L_. A a,,�Q EP; =�'u Chjracter of Mark stablished by ,one y131 N.5 OEYNRTMENT OF COMMERCE s. e. v. s <tai'ed Description RECOVERY NOTE BENCH MARK B 406 Statc California County Riverside _. eh tovatar County _ d -f .eon bom nearest town 3.8 miles north (, Cl a t nark ,y StamDin� tt� h, 5d Pen t Mon Q011 II J r1',rl 3.8 miles north along the Whit ... te River Canyon road from the Junction of tl. S, 2i0t N7 99 near Phitewater, Riverside County, on the Seat aide of a low hill, and about 100 yards aouthoast of the centerline of the road. A standard disk, stamped "A 405 .933' and at In the top of a concrete poet, - - -- - -- - - - -- - - -- -- NC'E.- -Trio bench mark vas eaarchod for but not reaovered'in February 1954. �estrcyed 196d Date: 1949 Ele 2013.644 Date Date _ Date — _. Date Elev, Elev. Elev. P;lev.