bm_B 4091 7 �h,er DES(AKIP ?ZJC OF s., F?fIl§ of 61?Pf � , toon B 409 Stare _ California _Riverside ::e.f lown _ Whitewater cc,ynty D) r c 6or, . fron) „ eares I to 2.3 miles north_. of Ma* k bronze disk Statnpcd B 409 1935 Datc, D , -3i; { 1 ') s;, sprkm _._ RECOVERY NOTE, BENCH MARK ' J 0 Ne t 409 State California County Riverside 'n it coats, 'County Riverside ChirfofParty W. F.Malnate -__ - - - -. -_- Dia tnco anti rw nn from nearest town 2, a ,ark 3 miles north Recovery Data Feb, 1960 -- Ch r t r ! bronze disk Estaer tic; rs Stampiny B 409 1935 Prencnt cande,.n good De.,[o report -. .About 0.2: mile wost along' the old portion of - U.S, Highway - 99 from the cost oM ce at 1 ^4;itewater, thence 2,1 miles north along the White- ^e cr Can ycn Road, 159.0 feet north of Bench Nark C 409, 25 feet north — a. east of the centerline of the old ifiitewater Canyon Road and set in the top of a concrete post projecting Lbout 6 inches, Date: 1949 Elevation: 1709,081 Dac:. Date -_ -._ ____- Date - -.__. _. Date