sbmb028_054.h ARROWHEAD ¢` THE ATCN /SON TOPEKA AND SANTA /AE RAILROAD ,5. W. Cof 77jer Z0132 ArmwhebdTra'f 0 PARK 60' UN IT Ng z. Qj TRACT NO 1969 MA P OF PLAZA fRl VIERS 4 AY 6 r9iz B ein a -5ubdi vision o va ortion of L of 3Z of the .9rrowheocJ Tract t 9 �° z � City of Son Bernord/ Coliforn 3- S COIe 1"-80' �v d PLACE N ,N 3 1$T South / /n�° of 3 /fit P/oce 89 °3 /�E Nt G I W Q tll� 60' h - - T 30 - rH N ' N N _ v CITY 0FF 1C1,4L'5 CERT /F /CA E I. AWL j W Q Q j 60 Q 0 Q O V V Q .--40' T 60 ~ S. ECorner Lof.32 Arrowheod Tr27C/ 1 Sel2xz "sfo%s o / /corners Reso /ved b� the /7oyor and Cormnon Council offhe Ci y 0,(90,77 Bernordi7o 11701 the ma of PLAZA M/ ZERE he ondthe same /s fiere6y adopted and the sfreefs and alleys thereon shown ore here6yae pled a-s Pub //C 51MCI --5 and/l /ley -. Ayesfi &,77 9 21 u r r►S Rn u,� ' ILL12�eP 2 S _Cfy C lerk /, hereby oPp the fo r eyom9 reso of/cn_ - - i"loyor SUPER /NTE/VDENT OF STREETS /, hereby, certify that all sfreel and Sewer ossessrrmen 1 5 on the properly shown on the annexed mop are 001'd upe l? en ent o pt rect s /" /0,P Approved Mop Approved h I 24 h h 2 23 h h 3 2Z h h 4 21 h h 29 44 o� h 5 Z0 h o z 30 19 h 7 18 h h 8 17 h h 9 16 h 1� 10 15 a ii 14 35 38 �Z 13 /33� /z4.6 -- 0 PARK 60' UN IT Ng z. Qj TRACT NO 1969 MA P OF PLAZA fRl VIERS 4 AY 6 r9iz B ein a -5ubdi vision o va ortion of L of 3Z of the .9rrowheocJ Tract t 9 �° z � City of Son Bernord/ Coliforn 3- S COIe 1"-80' �v d PLACE N ,N 3 1$T South / /n�° of 3 /fit P/oce 89 °3 /�E Nt G I W Q tll� 60' h - - T 30 - rH N ' N N _ v CITY 0FF 1C1,4L'5 CERT /F /CA E I. AWL j W Q Q j 60 Q 0 Q O V V Q .--40' T 60 ~ S. ECorner Lof.32 Arrowheod Tr27C/ 1 Sel2xz "sfo%s o / /corners Reso /ved b� the /7oyor and Cormnon Council offhe Ci y 0,(90,77 Bernordi7o 11701 the ma of PLAZA M/ ZERE he ondthe same /s fiere6y adopted and the sfreefs and alleys thereon shown ore here6yae pled a-s Pub //C 51MCI --5 and/l /ley -. Ayesfi &,77 9 21 u r r►S Rn u,� ' ILL12�eP 2 S _Cfy C lerk /, hereby oPp the fo r eyom9 reso of/cn_ - - i"loyor SUPER /NTE/VDENT OF STREETS /, hereby, certify that all sfreel and Sewer ossessrrmen 1 5 on the properly shown on the annexed mop are 001'd upe l? en ent o pt rect s /" /0,P Approved Mop Approved Arr'oW ii-ocr County Surveyor. Cry Enyineer, OWNERS CERT /F/CATE We the undersigned, hereby certify that we av owners offhe land 112duo within the subdivision shown on the onl7exed mop and thol we ore the on/ypersons whose consents necessory to convey clear fi/fe to soi4' /and and we hereby consenf f0, (fie 127akiri9 o/ 50AV /770,,0 and subavrsion and hereby dedcate f0 Pubtic use ffje streets anel o /%ys shown on the ori17exedI770p of soio' sa did /sign. P o r, e r- r A b stC-4C w �- roS• S cc. ,5URveyoR:5 AIV,0,4 v5 CERT IFICATE We the ur/dersiyned Caun/y5Z11 oriel Colin )1 Assessor i17 orid for the Courtly of.SO77 ,5er/roidn0 State ofCo/loll?/o do hereby Cerl/ y 117a1We hove e,'arr7 each a77c/every /a de %Red 0/; rnop 0,s f0, ifs v0, /ve 1'r resideRio/ or�c/ corr�- merciol uses al;d da hereby recornrnen4'ifs occe�ofonee or�a' approval i y the Board onS�e ors Gou/7ry tiss em u. COUNTY AUD ITOR hereby certfy fhof o/ /taxes on the prooer /y deel /nealed on the annexed op oPpeorin9 4017 r o n the books in the affce offhe Colin ua'for ore,00id ep/ foxes not yet payo6 /e. . our/ty flua✓tor San Qerl7or /no Cour/ CORPORATION ACK/VOWLEOGE/`1E/VT .Stole of Ca/ifor-n10 Counfy of Son Bernard%70 On this �fl� _do of�^1� - 1925 before a /✓ofory Public 117 arx�'tor the County 01'9,7,7 Bernardino .State of Co /110,-170,, resdii7y therein da /y c0177171i5 a17o'Sworn, perso Oopeared — - - - - - J - hr7O ,? fa 1ne 1'o be the f'resi �/ f ✓1t'�t Ls�c Qs tfU — /rnown to me to be the Secrelaryof the �-, � � f � - -�Y �1' ��_ the corporofion fhofexeculed the `vifhin insf, /ri7own 1'V me 1'0 be thepersoI75 who executed the wilhih 117,51rumenf in beho /f of the corporafion (herein norneo' oric/ oc/r�ow /edged tome fhof such corporalon execufed the same, /n wr/r/ess whereoF /have hereur/fo sd rrWhn'7d and affzec/rny o111cio /seof the do o77dy r ire fh cerfifcafe / ;sf above wrifter� No %ry i,7,,,, d fcr soirJ Gou�nfy ondSlo %. /'7y com.nission expires -��-4. .f -S_ - �' z SUPERVISORS CERT IFICATE On motion of Supervisor - f.-�. _ second ,-a / by Supervis - - - and carried if /s ordered thol the rno a/ roc/ N 1969 be ono/ the some 1a hereby op roved 4717, the bond 1'i %d in the office of the Board of Su ✓rso�s as o securify for the poymenf of foxes In the Sum � a _ cfo / %rs which /'s hereby fined os the re9uired amount oPsaii/ bond 1'o 1,17-5 ure the porymen/ of a// foxes which ore 0,1 the fine off /a of so /d m op o t/er1 oyoir7sf - soio subd vrson or par! thereof bufr/ol yel /e, isliere6y oPpraved c %r/< offhe Boad.Su�rvisors /s hereby a//rec% f0, endorse this cerffco% on this map .Showsr fhof soil bona/ /7as been filed as re9uired b /ow or�d the fo rer/ oi n9 order was odo by the Board ot'Supervisars al a rnecli�9 he /don the. _r /915 cwn, y clerk and ex -afci6 clerk ol' the Board o / Supervisors or San Bernoroii7o county Ca/ifornio. 7 1 t �r NOTARY:S CERTIFICATE $fold of Cahkrn /o Colin /y 01'Soo,6e177ardho Ss On this_ —A _ doy o%,4 j 1 _ _ 1905 before me I v-W56 : - jAs A C-,m cA)_ _ o Nolory Pub /rc 10, ood for the Cavr2fy of Son &- rnordrho .State o/"Callornia duly cam - missionj oar svuorn persona //y c� a d. AO _ rte• -14 :nmt s - - - - - — - - - - - - - �'/721[�Vl7 'f0, me f0, be the persons whose nornes arc subscribed /o the annexed /hs /rurnenl an-14e;67ow/edyea /o me fhofffiey execvfao the sorry In wilness w`iere of t, hove, hereunto self Iny hand and off /zed 177y officio/ sea oy and year lnfhis certifcofe f%rSt 460 ✓�° Wr/%I`en 4 0 t1 a ryb /c �0170'FOr501idl Co�nlyoadSfate My cor7177%s expires Vie- G_ a_0, L7 _�- ENGINEERS CERT /F /CflTF /, C. E. ,Tohnson, hereby cerlifyfhal /ain a N- C17seo' Lana' Surveyor oflheSta /E ofCo /1(0,1170, al7d lho /this /`lop 610775i5h,ny of one sheel correcf/y represents a survey Made under rill SV�Oc°rv%S M duriny /larch /925 anal /hot allInorivmenfs shown acfuol/yexi.st ar7o' ffieir positions ore correcty sh5wvy �`� N. Z5 48 h 26 47 h h Z7 46 h h 28 45 h h 29 44 h v 30 43 h h 31 4Z h h 3Z 41 h h 33 -40 h 34 39 35 38 3 6 37 /33� /z4.6 -- Arr'oW ii-ocr County Surveyor. Cry Enyineer, OWNERS CERT /F/CATE We the undersigned, hereby certify that we av owners offhe land 112duo within the subdivision shown on the onl7exed mop and thol we ore the on/ypersons whose consents necessory to convey clear fi/fe to soi4' /and and we hereby consenf f0, (fie 127akiri9 o/ 50AV /770,,0 and subavrsion and hereby dedcate f0 Pubtic use ffje streets anel o /%ys shown on the ori17exedI770p of soio' sa did /sign. P o r, e r- r A b stC-4C w �- roS• S cc. ,5URveyoR:5 AIV,0,4 v5 CERT IFICATE We the ur/dersiyned Caun/y5Z11 oriel Colin )1 Assessor i17 orid for the Courtly of.SO77 ,5er/roidn0 State ofCo/loll?/o do hereby Cerl/ y 117a1We hove e,'arr7 each a77c/every /a de %Red 0/; rnop 0,s f0, ifs v0, /ve 1'r resideRio/ or�c/ corr�- merciol uses al;d da hereby recornrnen4'ifs occe�ofonee or�a' approval i y the Board onS�e ors Gou/7ry tiss em u. COUNTY AUD ITOR hereby certfy fhof o/ /taxes on the prooer /y deel /nealed on the annexed op oPpeorin9 4017 r o n the books in the affce offhe Colin ua'for ore,00id ep/ foxes not yet payo6 /e. . our/ty flua✓tor San Qerl7or /no Cour/ CORPORATION ACK/VOWLEOGE/`1E/VT .Stole of Ca/ifor-n10 Counfy of Son Bernard%70 On this �fl� _do of�^1� - 1925 before a /✓ofory Public 117 arx�'tor the County 01'9,7,7 Bernardino .State of Co /110,-170,, resdii7y therein da /y c0177171i5 a17o'Sworn, perso Oopeared — - - - - - J - hr7O ,? fa 1ne 1'o be the f'resi �/ f ✓1t'�t Ls�c Qs tfU — /rnown to me to be the Secrelaryof the �-, � � f � - -�Y �1' ��_ the corporofion fhofexeculed the `vifhin insf, /ri7own 1'V me 1'0 be thepersoI75 who executed the wilhih 117,51rumenf in beho /f of the corporafion (herein norneo' oric/ oc/r�ow /edged tome fhof such corporalon execufed the same, /n wr/r/ess whereoF /have hereur/fo sd rrWhn'7d and affzec/rny o111cio /seof the do o77dy r ire fh cerfifcafe / ;sf above wrifter� No %ry i,7,,,, d fcr soirJ Gou�nfy ondSlo %. /'7y com.nission expires -��-4. .f -S_ - �' z SUPERVISORS CERT IFICATE On motion of Supervisor - f.-�. _ second ,-a / by Supervis - - - and carried if /s ordered thol the rno a/ roc/ N 1969 be ono/ the some 1a hereby op roved 4717, the bond 1'i %d in the office of the Board of Su ✓rso�s as o securify for the poymenf of foxes In the Sum � a _ cfo / %rs which /'s hereby fined os the re9uired amount oPsaii/ bond 1'o 1,17-5 ure the porymen/ of a// foxes which ore 0,1 the fine off /a of so /d m op o t/er1 oyoir7sf - soio subd vrson or par! thereof bufr/ol yel /e, isliere6y oPpraved c %r/< offhe Boad.Su�rvisors /s hereby a//rec% f0, endorse this cerffco% on this map .Showsr fhof soil bona/ /7as been filed as re9uired b /ow or�d the fo rer/ oi n9 order was odo by the Board ot'Supervisars al a rnecli�9 he /don the. _r /915 cwn, y clerk and ex -afci6 clerk ol' the Board o / Supervisors or San Bernoroii7o county Ca/ifornio. 7 1 t �r NOTARY:S CERTIFICATE $fold of Cahkrn /o Colin /y 01'Soo,6e177ardho Ss On this_ —A _ doy o%,4 j 1 _ _ 1905 before me I v-W56 : - jAs A C-,m cA)_ _ o Nolory Pub /rc 10, ood for the Cavr2fy of Son &- rnordrho .State o/"Callornia duly cam - missionj oar svuorn persona //y c� a d. AO _ rte• -14 :nmt s - - - - - — - - - - - - - �'/721[�Vl7 'f0, me f0, be the persons whose nornes arc subscribed /o the annexed /hs /rurnenl an-14e;67ow/edyea /o me fhofffiey execvfao the sorry In wilness w`iere of t, hove, hereunto self Iny hand and off /zed 177y officio/ sea oy and year lnfhis certifcofe f%rSt 460 ✓�° Wr/%I`en 4 0 t1 a ryb /c �0170'FOr501idl Co�nlyoadSfate My cor7177%s expires Vie- G_ a_0, L7 _�- ENGINEERS CERT /F /CflTF /, C. E. ,Tohnson, hereby cerlifyfhal /ain a N- C17seo' Lana' Surveyor oflheSta /E ofCo /1(0,1170, al7d lho /this /`lop 610775i5h,ny of one sheel correcf/y represents a survey Made under rill SV�Oc°rv%S M duriny /larch /925 anal /hot allInorivmenfs shown acfuol/yexi.st ar7o' ffieir positions ore correcty sh5wvy �`� N.