sbmb028_060INDEXED I X3 JCO% / - /oo' 0 124 I o /U z 3 /2G A_ /2 LAIU�EL 1,e6 1 /2 /26 1 1.26_ F o. -T, <r *;oe V hub G.3o ' we r/ al /293 3 Sou /h /o concre /e man• -Nor /h line Fop /hi // B/vd. �1 L.- s /i, 0 I IZ6 o�ivE' /.2 12 d _ l N O 1126 W � . J q' J Q G o 1 do cor. /-141,x' /2 / 60 /o 'RZ2 Fd. 3 X3'iE?W. hu N.E.�or. /0 4 dz ti. � 0 �l w --�-- T R •o. G` N O. 13"72. -- A sUBDivi,tsronV OW 7 A - IE EA s 7 OF' ' FARM LOT NO. 4/S - %Yem1 - rQo, ?/C LA tVD AND PVA7 - ,E 2 COM5OAIVYS .SUD. WP 117P u1 neregy certify /ho/ we ore the• owners of /fie land /nC/uded w / /h /n /h a sub division aho wn on the onnC-.red m ov and /ho/ we ore /h on /y, person& W,;O con - :zent /.S neces.7'or y to Con VC V* r-7 c %qt- t /t /e _to .ao id /0/ 0/7d PVC h ereby 'corhsen .to /he mom //�9 of .3o /d moo vnd(' - :?ubdiv/sion, and t ereby dedico /� to public - u.70 -_ o// a /re•e /s shown on ..oid rnoo w/t hi.n acrid 4r'ub..div1- SL- jRV1� ORS ANO ASS — �SSC�F =t G�RT1F'1GAT�. We the cynders/gned, Coun /,y 5ur✓eyo, vnd County A.sse.ssor, in and for the C6urny of *Son B ern or lino, S /ofP oP Cv /iforn i a, do hereby certify iho/ we hv✓e eorh on d C-- /o/ delineated on tt7e onnex&d moo 0.5 to //S vo /ue fbr res /o'en / /o/ or commer- c %/ uses, ornd do hPreb recommend its ec- ceo%nce ornd oporo ✓o/ b, y e Boor& of Super ✓i or.T. ou rv7q — / L C'oun� assessor. Mu -- GKRTIF"IGATE am ' ,here y certi ,,.,yy > of om v license Land Sur ✓eyor of //gyp JItMe' of Co / //brn /o, vnd . //io/ //7A0 mop cona //rn of one sheet c0r recl1,v rQ,oresen /s o .SUrve"y mode under- r" .Super - v/.s /o/n in Feb. /9,2.5, and /1'70/ 0// rnonurr)cn shown oc./c/o% Pxizl and their ,00si /ian.s ore Correct showr�. Z/cen ea L on d luurve yor, GOL� NTY AvGiT0 ' / herebyy' cerY /y that o// fo /BPS on the ,oroP- erfy de /ineoled on /he annexed won G�Poear•- /r)c/ = on 'record in 1;he boo /�s of /h.p ice of the County Aud// r orp ,aoid, e Cr / e.5 no/ onty Aud //or -Son Bern ordino Co un y . , ' r. . qD/o /e of G o//forni o C04//74y of 00/7 Be : 3s ' On th / o of � = before rne, No Dry Aublic /n on d for the Goun� of San Bernvrd /no, cS/oie of Co /ifornio, reaid/ny therein, dui cornmissiorr ed and sworn, ,oersono / %y oopeared E M. Gosh On d c/ E. M c Mv/7iS /Gnown to me to 6e the or'psiden/ o�d oasis /an/ .seci fvi - yy , res oecfi ✓e / C fhe Firs/ Nofion0/ �on.0 of . i2ivT /o 7h _e co'-Roro /1 fho/ a cecu /ec/ /lie wii`hin, v/ fore901139 /nstrumen/, �rto�n / m e to be /he ,persons who o.rc�cufed /he wi/'hi� /its /�-vrnenf, on beho f of' /he " coroo�^oi`ion (herein norneo', and oc,C r r�.ow /ec�9od /o t»e /hof such Oor °- fi00 C-Xec& -, O' /h 2 /n vV/ /Hess whereof / ho ✓P hPrPU/�f set n7 h o� v' art d offi,� ed my off'i c / o/ .s�o/ /he da vnd year' in /his Cer•t*i i ofe Piro' / gbo ✓e t�✓r /i`fc��. � _*41y comrnissior� a it s- SuP� R�/ISORS GE RTIF'1CAT On mot /on of Superviso z _ .seconded by s5uoer ✓isor�,����; ;,d Corr /e d it /s 0.)de,---e d /,7 the /77C7.,0 of TI'-oC t /9 be or the 301 /s hereby oopro✓eo' ornd /he bond Filed /n the off /ce of t/-7e Board of y for lh e, poyrnent of taxes irn the sure of 24 (:7b / %P-,f w/iich iy hereby f/xed o..s the requ/r -moo' ( =r- mourn/ of .3o /d bond to insure =C� ymen / of all /oxe.3' r✓17/ch ore of the //r7-)e of f///nqq of aoid rnoo, a / /en ogo/n.st o'o /d tract "'ubd /v/- Zion, or ,Dorf therPOP, but not yet ,ovyob /e; is hereby oo ono' the C/er/c 0/' 1he- Board Of �'uoer ✓isor.3 AY hereby rec /o endorse /h /J cert /f /cafe on this rnop .3hovv- iny /ho/ .said bond tio.s been }'i/ed os re - quired b /ow, and that the foregoing on�'er was odoP%d by the Boor of Sue vi.SOras Cour7 C /ere on d EX. Offi i 0 C /err of / Baor .Sv e Visors Oon 5er1 CO. Mo,� Approved - ouny�'ur v yor. /E► - .9 // /ot corners moi- /led by .z xa" s /owes I NDEX ED mayy�,, I