bm_B 581, 0a C. & t .'>, Df "nation g 581 Riverside Coctnw Designation Near-, sr 1'own _ Bann I fkstttnc and D.rc crgo_r, from nearest town h:rrnr x °r of Mark Standard disk 1'-iabl,sbed by ktadlvd Dcscrlption _. Date Elev DESCR HIT '[ON (De I FN'! et MARK r.�.o California t 4 miles northt1fest Date DESCRIPTION OF BENCH MARK Do,i,at'on B 581 State California County Riverside Noarest row, ?arming Count Dlstenco and dhmtion bom neat town -bo= 4 miles northwest i Character of more Established by Stam pin, Detailed description Ahout 4 "ilea northwest -long the B.lnring Carryon road frore the Net office at Banning, Riverside County, 50 feet vest of telephoce pole 1624, 23 feet swth of th- centerline of the road, and 1 -1/2 feet north of a 4– try 5 –foot boulder, A stand -rd dirk, t,., -d et 581 1939" and art la the top of a concrete post. .M w� Note. —Tn April 1 954, MGS reported this mark not raa..rad. D�rored f a w- Date _ Date Elev. Elev. i Jrder — < >ttt,n, R l vers i de