sbmb030_014INDEXED Reque7zt r / DEC/ ?925 r file (Ae 3/,Z No - 2 Iron pipes so/ a/ v// /o/ corners on Mocy- no/io Ave., and .2 "x 2" s /orcos a/ o// o /hers. GO Q O V Go TRACT 2077 CARTER TRACT Beinq o subdivision o/ The Wes/ %z o/' form /o/ 5/8 Semi • Trooic L. -IN. Co. su6. As .-, cme /s recorc'ood i n Boos // (-)/* /yo011 , PC.790 12 ,Pecor San Beli0 Co. OWNERS CERT/F /CA TE: We /he undersigned hereby certify /ho/ we are /he owners o/ /he /ono inc%deo' w//h/n the subdivision shown on /he annexed mop and /ho/ we ore the on /y persons whose consen/ /s necessary /o convey o clear 1111e to said /and and we hereby consen/ to Me ma,r 1179 o/ said map ono' subdivision. SURVEYORS AND ASSZUJO/P,� CER The - 1C,q TE, We The unders /geed, .Coun/ Surveyor and Counfy A rsessor, /n and for /he Counfy o/ Son Bernardino, S /a /e of Ca//lorn/b, do here- by cer /ify /hol we have ex•oinined each and every /o/ de//neofed on /his moo as /o Ifs value for resider / /o/ or cor»marcio/ uses and do hereby recommend i/s occeolance ono' 000rovo/ by /he Bo ord o/ Supervisors. Coun Surveyor Caun /y Assessor COUNrY AUDITOR / hereby cerli/y ihol all loxes on /he properly de///neoleo' on 1he onoe.reo' moo oopeor%ng on record /n /he boo*--s o/ /he 0//ice o/ /he Counfy Aud% /or ore ,avid, ercep/ loxes no/ yel ,00y able. Counly Auditor ENG /NEEDS C,6R T /F /CA 7 / Edgar T Ham hereby cerfify lhol l orn o Licensed Land .Surveyor of Me .Stole of Co/Ifornio, and Mal /his rnoo consist- ing of one sheel correc //y ropresenls a survey made by me 49 December 1925, and /hat a// monumenls shown oc/uolly ex and /he ir ,00slllons ore correcl /y shown. Licen. Land Surveyor i J SCO /e / = /00 ' NO TA 4? Y- 57 CEK' T /F /CA TE Sole of Ca//fornio ss Coun /y o f Son Q e•rncrd%no on 1 p� � h1 - 'sl doy of �,ucr�w�u+d92S, before me cC a Nolory Dub /ic in ona' for /he C'oun/y of Son Bernardino, /ale of Co /- i/ornio, residing !herein, du l comrn /ssioned and sworrn personally appeared �, ". G'u.r� an d o,7'. O. xno wn to me to be /he Persons whose names ore subscribed /o Me annexed Ins/rumen/ and ac.crnow /edged /o me /ho/ They executed the some. In wilness whereof, / have hereunto se/ my hond and olfixed my o///C/O/ seal 112e doy nd year io this erlilicofe firs/ obove writ /en. �Nory P /n and r said Coun /y and S/c /e. My commission eoir•vs, 7�YJ �v �L �9 a 9 x • SUPERVISORS CEk::'T /F /CATS On motion o r 5uoer-v,sor by Supervisor and carried, /T is ordered 1ho/ fhe moo o/ Trocl 0�7 be, and fhe some is hereby yproveo' and /he bond lied in The afi'ce of 112e Board of Suoerv�sors os securi/y for the ,00yrnenf of Taxes in The sum o10.2_00 dollars, which Is hereby fixed os 1he required amoun/ o/' said bond fo insure P vyrn en! of o// loses which are o/ The 1/me o/ filing so/c( moo, o lien oga %n s/ so%o' /r•ocl sub - division or pot/ /hereol bu/ nol yel oaayab /e, is hereby approv- ed ono' /he G/erK of lAe Board of .Suoervisars is hereby d/r - ecled /o endorse /his cerbl'icole on /his mop show /ng //ho/ said bond has been filed cs required by low ono' Thal The lore - yo /n9 order wos adooled b the Sooro' Z7l SuPery /sots a,/ o rnee/- log he /o; oC e., /:P � s � Counl C /or -,•c anc ex a!/icio C /er.- of fhe Board o! SuPerY45or5 By • Depu / Moo Approved our Surveyor 6cl Mop Approved C /y Enyineer- Rio /% K0 Nb✓ cot /ol 5/6 .Sc/ • 4?R.e Found /ran A;0C Eos1 S. /:ne Tr'oc/ 19W NE. Coe !n•' X2 /o/ •sib v G30 9 c b � V J ZD ZD 7 c o SO V� 0 Z. 0 5 v 4 �. G3o 3 V � G o V / 4 o S. W. or /o j S/B 1Nes /'tie o ! S E. Cow W %z o/ 519 ,Set ,oioe Se/ s1or:'e �Zro v � d o o G E� M � h i J SCO /e / = /00 ' NO TA 4? Y- 57 CEK' T /F /CA TE Sole of Ca//fornio ss Coun /y o f Son Q e•rncrd%no on 1 p� � h1 - 'sl doy of �,ucr�w�u+d92S, before me cC a Nolory Dub /ic in ona' for /he C'oun/y of Son Bernardino, /ale of Co /- i/ornio, residing !herein, du l comrn /ssioned and sworrn personally appeared �, ". G'u.r� an d o,7'. O. xno wn to me to be /he Persons whose names ore subscribed /o Me annexed Ins/rumen/ and ac.crnow /edged /o me /ho/ They executed the some. In wilness whereof, / have hereunto se/ my hond and olfixed my o///C/O/ seal 112e doy nd year io this erlilicofe firs/ obove writ /en. �Nory P /n and r said Coun /y and S/c /e. My commission eoir•vs, 7�YJ �v �L �9 a 9 x • SUPERVISORS CEk::'T /F /CATS On motion o r 5uoer-v,sor by Supervisor and carried, /T is ordered 1ho/ fhe moo o/ Trocl 0�7 be, and fhe some is hereby yproveo' and /he bond lied in The afi'ce of 112e Board of Suoerv�sors os securi/y for the ,00yrnenf of Taxes in The sum o10.2_00 dollars, which Is hereby fixed os 1he required amoun/ o/' said bond fo insure P vyrn en! of o// loses which are o/ The 1/me o/ filing so/c( moo, o lien oga %n s/ so%o' /r•ocl sub - division or pot/ /hereol bu/ nol yel oaayab /e, is hereby approv- ed ono' /he G/erK of lAe Board of .Suoervisars is hereby d/r - ecled /o endorse /his cerbl'icole on /his mop show /ng //ho/ said bond has been filed cs required by low ono' Thal The lore - yo /n9 order wos adooled b the Sooro' Z7l SuPery /sots a,/ o rnee/- log he /o; oC e., /:P � s � Counl C /or -,•c anc ex a!/icio C /er.- of fhe Board o! SuPerY45or5 By • Depu / Moo Approved our Surveyor 6cl Mop Approved C /y Enyineer- Rio /% K0