sbmb030_073OWNEZ5 CER r iF /CA T' E 6'Ve /f?r r�dc�i'siyi�ec,� here c.'cr/ify //)a/ we urc Me owners of The /and .included within Me subdivision ,shown on f annexed rnoo Und fho/ we cre The on ,persons whose consenf /s necessary lo convey o cle ar /i" /o .said /ond and we , erel)y conscfnt To fhr mcKinq of .'50/0 mop Jnd �suria'i v�,� ion :off n LIZ Cry -O(,, �` � Y Z if i -� ;iL •✓ '/�,/ -' �iu� - �- - - - - 1 NOTA CER TIFICATE Sfafe of California ss. County of Los 19n9eAesi On ,this clay of be fore me o IYofor Publ /c In and for The County of ,Cos Ange les, Stale of CoAl'ornia, residing /herein, duly commissioned and sworn, Dersono o p,o eore d on d mown to me lo be fhe ,persons whose nomes are subscribed > fhe annexed /n.sfrumen ond ocxnow /edged lo me lhof they executed The carne. In witness whereof / have hereunto sef my hand and off iXed my officio/ sea/ fhe day ond year :n Phis cer- fificafe first above meolioned_ Nofory P ubic Ml commission expires, NO TA P YS CEP T / F /CA T,' Sfafe of California SS County of San Bernardino On ffii52,3 da of" Aptl 1, &726 before me,b,S 9oeJ_E, o No f ory Po b /i c in one for Me County of Son B er- ncrdino, Sfafe of Cot /forma, residin therein, du / com missioned ond sworn, ers /%y appeared CO W• 50 AP,+R05a M, and Jo If N AILI -EN ond e, P. t ° °%, W. S. 5µ AR osa l", t- u c I L E y i--i -E H 5 TRu sT Ew known ro me /o be fhe personas w126se homes ore 556- 15cri bed lo fhe annexed ir).sfrurnenf ond ocAc:now /QO�q ed /o me 'Ibof They eXeculed fhe soinC- -. /rJ witness whereof / have hereuolo sef my hand ond of/"i�eo� nay o/t /cio/ .seo/ fhe coy ye or ire /&5 cerlificole firs/ above men /ioneo! No /a ry Pv,d c /+'1�/ cornmiss:on e,�/,oires,/1`ov. � /yyy. sw TRACT IVA 2133. 4 MONrECI TO IYEMORIAL PARK INDEXED Recorded at Re q ij ., 0 iR Book ...✓.�..... of �a pa ge ....74:7r... s.nBwwr" c w, MAPS AY 6 BEING A 6 UBDI VISION OF A POR- TI OF rHE NW %4 54C. 35 T/S P4 1W ENG /N,E',E)eS CER riFICA TE / Edgar T. Nam here by certify f hot / lam o L i tensed Land Surveyor of The _sfcfe of Ce/ifornio of fho/ this mop con15*i15fi, ?9 of 4 sheets correct ly represenfs c ,curve y made under my supervision in and Ihof all monurnenfs shown ocfuo e,rist and (heir posi lions are cor rec/ ly shown. L i c Ok5ed L on d Sur veyo r SURVEY0P,S AND ASSESSORS C'ERT /F /GATE We fhe undersigned County Surveyor ond County Assessor in ond for The County of Son Bernardino, ,5101e of Cv //forma, do hereby certify Mal we hove examined each and every /of delinecled on the on- ne,eed moo os fo ifs Yo/ue for res/denl /of or commer ciol uses, ond do hereby recommend ifs occeofonce and o o,oro val by The Bo vrd of ,Sup c-r visors. County Surveyor County Assessor 6 Y JOB; tJa epufy L y oiepu /y. COUNTY AUD /TO, / hereby certify de/ /neafed on fhe cord in the boos i for cre paid. Q fhof all foxes on the properly annexed r77ap, oppcoring on re- of The of1*1'ce 0, the CoUI? f ud Q County Aud:/or SUPS P V /.S0k CER TI F%CA TE On molion of SuAervu sor second ed by 5'uperVisor /�,� corried if is or- dered fhvl 1he nmap of �onfecilo Mernor:o/ Par.<- be and fhe same is hereby oppro ved, and Me bond filed :n The of of fhe .B ooro' o/ Super - vl'sors a,S security for fhe poymeol of taxes in Me sum of,>co dollars which is hereby fixed c-5 Me required amount of sold bond to insure pa y- rrnenl of all loxes which ore of fhe lime o f fili of said mop o lien ayoin.s/ said Irccl, subd1'v1.5io0, or part (hereof; but nol yet payable, 1.5 hereby approved, and Me C/err- of fhe Board of Super - visors is hereby directed lo endorse Ibis cerf i fi - cole on lhis map showing /hot said bond has been filed as required by low, and fhof The foregoing order was odo,oled b fhe Board of Super visors oI c meeffng he /d, 3 !9 Countyy C/erK. , ,Ex. Officio lerx of the Bocrol o Sup. er vitro rs, Son Bernardino ' Y. By " , De oufy MOP Appro voc 7��e�i -'rr, ere✓ 5 /Y-- cla ld Map A ppro ved O a- f )Vole- 2/2 slakes se o a// block corners, ono/ parkw corners. 2" /ro p pe5 - Q Nole - All 3 fool p arcels shown hereon are _r for, ond are lo be osed for ,o arse purposes. 'There Xs one dwe� /iny vtiilhin 2000 feel of f his properly, ono/ no or/ si we //s or' sources o/ dome wafer wi /h i n 2000 lee f. ,�,� .IC; y �el;OrUfe7• . Counly Surveyor Ci /y En 9 r - Co /ton. i w