sbmb031_078a7SA TRACT N- 2Z/4 A resc1bdr of Lot- 9 acrd /O, B /ocft 2 To wnsite c f gloam;ng sub. Recorded irk Book /e, ,,04 Scale: / "= 3 0' EMG /NE E R's CER T/ F /CA T E /, Earl W Lyrnan, hereby cert,f�r that / am d Licensed Lard S veyor 0f the state of Gv /i�orr7ia, onnd chat this map consisting of ol7e sheet correct /y rePres¢nts a survey made Uader my supervision in Fear4fra,- ls an that a// rnonumeafs shown actual exist and their positions are G orrect /y s ho W". is e/zsed rld Surveyor. �Fd /Ton pipe 5� �9 I � Q I � St::. cater N.W. cor.Lot 9. Set — ' /ion Tad. s 'D. a b / CD 6 C OL ToN -- -- -- AVE. 0 aer„� lror,oipe. S SA' 5*8"E• } SO. SJ• S d1 8 "iron rod et-ax2" 6false5 So . 50. T set 4 3 - • 'Iron pipe N 8 9 ° 58' W. Set ¢ /Pipe SW. cot. Lot /O $, E .GOr. Lot /o. Q v N p Approved. - .:... ,. / C o u /7t y 6 ,0 veyd - 1Nigh 5t Map Appro veal C\� City. Engineer Of R +Q /fo 6(JPE - R VISORS CER T• /f/GA .� ©rr rr� Lion o Supervisor __ by .5,perN/s or carried, it is ordered t/hot the reap o f Tract N2 be arld MW Some is hereby approved, and the bard filed irs ti: e office of the 6o4rrd of .5upervis ors as s o cur /t for the pay /Trent of taxes in the sum of:3C�D- °dollars which is hereby fixed a,6 117& re9aired am 0Unt of s aid bond to iii: are p ayrnerrf of all tuxes which are at t/)e fiine of- said map a lien ggair/sf said tract subdiv,sio" or pore thereof, but Trot payub /e, is hereby apProved and the Clerk of the Board of Supervisors is hereby a'irecled to evdorse this certificate on this 177ap 5howil7g that said bond has been filed as required by law and that the fo r egoing order Was adopted tb the Board of 6IWRer ✓is ors at a rneerin_q held GOWl y Glans an 1 E Officio G /er k o f t h e oard Of Su ar 's ors Sari Berr�ardino County. B Y - - - -- - - - - - - -- -- - - - -- osp�ly. SURVEYORS AND ASS 55OR'S C ERT/F /CATE- We the ur7dEr51 Gou/aty Surveyor 0r7d Gounry Asb.:ssor, in 0 for the county of San b' e.rnardino, State of Cali forn:47, do h certi if y that we 17aVe examined each and a very lot delineated on this map as to its value for residential or co.-nmercial uses acrd do hereby Yecom- - — - -- /V mend its acceptance and a by the Board of Supervisors- ------ - - ° - - - � - - - -- - - County Surveyor 20 I Q - u - - e, or - - - - or. Lot 9 OWNE C£R TI`ICA T Rec. a. We, the ,.� uersiyaed, hereby Certif that• we owners ofthe /and included within/ the subdivision showrJ 0r7 the al/hexed snap and that We are the on persons whose consent is lrecessary to convey a clear title to Said land, and we hereby consent to the making of said -nao and Subdivision and hereby dedicate ro Pub - /i c U60 a ' 6 t tr - a is A bQW17 or) -said rn ap�W ;,*.01ri said s Ub diV i S i o r7 . b% i LC 46 'ri yy .wfr. y'•s � IVO TARYS CERTIFICATE. State of eo%fornia ` - Y f n 55. \ , Count o Sa Berardino Orr this 23_ day of . _ before me _ _ _ _ _ _ Notary Public in an for the Coc//7ty of Sari Bernor no, S'tafe of California, si i/1 ,bie 7 du /y cornet/ rzed q�d ' o er5onJ//y app e are d _ _ _ _ and fQ✓+� _ _ _ - kn o wry to m e to be the p 0 s whose names are ubs ri ed : r� th e a 2 - r)exeJ iriSrrum er7 and acknowledged o --ne t at they execcci7 -d the same, lri W;1'17esS ti%'hereof / have h ereUrit O Set my 17a/7d and affixed my off ici al seal t d y a d Ye er i his cer- ti fic ate f 1,-,5t a6 0 L rn (� Notary /emu /ic /n aria` for sai Gaunry artd Stare M commis expires �C�N�R a�`1�30 C OUIV T Y A UO/ T OR . /hereby certify that al/ taxes or) t Prof erty delineoted oh the arrrrexed map a?Pearir✓y on record /n the books of the office of the Courrt Auditor are Paid- County ditvr- SanBe� 17o COUnty . .l- `r I