sbmb033_061J TRACT NO 2341 CEDARPINES HIGHL ISO Bein a resubdivision of Tract No 1 950 -C edarpines Hi hland No 3, 5at2 Bernardi County, Cariforrlia. Suryeyed for ANL.OF & HOULETTE - INC 1005 So, Hill St, Los An eles —$B3 Harr F. Olmsted 330 W Ply Lnoufh St Civil Engi neer Ingl ewood , Calif. ReQorde a W. MAY ° 1928 at ............. M?z. past..... 1. I .s'af'e .... d. ....... of 1 �al/zg Zecor& San Bernardino County FULTOjV G. 1?E1?_V UD W. OWNERS CERTIFICATE We,the undersigned, hereby certify that we are the owners of orinferested in the land. included within the subdivision shown on ' f he an- nexed map and that we are the only persons whose consent is necessary to pass a clear title to said land, and we hereby con- sent to fihe makint of said map and subdivision as shown within the colored borderline. ANLOFF& ROULET - INC, t Presiden �ctetar . NOTARIAL CERTIFICATE State of California Cobnf y of Los An §elesl ss. On this 8th day of March in the year onethousand nine hundred twenty- eitht, before me Josephine H.Klose, a Notary Public in and for Los Angeles County, Call fornia,residin4 therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally ap- peared P,E.Houlettc known to me to be the President and Leigh kfuller, known tome to be the Secretary of AHLOFF � H OULETTE , IHc.,the corporation that executed the within instrument, and known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed thereto,and ac- knowledted to the that such corporation executed the same. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my of- ficial seal,the day and year in thiscertificate first above written. Notary blic in d for Los Anjeles County.5 We of California, SURVEYORS CERT I FI (: AT E j MY Comrrcissiuu L+a;uire, July 31, 1,920 I.hereby certify that I am,a Licensed Surveyor of the State of California and that this map of oneCI) sheet correctly represents a survey made under my supervision in February 1925, and that all monuments shown hereon actually exist and their posi- tions are correctly shown. Licensed Surveyor. AUDITOR CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that all taxes on the property delineated on the annexed map of T f No, 2341 . appearin� on the records in the books of the County Auditor are paid excepting, taxes not' yet payable �) Aud qrn ���.c" o'S to of California. SURVEYORS & ASSESSORS CERTIFICATE We hereby certify that we have examined each- and every lot delineated upon the annexed map as tot value for residential and commercial uses and hereby recommend acceptance and approval by the Board of Supervisors.of said map. County Surveyor, couMj Assessor, SUPERVISORS CERTIFICAT On motion of Superviso s econded by Supervisor and carried, it is ordered that fhe Map. ofcTracf:..Noo -234), be-and the same is hereby approved and the bond filed/fn the office of the Board of Supervisors -*is for -pay menf. of faxes in +he sum of 00 dollars which is hereby fixed asthe rejuired amounrt f+�i r46iee -- Faymen +!.of all faxes which are at Time of filinj of said reap, a lien a�ainsf said Tract, Sub-• clivisioh -or parf fh#r+eof but: not yet payable, is hereby approved and the Clerk of said $oard is hereby 8irecfed to endorse said certificate on the map showin� that said, bond has been f led in accordance with law and That the fore - toint order was adopted at a rneefinj held �' 1 9x5, Ir MAP APPROVED Count Surveyor. SE.tor. 0 W. (or. Cod k 0.E cor.C�cia. nvyvllwtu5 tiu..r H.E.cor. Cedarpines Ni�hlands Mo.4 Clerk and E)(-Officio Clerk of /he Board of Supervisors, Sa,n 56mardino Coun�. NE.cor. Sec.11 - 7 H - - SAB+ -M -- r r i L 0 r 9 Cedarpines 4ithlands Ho.I Ccdarpines Hiihlands N0.1 loom