sbmb035_012Get u y1e re6y certify, Thai we ore the owners of, or pare sot. �e righ/, tit /e or /merest in and lo, the real property included within the svbdirision shown apon the -annexed map, and that we are the only Persons whose consent h Pecessory to P05 0 Sleor til /e Ab .soid propert and )re consent to the rnalvin of .sold #map . and 5&=J� ision as shown within Me cb /vied border /ewes . �V. 0 Sfite of !o/i4r"r 11 ss rorrnty o/ Los A09ele s 1 a � Ow this ---- - /_S__ _ day elite/! before - - - - - - - _� - , e Notary b /it in and for the u tr • Los A 's, Sta try of California , residing triltiein, da carrn�►issio and sworn ' pe, sono // oppeorrof - -- �l -- - - - - -- -- **own is nee M be the yerson.o W.405e naine,o .sabseribed to the wAk;;? insfrrm►er/t and ochnowledgeor to me Abet they executed l +e same. /n witness whereof, / bore hereanlo sabseribed my name and affixed my offic /a/ seal the der and year r� the eer6, ieote first obove wri/fen. - - - - -& - - - - - - - - - -- -- AWary P ie /n and for the county of Los 4,jfe 16 State of eahAarnio. Any Cc.: ;. .ssiorc x*.!/ 4iu'i .: The County of San Bernardino, . State of California, by and through //s duly authorized officers, hereby accepts this moo. !OUNTY OF SAN BERN State B-- -- -- ---- - - - - -- Aff f ; y. hp /rl�7an O - e - Oal2>✓ Of S!/fJPrY /Sots /l�IRRYL. ALL /SO/Y !aunty C /erg and Ex Officio C /erg of the Board o/ 5u errisors, By - - -- y TRACT N0. 2466 SHERWOOD FOREST 12 BEING A RE- SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF TRACTS NO. 2181 AND 2308 IN 'THE NE Y4 Or SEC. 5, TIN, R 2 W, S B B 8 JAN. 30 1932 SCALE 1 "- 100' G. H. FERNALD , ENGR. SHECT I OF 2- ZHEETS / hereby cer /ijy that According to Me rer'oidi alt /bis Map approved. orrice, os o/' this ole , there ore no liens against the rea Properly shown upon the onnexed wrap, for unpo/d s /ate, county, municipal or /oca/ taxes or specie/ ossessments colle&eef 3 es. Doted this :� _ 1932. Yl/V T L. Rigr1l County Auditor V/ e loantr of Sew Bernardino, State v/ C % *rnie . B s / iLere.by certify that • bond in flee saw° o� I ---------- has been a e4wfed and /i/ed rrilh /oe"Boerd of Supervisors of ` 'Mg, Fountr of So ,. rn ardino , State of C aliforni a . , con' nee a the poyment of o// faxes, slate, coun /y, icipol or /ace /, and ad specie/ assessment co / %fed! as fares, which 4p� the A ime o/' /i/in9 of a annexed with the eoanty Mecorder, a a lien ego /nst seid oPe / bu/ rte/ yet ' Pa e, and said bond has be'¢i�i�.0 /y app roved by e soil Board 0/ Supervisors. //i4RRY L. ALL /SON, �^• - - Countr Clerk and 4v Officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors B - - - -- o0,pu ----- - - - - -- G. h! Ferno do hereby cer Mal / am a registered civil englneer of the S /cite of California and that this mop, cons /sting, of two Sheets, correctly represents a re- subd/yis/on based upon the recorded mo o/' Tracls No. 2181 and 23o8 0 Coun Surveyor. State of Ccr /i�ornia, Dep4rfirer�t of pub /ic JY014S, Di ,V/5ior7 of Highways DjV1 O rnpin eer D /✓. Yii/ lit. INJEXEb Recorded at Request of God u a d� h eve 6 1932 . Min. past.. /...'�r.�::.Jlf i7c Book -OAF ... of / Y , a - p S Palle `Records San Bernardino County FULTOX G. FE P-wl UD Coun ,v Recorder �y...f. �.f.E... l ultzf.... ....... 00 Deputy Recorder .w. ^........ � 4 5 EM