sbmb036_007G M a V– al GENTER LINE ROAD - 71,6S. 77 24.e6 N. &-" Zo" O x. 4. " .27 .. • 2i. •. P' 3 S.W. S• 7 2 ., O s 8 2 p ® E Jq; 'n N8 0 I NO FT V 3 ° 4R= Zoo' I d = 17 ° 47'39" T= 3/.3/' L= 6Z11 1J'w. .�r -. 71/,80' , f4� o ' N. �Lg�N A 3.8 ROB 0, ?40 ,.12 ! 1 , OWN ERS CERT /F /CATE We hereby certify that we are the Owners of, orhave some riyhf lit /e Or in 6/20' to, the real property within The svbdiv%s %on shown upon the annexed map, and that we are the on /y persons ` l?axe consent is r>ece ssary lo p ux a c %ar•1it /e to said properfy, and we COOS ent to the making of said Mop and svbd %v�sioO as showe7 w %thin. the cored border /ir7es and hereby a., 4 wo s dedicate to the puh/ic use a// /he /anes5sV;V vooh ssid rnap within said sub div%s%a Pioneer; i/ /e nsuro mee and Trust Cor?pdny c p ' �fl _resident Secretes/ CERT /F /GATE IN RE SPEC /AL Assessm eNr Jby - - - - - - -- -- - - - - -- c y hereby certify M.&I accordli7g to the recO,-ds of th %s NOTARV ACKNOLED6EMEN ! �%�!�- -' % - - -- - --- - -- of!ice, the proper /y shown vpon the herein mao /s not sa6Ject state of Ca/iforn�a ss to My soecia /assess�nenfs which haves 12401 been paled in full. County of SanBernard%noi This cer/ificate does not hx /va/& any species /assessment d�s- On Phis l 2' o'ay 6 June /9.35 before Me E e - ST► Dt-t�M tricf Me bonds of which have nol yet become a/�en vpor7 a notary Pv b /%e in and for the County of S'an.0er17ard1n0, State of said properly- ot:_ -- California residin Cher ih, dZl/y commissioned and sworn, person Dated this �� _ _ _ dg y of Jane /93.5: appeared known to me to be J`he,&l - ' Pres- VIN CENT - L . R07H, icfent and_ hll/<f .ssco.�k known to me to be the_ _ .ecretary County Avdil of the Pioneer Tit /e Insurance and Trvsf Company the Corpoor= evanty of San Bernardino, afion that executed the within instr�rnenf and known fo mE lobe 5 e or Ca /i/'ornia, the persons who executed the same on beha /f of the Corporstior0 narrJedther'eii� andacknow/edgeo'to me that such Cor}oorationer� .Oeoti>y c0e•4' the same In witness where ot; / he ve h ere &nto set my ian4' and df = firea�my off' %eia/ sea/ the a is cert %ficate first l above wrih`en. - -- �' -- -� -- � - - -- ------ - - - - -- N,o �y Pvb /ic in anc�for the County of San Ber wl -dino, Stale of Ca /%forr7A? I PTANCE ACCE The Gounfy of San .Bernardino, State of Ga/ifornia, byandfhry ifs duly authorized officers, hereby accepts fhe tore9oiry dedication. ' Covn y ot' SanBeC•`iardi/�o , ; ,4#est: Chairman of e and of HARRY L. ALL 130/4/ Supervisors. c' Covn /y Cfer and Ea - 01' ieiO G/erk �rN of f/je LSVpel • ors. k lb Y. `! A U,0 / TORS CERT CATE /hereby cerlify that accord%nq to Me records of Phis o)Vke, t as of this date, there are no /e�hs against fhe real properly showy ; coon the a nnexed map, for vnpa state, county, rnvnicip►e/ or /oca/ faxes or species/ assessments col /ectedas fa,res 6arcepttaxes i or special assess ents- not yetpayab /e, which are estimatedat �- - — - - /• � ma Dated this_ _ V1 NCE/YT ROM, County Auditor of The Govnty o f San Bernardino, A o of Gd/iforni ,Oepv�y CERTIFICATE OF CLERK OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS -- -- 33 7 Z - S . Cox, wi st C. 20 / hereby cerl#y tl7al a bond in fhe sum of $L/ 0 0 0. 0 0 — ha s been erecvted etV filed with the Board of Supervisors of the County of Sar?Bernardino, State ot California, conditioned upon, the payment of a// fares, slate, county, municipal or local, and a/ /species / a ssessmenfs co/%cteal . as taxes, which of the lime offWny of fhe anne xe d rnap with th e County Recorder, are a /ien against said propeo-IV, bill not` yep' payak /e, and saia� bond has been duly approved by the Board of .Super visors. HARRY L . ALL /SON Coil „y' Clerk and E.r- Olti Board o!' Supervisors b y ; /. - Deputy SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE /, Char /e s L . l"ou /k� , do hereby certify f,�r' /am a registered cw // engineer of the Sta to of Ca/ifor nia .7,9d this map, cons%st%ny of one sheet correctly r'epre:senkv a survey made under my supervision i� _ / 93s' and that a// of the monumen ` ts sho 17 therevi� / /,y e,�is and their positions are correct ly shown. Da led this_ 12 _ _day of June / Dis �ric� 4�9 ins ee pi l Dig /�s�or� o / �5 le 07 oe-e /i1orr7ic a= `� - - - - -- Co ur7 7 o��arf �r�4rcr'ir7o 5t q - }G o� Go, 5. 5• Count at 5A, i 6eY.^uy& � On 4KIS 1Z J3 o Jul 1-- be�pYe i-vw E . E 5TIDHf ^.1 g 1 '� o�4Y� 'Po vi Ii c., t Yt an sa, d Cou vt F6 cmd Zfa pe movta tl 6 a - ppeaYed �erlq.�l_5ohVIsov_t s ivncs_ KVuaWvLas $erj41q_\ - .�ohv�s�'s, kwowvt 4o vrte,4o be -fhe pe r s ovt Whose wame js subscribed - a 4 e uNvl�gvl i>ns}rumeuti, and acknowledted 4o vnp. +W she execu4ed IY. wiiA wherea� I have I &eun�o se+ rnS 6-vld and a,�SS,xed AS cigl segl4edo'savtd At' eta, I i ►v above wv&C14 . ►- - r - -}ota y� p start �ov- +- e Court +� o� S ber 5+:14 a� Cosli�QyVticn,. TRACT 2510 AGUA-FRIA NO.2 BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF THE SOUTH EAST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 20 T -2 N. R:3W• S.B•B•AND) M. SCALE NAWOOFT. SURVEYED BY CHARL ES L. FOUL KE O PP 36 7 N