sbmb036_047TRACT 2545 ADOBE ACRES ,Belpq a SubdIv of a portion of the N.E. % of Sec hon 29, TI N, ROZ.., SB.B. &M. The Bas/'s of Bearings of this survey /'s lohen from the East /fine of Section 29, as shown on R.S. 2 -33, et seg N o r.-: 2 x 2 pine stakes, painted white and numbered, are set at all lot corners and points of curvature on property /fines except as noted. 19/ In Conc. for N.W cor. /1/. 8 °5 "E. h 29, as Pe r R.S2 33. Sec. - ...___�.. __._�____......__..._...._ V We hereby certify that we are the owners of or have some right, t /t /e or interest in and to, the real properly included w /thin the subdivision shown upon the annexed map, and that we are the on /y / persons whose consent /s' neces- sary to pass a clear title to said / properly, and we consent to the making of said reap dnd subdi'vi'sion as shown wllh- in the colored border /fines and hereby dedicate to the / public use a// the streets and alleys shown e,1,00, said reap within said subd /v/'sion. 1 , `7 1 -�7 - A � 'm -7 — Set 60./3 60.0 w11h B.C. in Conc. 3S 1 34 60./3 60.0 aj ° ALL: T WO — MILE 3 0 ��� 9 60.0 60.0 60 0 60.0 48.36; q � tiA 50 �,•� . Q o h 0 4 j ' A. L 3 d O 33 32 31 30 0 294A a B. p e5Z 0� N D \.� 5ti a �a = /3s °0044" Qr pg0 `� I T- 4e• 30 60.0 600 60. 0 60.0 • v s N o 62.56 /00.0 /00.0 /CJ. bo `mo w v ro 0 36 37 0 38 �o ho. ° h� i 4592 56. /9 /p N 8 2 06., o N a� OQh� o p ., 1 Set /' %P. /P c �'` A��1?T53,1, O 3.92 I /4S• 9 4/ �B�Q '' ° o i qr ° � �� a Bernardino State of California, by and a =, , The C'aunty of S n , 17 o2 . , /i,? through its 0 au1120q�eol officers, hereby accepts the a 93 °��so" �, �� ;� foreyoin9 ded /cation. 9 ��6'" ar�r °a� ? "; N 39 ti 6 - �P -- j 68.67 County of San er i ate of a/ifornia, \ ^ b /.52 o `2 - y «,,:• - /8 Chairman of the Board of Sucerv/sbrs. " /1/•88 0 575 0 E b =�• a'gs9" S6 N � `L 4 „ cA ATTEST ' �.... , D ^ / h � - Q _ 51 Harry L. Allison a b ti a g O b County Clerk and Ex Officio Clerk 4 / 2......0.1..��' i " a v of t e Boar of Ju o vis ors, 3 ads /50.32 / 2.15 <�) set2 "�R N96 E• 25 -.4 by with B.C. �� e 00 0 Con c. C jlc7le of Cal /form;a Count of San Bernardino -" °L -- / hereby cerfily that according to the records of 694 On this . Z. /. sfi day o f . . ✓v�C..Y...., /937, before fine, G� thiss office, as of Phis dale, there are no / /ens agains 1 the real .Fte f/../.3fI��.. Y, a Notary Pub /ic in and for the J i vroperfy shown upon the a�wexed ma for unpaid state, county, County of San Bernardino, Stale of California, residinq rnunic /,oa/ or local faxes or spec /a/ assessments co//&c/&0' es therein, du /y comrr//•ssioned and sworn, / personally a faxes except taxes or specie/ asse,5 not` yet ,oayahle, Alamo ✓dim ,�✓ /f� -,&,7e / veered ✓. ✓. MC CL A/vE, /�I. YVN/TE a/70 W. ✓. UNDERH /LL , known t�vhich vre est /rr a edf e to be the ersons whose names are subscribed to Dated this ... �. - /937 to P the within /nslrumenf and acknowledged to me that they V/r/cent L. Roth, County 44&a executed the same. of the Coun�y of San Bernardino, In witness whereof, / have hereunto subscribed my Stale of Ca lifornia. 7e a affixed my off /cial sea/ the day nah nd and year /n the cerfifi•cafe first above written. b s ,Oeou>'y. �VZ,5� Notary Pub //c in and for the Coanty of J' n Ber ardino, �% State of Ca / /fornia. / hereby certify that a bond /n the sum of 0 ..X ®q .. has been executed and filed with the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Gon7rntss 1,*rt ex /res ✓a'� /g, �q�i• , Bernard/no, Stale of Cal /forn /a, coed /finned upon the ,oayrnen/ of a// faxes, slate, county, mw7lci oa/ or local, and all species/ assessments col /ected Map a opro ved �-1 ZJu zc /937 as taxes, which al the tune of f /ling of the annexed map with the County County Surveyor: y Recorder; are a lien ayainsi` said proper /y, but not yet payab /e, cWd said ,bond has been du /y approved by the sa /d Board of Supervisors. Harry L. A / /'son, Coelnly Clerk and Ex- Officio Clerk of lie ,Board - 6 Supervisors ,Deou /, G✓i / /iarr� B. Hatch, ✓�, do hereby certify that / am a / /censed surveyor of the Sfafe of California and that this map, cons/st/ng of one sheet correct /y reoresenls a survey made urider my suoery /soon In Julie 1937 and that a// of the monuments ,shown thereon actually exist and their positions are correct /y shown. Dated Phis 6th day of c/u /y, 1937 L /censer/ Land Surveyor N° 09/. I I I Fd, Stone for S.E. Cor Sec. 29, os per Rd 2-33 36- >_ W W Q J J J a a Z TRACT J M. B. 3 -21 i?ec. Bea mq per Tract 2530 0 Al 66 ° 57'50 E TWO ROAD 1310- 1-4 ROAD Q5 I n I `2>0 _ � 1 .k h M o �h I L) q O N �Q Z 0 � hN A. 0 Q O 1L' Soo M O N Q;o Z o Z, o, o 150.0 `� S0.0 c } 2 l o e� S 89° /6'40 "E. 378.60 �� U I mo ' 3-\ 1 530 \ 0 Fd 314 V P in Con C. for N E Car: Sec.29 9o.i9 _ as per R S. 2 - 33• a. //,Y 1 I I � i e O N Q;o Z o Z, o, o 150.0 `� S0.0 c } 2 l o e� S 89° /6'40 "E. 378.60 �� U I mo ' 3-\ 1 530 \ 0 Fd 314 V P in Con C. for N E Car: Sec.29 9o.i9 _ as per R S. 2 - 33• a. //,Y