sbmb037_062SHEET 2 OF 2 SHEETS TRACT SHEET OWNER'S CERTIFICATE We hereby certify that we ore the OW17e1-s ot; or hove some 1-/ t of /e or interest 117 0r74/ to, the real PropPrty inc/uc%d 11111117117 the subdivi= Sior� shot�vr7 upon the onr/exed 1T7CJ,0, 0770' that are ore the on /y perr0r7s whose c017sC- 17t is 17ecessary &) Foss n c 167a1- f /'f /e /o sold ,oraoerfy, 017e W61 C017 se17 t to f/;L- 1770kir79 0/` .r'oic/ /770,7 0170' s'ubdiais a s /7o wl7 W1/717117 M7& co /area' border 1117er 0770' hereby o// / Streets a17c/ o/%ys s/7ovv17 uovl7 solo' 1770,0 within said suba'ivisiori PACIFIC COAST LAND COMPANY LTD. PRES /DENT . C'E'rAR r NOTARY State of Califon /o ss Cou77ty Of S017 Sc°r17Or0'1 017 1, - _day o f , /94 , before . /1/0tary Publ /c 117 017c/ for the C041171 of SC1 8e1-17a State of CO/- ifor171*0, r&sie//nq &7&1--&i17, 01u 1 y C0177,77irr1jq17Pd 017c/ savor17, 0&t- X017011y ooPearFd /f1 7b rr7e to be the Ders01 avf70se 170177e 011111'7177 1/7. rt1-c/ 77" 4170' OC*1 - 70W/ - %e0' 1'o 777 the J aI770. subscribed tv the that 1, &Xe6WA&0' 177 aY1111e -X-r avf7ereO 1 hove s16s'C - r %bed 117y 770777& 0170' offl�r rn y a ff7cio/ sen, / the 4'c y all& year /i7 fhP cerfifi cafe fii�,rf oboae k111 /Votary Public in 017d for the County of Son Bernardino, Stote of Co /ifornio. NOTA RY State of C0 1if0r171-0 ss County of Los AI/GcA.Es h ?.1- P* L Y 0 o f /94! , before d 1 WR On 1 1s ' y , Notary Public 117 -0170' for the County of was h� 4 �s State of C'a/iforl/io res10'117 therein, dc/ corn 177&rioned 017d sworn, ,Oerr0 1y OPR6'ared ✓. z. SKLA R Awowr7 to me to be the Fresider7t o170' K. P. "L-AR ynown to 177e to be the secretary of 1'/7& PAC IF IC COAST LAND COMPANY. LTD. the Co1-0or011;Q17 t17 e X e- Cuted the W11171n 117-rtru777e/7t and /1/7041117 /0 177e to be the Pe1 who executed the same upon beha /f of the corpor0hb17s 170177ed (herein, and oclf170WIed9ed to 1170 t1701 such CorooratiO17s executed the some. I77 Wi7t77ess `whereof, I 170110 hereunto set 777y hoed 017d affixed 77757 officio/ seal the day 0170' year in this certificate first above `mitten. Notary Public in for the Cavnty of i•OS A N GO FLE , State of Ca/ /fori7ia. • S[ 3 3- y- 2654 ACCEPTANCE The County Of S017 Berr7ard117o, S' /ate of California, by and through 11 du / aufhorizea' officers, hereby occeat /he f ore370in9 c%dicof COUNTY of SAN BERNARD /NO, 51a7`e of Col 1' or/7 i a, HARRY L . ALL /S 01V, by C Cou�77y Cie,-* a774 E - Officio C/er� hoir n on of fheBoord oflupervifors of /lie Board of J'uoervisors. by DePut�! . AUDITOR'S CERT IFICATE I hereby certify that Occordi/7q to t/7e recorc/s of t171s office as of this dote, there ore 170 &'17s 05701 /7st t/ie reo/ Property s/7o &17 upon the Annexed /nap, for un,00 /d Stale, county, 1nur7iciPol or /oco/ faxes or � cia/ ossess1ne177`s Collected os foxes (eXCeof taxes or sPecia/ assess 177er715 not yet ,0 0y0 , 6_/f, W, 1 7ic17 01-e es7` of , r Dat Phis = do y of _ 194_ VINCENT L. ROTH, County Auc/itor of the County of So17 gel-1 .Stclte of C0 1ifo1 - 1710. b de CERTIFICATE OF CLERK OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS I hereby certify 11701 a bond /' 7 the sum of - o has beer? executed 017d filed with the Board of Supervisors of 117e C04117ty of Son Se1-1701 St ate of Ca /1101 c0nd1*tio u 2017 11761 ,00y177e17f of G// taxes, state, coul7ty, 7T7un7 "c %% or /ocu/, a/7d u// svPC ossPSS7ner/ts co / - /ected as IOXes, which Cl the fine of fi/ir7y of 4l7e 01717&Xe0 177a o Wi117 the County Recorde7; ore a 11&17 03701 17sf said �oro�rfy, but 17111 yet 1 0o y a b /e, and soil bond has 6&L-17 du /y 0001 by /170 said 9001 Of Supervisors. h'ARRY L. ALL /SON County Clerk, 0170' CX - Officio Clerk of the spar d of Supe� - 0rs. b deputy. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I, WI LLIAM S. H,4 TCH , JR., do hereby certify 1ho> 1 0177 0 11ce775ed Surveyor of the Stote of Ca /ifornio 0774 that t 171s map C017s1st117q of 2 sf7ee is correct re01 a survey 17767de u17der 777 Su in April, 194 / or7d 11701 a// the rn01 Shown/ tf7ere0r7 octua //y exist and their Positions ore correctly 5170wr7. 90 tec/ this 0 6 '' day of Ap ril 1941. / '--7 MAP APPROVED 20', 1941 h'. L. WAY County Surveyor. F^