sbmb037_107TRACT NO 2696 BEING A SUBDIVISION OFA PORT /ON OF MUSCUP/ABE RANCHO RECORDED MB 7 PAGE23 SAN BERNARD /NO CO CALIF I ' I , S.E.COR. LOt 35 I I . 0 O U�/ N E R. S C E R T I F 1 C A T E � F 1Yi' I.P._5 W car Lai 47 R.No�212 _ S 1.38 53 .. $ 9 ° 660.3 5 rn / ^J N 30 3 0 C? 410 3 h 53 N / N. rz LA 132. We hereby ceri•ify. that we are the owners of or have Some rig tht,,itle or Interest in and to the real property included within N W 3 t9 2 4. c0 57 1 L n 57 lze Q z 7 3 5 the subdivision shown upon the annexed rrmlo and tha-' we are the only persons whose consent is necessary to convey a clear 12 13 14 15 16 U) !.5 l�•s° Korfb line ., 57 Tr No. 2G94 � Ln • � title to said p p ro ert yy and we hereb 1 consent to the maKin g of said, rrlap and subdivision as shown within the colored border v '2 't r d v at ,d � 4 o 13G 13 14 15 16 u� I i nes and hereby dedicate to public use alt streets and a legs shown upon said map within said subdivision, - /2Mo // M /0't 9 M 8 M 7 rn - 6 5 M - 4 M 3 11' 4 o , 57 We hereby Convey - to the City of San Bernardino, a 1 lunici Corporation, an easement and right of way over and alonq Kind x 13G - � 2 Q `� o the rear' -FFi eet of each lot for the construction, use and maintenance of all public utilities of every 1.81 53 53 132 z and their systems equipment and appurtenances - thereto; txcepf from all lots in I3 1ocKs 54-: G. 1 This grurnt shall be for +he benefit of said City or anq department - }hereof and shal be inure to the benefit of an , person, firm a _ IGo - BUSSEY Es s3o -s S T- _ N = - or Corporation now holding a franchise or who may In the future acquire an franchise for the opera on of orfor N 47x.97 the. supplying to sold City of San Bernardino, State of Callforn10, or It In abltants of water, sewer, gas, electrical enercjy , telephone and telegraph service. } ¢ FE FE01 =Rf'.L SAVINGS ^ND LOAN ASSOC1A MON, A CORP. •U , aJ• ; t i �j ay P �" �/ NOTARY ACKN OV�/LEDGiI NT /ICE RESI�NT RE .II State of California S S o County of San 8�er1- �ardino� v O this .� clay of :f 1942 before me CERTIFICATE OF CLERK OF v J. H. Buchenacu cc t�totacre� Pub {ic Ire and for the BOARD O F S U P E R U I S O R S -� Q County of 5an Bernardino, State of Ca l ifor"Ict, residing _ there+ n dult j Commissioned and sworn, persona 1 IQ appeared ,� + ' V' P d t 1 b 4-'f -I t b d" the f 'A h been 7. I28 8 rn / ^J d• 13G V � 2 C? 410 3 h 0 Ln N / N. rz LA N 3 N W U� N t9 2 4. c0 57 1 L n 57 lze 9 25 25 w O 0 O. U. E3uz7 It , to me to be the Ice rest en L Here y Cer t a a on in Sumo L.A. � 3.89 53'..o'fi .o and John Hi le, Known to me t be the Secret of the. execute and iled with the Bcarcl of S ervisors of the. ,� N _-0 Bar - )+a Fe Federal Savings and L oan • Associatior�,a Corp. Count, o3 San eernardfno,State of Cali 'fornia,cond!i ,LOM /TA t' that t d -I- I- th' t' t and u n t�,e a mere of 411 tccx�s stecte county rnQr»(-)%( 1 5 4.9 7 M ^/0 5 9 8 7 6 5 M 5 d• 13G V � C? O O 'O 0 Ln N / N. rz LA N 3 N Ui U� N t9 2 5 c0 57 1 57 /0 9 z 7 6 5 3 ' 12 13 14 15 16 U) !.5 l�•s° Korfb line ., 57 Tr No. 2G94 � Ln 4 r 5-S-891 5 3 5 13G !r 00 ON Z the Corpora ton execu e e w1 in ins rumen po p n � in 4 - 45.88 U, ; Known to me to be+he persons who executed +he within instru or local, OnC 011 specl_al asse'55mer-) collecA'ed cast � � L � � 0, N _ _ East _ s3►.� a ment on behalf of the Corpporot'ion therein gamed and acKnow- which at the time of fi of the annexed ap w so i'h h 3 1ST S ledged to me that such Corporation executed the. sarre. Co %-14" ' Recorr er are a 1�er� %. a- f scud t r t -1 �y, bud N 4 N 1n V�it Whereof 1 helve hereunto subscribed my r�an�e 'and t70T gPT pa able r1 said bond has been duly approved In b t'1 gM l3oar�c of Su rvi rs so. 0 affixed my official se the day and year in the cerfi fi cote y first above Written L. ALLISON �' Cour)t lel-K and 5X- Officio N 3 M Notary th Public i cind far e County of pan Berner rdi no C . °f t t3 o supervisors - State of California S�rr "� /-/ez� e AU D I TO R re g C E RT I F1 CAT E 5e p ; ` � q .�� •° 4 I hereby certify that accorclinq to the records of this office ,asof this o z - W date - there are no liens. cigciir�St - the real property shown upon ��' � � : . the annexed rnap for .unpaid State, County, Municipal or local „3�' ��Q s 5 0 taxes or special assessrnents colle'ci 0S - kixes:, except taxes or X07 f' o special assessment ViNCEN-r '1L. ROT1 -1 County Auditor of w X' not qe- payable, the County of San Ber'nairdino, State of Calif yjIn -cin are - esI - im at d SG o 57 L _- _ t 57 t 3G C? O O 'O 0 Ln N / N. rz Vf N N N Ui U� N t9 5 '0 r 1 to U) /0 9 8 7 6 5 o • 51 137 2 � 54 .4 !.5 l�•s° Korfb line ., 57 Tr No. 2G94 ° 3 N // z 12 13 14 15 16 u� 4 569 57 57 13G df - L� 142 Dta - Deputy ..� o ., _ 4-1-1- _ Dcxted th .,,: z 7 L O M/ TA 4-1 8.oco I hereby • Certify that the Counci i of the Cii of San L, G• Gordon Stewart, cio hereb Certify i-hat I am a Bernardino b t adopted 4�u u % 3i , 1942 register ecl Civi l Engineer•, No.�047, _of the State of to , 10 approved the attached map, accepted as loublic al i Cafornia c11-�d that this map, conslstinq of one sheet � n 9 n ^ /0 9 Streets sho n on. said map within said subdivision and correctiq represents a survey made by myself in I o 11 asemern s shown. August 1942 and What al 1 of the monuments shown !�; z a 5 '"57 +hereon e Dctfed - 5e ember �1., t�42- � act ually exist an �cl - 4 he4r positions are /O _c Z' P•}- correctly shown. Dated this 22 net clay ol'�luqust J o < IJ42. � � O z City Cie ,Cite.) of San ernar o din, r• �°�J = Cal tforn� Note: pipes shown thus Z Z x2 Stc1Kc5 at Ioi Cosr-)Grs, N � a rove the fore o1 resolut c I !2 J 8 7 6 /3 14 15 5 •9'Z 57 N ( N 478 N _ _ Fsi s Mayor, City of 5an Bernardino I hereby certify that all street and sewer w -� /3 ��, `BOTH 4.-19 Cct I I forn is assessments on the property shown on -the 7 s loe 57 cinne�ced map are aid• r- p � � 0 /4 „ � '� o NOTARY ACKNOWLED 0 state of California , 5 E. County of So n der-narclino S 'S• Superi endent of streets. � M o 0 on this � day of Sept, 194-2, before rn J.H.I3uchenau a, M01r�, N /5 C 8 7 5 5 Public in and for the County cof.5arn L -erne( rclino, State of Z ifor�nia, ' . iza • er'so 1 cx peotred � � W - • s °ss• 30•> =. i�'► 5 ., residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, p y p' e S. Isom Dios r>ec E . W i Ison a i John hf i le ,Trustee , Kr�ov. . - ro Map Approved Nwco1 ^L,ot1 aIKK Eas rme o be Whc persons whose. names are subscribedl to the within - Clty Ergineei ,6t, of5anBerrrxHi'no.. Trl�lo.2G94 Instrumeint ctr,d ocr\nowled ed - h � that , t - hey executed +b,-- Sarre . �h Witness Whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name cold affixed my , official sea t deco atr)d year in the cert'ificare Firs{ d bove-wrltte Nom Public in and - for the Count of 5or> C�er��i o� Cocl ;form A N is 13 °o S o M z i fr -- " ROAD —o U% Ni _- _ t 57 13G CU I ,. 57 137 0 Ln /6 ^ 3 U� N 5 '0 2 !�' 0 Sea le I "= Ioo' .57 13G 57 — . •.� 0 CQ r7 z _ t CU 3 ,. 57 137 /6 U) � F r 1 F 0 u1 - 4 3 2 .57 13G ii I — N ' — . •.� _ 534.0 _ t CU ,. 57 137 i– L r 1 F 0 u1 - 4 3 2 • 51 137 30 30 l�•s° Korfb line Tr No. 2G94 37 - /oJ