sbmb038_028TRACT 2710 REVERSION TO ACREAGE OF TRACT 2600 (INCLUDING ABANDONED ST2EET5) OWNER'S CERTIFICATE We hereby certify that we are the owners of or have Some right, *i MC or interest` in and 7b, the real property included within the subdivision shown upon the annexed map, and Mat We are the only persons whose consent is necessary to pass a clear title ro saic ' property, and rue consent to the Making of said map and subdivision as shown within the co %red border lines. f�a�,Jaho�� NOTARY State of Ca /ifornia _ sS County o fAn! €gNgRO!iVO _ On this�8'_ ofF�B�sI�gC 194,>4 before me, a No to ry Pub &C in and for the county of .S.a%v ��P�.B3�lyY1� Slate of California, rr-Tidiny therein, du commissioned and sworn, Persona // i7pPeared �i,19RL,ES Z�f YAK-IC known to me to be the Persons whose names ARE subscribed to she within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. In witness whereof, / have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed my off C,al seal the day and year in the certificate first Wove/? wi i 7. A) A/bt�r,. Pu,6 /ic »d for M¢ Co an ty of J�,V s7`ate o F zd bo iyy SURVEYOR'S CER IF ATE I, W /G L /AM B. H.4 TCH ✓R., do hereby cert.fy that . /,.am ' licensed surveyor of the State of Californ sr,d that this map, Corsec represe a survey made under my su oervi'.>riv/I in uldi7u47ry /944 ' and that all the In o v um ents :/sown here- on acttia /ly exist and their Positions are corrcct/y shown. Dated this 3/ s* da of c/anu r / 4 Licensed SU --V yoe Ala. .2091 NOTE 4 /" iron Ripe .WiIW . te ? rrldr "L S 209/ "" W as found of each corner of Lot / ar ,shows7 as per ".. B. 37, pages 12 e 13. A/1 section eaa Quarter- section corl7err shown are •narked with brass G.L.O. ca o r. AS RECORDED I N MAP BOOK 37, PAGES 12 B. 13 SAN BERNARDI N O COUNTY, CALIFORNIA BEI NG A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF GOV'T. LOTS I & 2 OF SECTION 5, TOWNSHIP I SOUTH, RANGE 9 EAST S.B.B. & M. WILLIAM B. HATCH JR., TWENTY PALMS, CALIF SURVEYOR SCALE I = 200' ACCEPTANCE The County of San Ber1701-c/ State Of Ccy /ifornia by anci' l`hrouyh its du /y authorized officers, hereby vccepts the foreyoiny dedication. County of Sdn BerI7orc'ino State o C� /iforr�id By cfl4a o e 00 a %- c/ 0F S rV * S'orS ATTEST HARRY L. ALL /SON County Clerk and EX Officio Clem of the Board of Suoerviso/:r Lay Deputy. CERTIFICATE OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 7w I hereby certify that a bond in the Su of has bee17 executed carld filed with the Board of Super - visors of the Cou of .San 6&rn01 `t&te of C&I- if Orn /d, cor/c/ /oned upon the payment of cy // tdXer, .Mdse, County, mumcipa/ or local, ar/d all special &-r- wsrrneats c0 1/PCte4' ar taXes, which dt the time of filing Of the od/7r7L-xed r77&o W1117 the County Recorder, are a lien ayainrt sa /d ,0rop&rty, bul rno," yet ,0dy&b 1e, C717e .raid bond has been duly c9�ooroved by 117e .reid Board of Supervisors. HARRY L. ALL /SON County Clerk and EX- Officio Clerk of the Booms' of Su /oervi'sorr B Deput 3 Z N68 0 49'40'f - 2643. /O ( � /292. ro ro Z� a- 0 0 ti 0 O 0 �I o' of 0 0 0 O 0 0 Z, h h Ci v h v 3934.32 732 06 432.00 /V 9 4-?'56"4 �- W %q Cor. Sec. ,5 eY cot .rec. S -� COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that I hove exalmned 11 7e arnrn exed rnao; that the subdivision shown thereon is .rubrtton - tia //y the sane as it appeared on the teatetnxe snap, and any dpa e oved ellerdtior/1 thereof; that d// prov /s - ion r of she Tubc/ivision Ma /o Acl of the State of Cd /ifornia, dnc/ San Berl e, -clW7a County Or d inance No. 329 ors cF177ended, have beer corn/olied with, and I vin satisfied that this mop is technica // correct F2� If% i9.av H. L. WA V, County Surveyor; 5dr7 6err7ard1170 County. AUDITORS CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that dccordiny to the record of this office, ds of this date, there dre no /iZns dydinrt the real property shown u000n the a"17exed snap, for unpaid Slate, county, Murlicio or local taxes or special drresS1'77e collected as taxes except taxes or .specie/ assessments not yet pdydb /e w ich ore e.r_tZ;nvted $ Dat this �y of 194 V /CENT L. ROTH, County Auditor of the County of fell BerMard1�70,1lete of Cd 14 B , Deput y N E_ Cot Sec. 5 T. /S., R9E, ,5.8.8 - *M. Cauv Jr e b 23�- �f 7 3$ Aa.�S 28 J I �D �) 8�6 3 z8