sbmb039_025TRACT 20 20 R 2 24 92.70 I I n/89 Nor /h line of NWye Sec. 32 2806 o 29 a/4 •• i P in concrete oJ,oe R.S. Z found missing set / " /./° tram T for /Vy coy sec. 92, r-1 IV, R9E. S.B.B. E M• - '14'1. , o in h M T 1.88 20' 2a or /6x.85' R =zo., ,4.4.68' 7' .✓ry co,-• J'ec. 32 / r. /a R9E • Found • concrete / /or /V %4 co'- per R/s 2 -33 -5 MORNINGSIDE HEIGHTS A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF THE NE %4 OF THE NW %4 OF SEC. 32, T I N•, R.9 E., S. B. B.8. M SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. W IL LIAM B. HATCH, J R. TWENTY PALMS, CALIF. SURVEYOR . OWNERS CERT /F /CA TE We hereby crrli fy that we are fh,- owners of, Or have some r'ighl t /P /e or /nferesf ,i/ and to, the real OrooerfY /r'clu ' 0 ' %fh iT fhe subo'r ✓is /an shown upon the annexed map, and t/7af we are the on /y perro�/s cuhose consent is necessary fv po'ss cr clear f/e / said pmoer/y, '7 170 , we consent /o the 1nah - 1179 of sa d rna/p 4r7o sub0l1v1.51on ar shown w / //7 the co %red border lines, csnc/ hereby dedicate /a the public use a// /he streets and a / /eys shown upon sc7,o' map w/ %hi17 said Subdivisio ��� . NOTARY sfa /e of /•orr/�Q rs County Of A/dn7e0 On fhis_Lt day of "/ �, 1945 before me C • /�. �ofj/LS Eo A__ -- __ -- a Notary Pau/& In and for the County of .Tan Bernardino, .hale of Ca/ifo/'nia residin g / hereon, duly commissioned and sworn, oersona //y appeared Caf_heryn C. S / th ___ 1Fnocur7 to me to be the persons whose homes Ore subscribed to the W;1%in /o7struMcnt a/nd ocEnou/ /edged fo me that they executed the same. /n witness whereof, / have hereunto subscribed eny name and affixed my officio/ seal the day and year in Abe cerfili+� /e f/rsl above written. Notar Pub/ and for the° Coun of Aldmedq. .Stale of Co' //,0,-,1/10. My Commission &x,007&9 *,/ J�� SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICA TE /, WIZ L /AM B. HATCH JA do hereby certify That lam a licensed surveyor of fhe .Slate of California and that this map correct /J/ represents d Survey made under my supervision /n October /945, 0170, f/ a// fhe monuments shown hereon rclua/ly exist crud their pasit/ons are correctly shown Dated this 9712 dory of No✓eonber /945 / �/� � � L /ceased Surveyor N° 209/. I C o v lV yac7/ ✓- - /Z *G S` I ACCEPrA NCE The county o,, San Bernardino, Slate of CceAfarnia 6y ar7d A1?1VUgh ifs du /y aufhori3ed o {titers, hereby acce Elie tore901179 4 /47/ Cou171y 01 Bernardino Std /e a;0 Ca /�forr� /d 6y _ Chairman, Board of J per /sons Attesf:. t/ARR.Y L. ALL /SON County Clerk and fx- Off /ci'o Clerk f Board at' .Iupervisors. q b deputy. F �� Y ate CERTIFICATE OF CLERK OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS I hereby certify tliaf a bond in Me sum of � .. .. /r�ls been executed and fi %d mi /h the Board of .Iupervisors of the County of San Bernardino, °Slate of Ca /lfornia, Cond /f iOned upon the pay - - rnerot Of all /axes, .Yale and Counl Municipal or /oed /, and all specid/ assessments co/ %fed ; •as tCYxes, uwh/ch a f {he ,`line of f/elii7g o f fhe '7nnexed o77ap w /th 1176 county /'ecorder, oe a lien agoinsf said property, bul not yet PaY46 /e, and sa /c/ bond /ias been du /y approved b the said Board of SUpervisOrS. HARRY L. ALL /SON County C/Prk and Ex- Officio Clerk of l oe , Board f Jupervisors by r n deputy 9 PALMS AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE I hereby certify That' 17ccord1i79 to fhe records of this ' ;off ce as of this dale, (here are no liens aga/r/st /he reo'/ property shocun upon the 4n1?6xe0' map for unpaid Sto' /e, Coon /y, mun;c; /, o local fixes or .!poet %a' / 4ssPSSmenfs collected as foxes Cexce,oP taxes or specAr/ dssessm f s not y�t� p� yob /e� wh,/ch are es/imafed of ,� ............. Dated this / * 7 day V/NGEh/r L. ROTH, Audiyoi; County Ot San Berndrdirro, .51471..6 of Co/ifomid„ COUNTY SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE ! hereby cer //fy lbal l have ex,7mined the annexed Map, that /he su6divisior> shown lhereon is s4lb5fan1ia /ly fhe same as it appeared on the 7&17 / ve /Y/cro and any vppr'oved 4 /sera /ions thereof; that o// provisior7s of the Subdivision .u/ao Act of fhe Std /e of Ca /if raid, 47110' .fan Ber'no'rdirio County Ordinance N° 3?9 as ammended> 1201✓& been carnjo /red /1.h, and / om so't /sfied /hal /h /s map /s fechnied//y correct • ,pa�fe y. L . Way. County Su/•✓eyor: ,Ja'/7 Ber1741r"d1r0 COUn NO TES The bea'rii79 of Al 0 "W o/`' the center / /ne of Bu / /ion R0c9d as per M. B . 36. P-17 Ways , as the basis of 16era'rio79s • / "Iron pipe set a/ each point shown by open circle Thus/ o A Z "x 2" Redwood slake Is set a'1. each /01. corner and curve po' /n, Scd /e / /00 O 20 20 R 2 24 92.70 I I n/89 Nor /h line of NWye Sec. 32 � o 29 o h M T 1.88 20' 2a or /6x.85' R =zo., ,4.4.68' 7' I •I 27 0,.90'28 ' I 7-4./- r. zo,, r I g 28 I 3 Fl -_ 7 1 . 1 7 - R. 20.0 22 I I I 0 h I / 20' 20 a ° ° ri • o a 1212 I 92.70 2 I � � 5 �� � 0 0 T. 19.83' N d. /0-.42 0±8 R= 20.0' ,64. 86 32 ,45.02' NB9 °9i 470 6 �- //Z.70 7 242.0' I o• S °Oe'17" 12.7 /V 89 /3 "F. ti N SUMAiJ /T 24 z O S7. N n zo.rr 20 20 R 2 24 92.70 I I n/89 I .V89 ° OZ %3'GE - 92.70' � J 25 I n 29 n h M T 1.88 20' 2a �' R =zo., a= c = x7' " 7' 3 •I 27 I ° 7-4./- � I g 28 0 Fl -_ 7 1 . 1 7 - n 22 I I I 0 h I / 20' 20 I ri Oo E I 92.70 I � � 5 �� � 0 0 SS o - /0 h N d. /0-.42 0±8 s/ V 32 m NB9 °9i 470 6 6 b I o• S °Oe'17" o 33 n zo.rr 20 20 R 2 24 . I 4 °B9 °9/'13" T =19.83' I I .V89 ° OZ %3'GE - 92.70' � J 25 I n � n h I 2 0 �' T a= c = x7' " I p •I 27 I ° I � I g 28 0 b N I I A S 78.17' I 78.83' I . ,z 4 °B9 °9/'13" T =19.83' I a= go ?8'47' I 7 20 17' m. R,'20.0' 23 R= z0•°' s. 78./7' I I 78.83' a 0 T a= c = x7' " " i I 1/ Iba 9 Q 98.0' II I 99.0' n 22 I I I i 4 h I / .�I I ri 21 � 5 �� � 0 0 SS o - /0 h h s/ V m 20 6 f / I '.It o � v o - I ors 5" Base/rlenf• f p p f0 • 0 19 7 p� ZIA � I � C N� b �i ° • 1 17/89 °O ' "E• i\ 1t/B9 ° 3/'00 ` 136 • 1 8 I I O 8 49 °28'4 4- 89 /'/3' ipl e /so.o' f T- ZO.n' I Iv T• 19.83' f Rs 20.0' I P, 20.0' 0 ti ° 6• 77.8.9' I 79./7' 11161-11.1 4 y I - 25 F - I --- 30' / I z � S N G 7 N N b 9 I Q o /z s . N /V a9 °02'/3 "F n° 242.0' N AVE 78./7' I I 78.83' a -\ T T a= c = x7' " " i I 1/ Iba 9 Q Q I /j3 I / ye'a' 99.0" � � 0 0 SS o - /0 h h s/ V f / I '.It ° o I v o - I ors 5" Base/rlenf• f p p f0 • •• A {vr Ufi / /ti[ s p p� ZIA � I � C N� b �i ° • 1 I 1 1t/B9 ° 3/'00 ` 136 • • "' /30.25' d =3 ipl e /so.o' f f 12 o o I I 1 37 :. O 0 b • •--1 - 40,'9.70 \ ♦ 430.0 ri 34 03 h 1. 138 z /59.70' /30. a • tj co /39 35 �, 74` -- 4- /6 °00'44 41 co a = 2/.°06'30 .P• /70.0' ° .P°13o' 12/.28' Al 89° 3 1'00 ~E /V 89 °3 /'470 "E. /!,Q 0 °60 ° 02'30" • R= 190.015 09°51 bo vs --{I -- 7.23.36' 36 �a . W 'e- 25' 30' V o X0 .,�• !4/ /O'Eo'1'Pmenf for � -� .s °oo., • O � IJ uti //t.es °•o�.• ° � 1 I ti --- - 9,29.90' -- - - - - - o .. ..- N &-9- oo 38' E' `354.70 of NE! o f ,vW!4 Fou ^ /.P osPer M. B. 36 P_ /7 °!.'h! 40r• N%2 Of NE Ag /W; 1P 9E p/s 3-as Jc 32, r, IA(; R 90,•. ��rr �9 as