sbmb039_059P We hereby certify that we are the owners of or have some right, tit le or intrest in and to the real properfy in - c/uded within the Subdivision shown up- on the annexed map, and that we are the on / persons whose consent is necessary to pass a c /ear title tO said properly and we consent to the making of said map and .subo as shown within the colored border /fines and hereby dedicate to the pub lic use all the S)lreets, Avenues, Alleys and parking spaces, and planting strips shown upon said map with said subd111is/0n. J OSHU e EE LAN Pr2sid¢nt Secr¢ ?ia -y 0 S/ /lave been comp lied with, and / am satisf%Qd fhaf Phis map is technically correct L Dated lhis�day o re ,1946. 1 176 9.3.4':t to S. W. Cor. County Surveyor, San B \ ernard�i70 co TPACT No. 2812 SAN A8ZRNAA;'D /NO COUNTY, CAL /FO)PN /A BEING A SUED /V /S /ON OF A /SORT /ON of THE SOUTH WEST A4• OF SECT /oN '54 T. /A/, kD. 6,E., S. B. B. &,44 THE B 6AR/NG N. O° %3'b. AS SHowv off - THE WEST L //VE of SEcT /ON 36, TRACT No. ,255 6 A 5 /QECOQDEO /n/ BOOK OF MAPS, BOOK 36, .L3vsEs 5 7 7 (0/ 15 U5EO AS 5A.515 OF .BEA2 1NG - e TH S MAP. tt a�1 - - �`� /V 89 °26.24•W.. L ^ 30' N 4•,°38 ¢0/563' L:6 ��CL 8.8 . ^ a ' 2 ° 0) 47.. /00 .95' ' e 2690 W ES T N ° VI 4 :2e /00.20' 2.89' N i � 8'27" Q♦`�J W m Q N / ao 2 N 3 ml �� 4 5 IN, I' -4 O m �l o r Ih 0 A U-M. 14 Notary Public . in a for said County of 1 S e of Ca /iforr/i¢. I I Jack S. ,Daub, do hereby certify I that /arn a Licensed Su1 _-- CiQEST of the Sfafe of California and Mai this I ^7 172ap consistin - 9 of one sheet, correctly I o represents a urvey m under my su ervision Q t rr►b Gt` 194 and 80.05' " d 2 °08'08" thafa /l the rnonumen/ shown thereon W (t) actually exist and their positions are I o correctly shown. t Dated lhis�� day f GO 1946. Z I� / hereby certify that /have e x - arnined the annexed map, that the sub � division shown thereon is subslantia // the same as if appeared on the tentative map and any approved alterations fher¢of; that a// provisions of the Subd/v/sion Map Aef of the Stale of Calfornia, and ..`'an Berna Cpunl Ordinance Mo. 329 as amended, Slate of Cali a os i - e 4 s Ss. County of on this ay of- 194G. before me a NotaryP /�e R e r d f' r the said County of State of California, residing therein, du l com- rnissioned nd s o n, er ona // ap- peared leno fo me o b the 1 idenf and known to a2e to be the Secretary of Me J0s/ and Co., the eoroorahon that exeeut¢o' the within instrurnen7 and known to me fo be the persons who execU7 the same upon behalf of the corporation$ named therein, and acknowledged to me that such cor - ) ooralions executed the Sarne. In witness whereof, / have hereunto set my hand and affixed my offeial seal the day and year in this eertif/= cafe fi' f above w /tte II �I I /9 ;I I I tk T. _ /9.82 /,P. • 20.0; NOTE: Set 2 "x2" SfaA -e-5 at all /of corners iunless other - W%se indicated EASEM /YT FO,P UT /L TIE S - N. 89 °-¢7'9 NJ Scale: / " = /00" 4z -y2�S A 07 °= / hereby cer fly that according fo the records of this office, as of th /s date, there are no /iens 2gainsf the real properfy shown upon the annexed reap for unpaid state, county, rnuniciPal or loco/ faxes or special assessments co/%cfed a6 taxes except taxes or special assessments rnof yet / oayable, which are 0S; of 0 Da.7`e0 Phis 8 day of M - - /946• County 'quditor of the County of San - 0" - 20, Sfafe of California, Oeoufy / hereby certi That a .bond in the sum 0�00 has been executed and filed av /i`h the Board of Suo e/ visors of the COU17 of San Bernardino, Sfafe of Ca /ifornia, conditioned u,00n the me/nf of all faX¢s, 57'07'e, County, mun- icipal or local, and all spec /a/ assess - rn¢nfs eo /%ct¢d as faxes, which al the time of fllll7q of the annexed map with the County /Pecorder, are a /yen agair/sf saio/,oroperr`y, but not yet ,oayab /e, and said bond has been du / approved by the said Board of Supervisors: County Clerk and ,Ex- Off /coo Clerk of the Board Supervisors, B ` y Deputy. The County of San Bernordno, State of California, by and through its du authorized officers, hereby accepts the 7 dedication. County of Son Ber17or6no 5'fote of Colfornia _ Chairi Doted this doy of_ Attest: .l o ry L. Allison, County Clerk and Fx -O / of thud of Supervisors. Clerk of the Board of Supervisors Deputy. 30 Iz ,I 30 in• on I 1 ° o 4 N 7 I 2690 79 09 p5 _-- CiQEST C //e L�596.53' ,e.• /O 007 ,/0" All d• /z °¢2' /00.5 , d • Z 08 3Z d =2 O9 d = 101 80.05' " d 2 °08'08" I'I WI• I le.. 0.00' 30 Iz ,I 30 in• on I 1 ° o 4 N 7 I �O 4 n`nn o ati�Iv I IQQ I'I WI• I hh j0 I � i ioo' .I I � •Q1I 1 I 4 =89 °2