sbmb039_061TRACT No. 28s9 MENTONE VISTA SUBDIVISON MEN TONE., CA L /FO4N /A BEING A SUBDIVISION OF LOTS /6, AND 18 AND PORT IONS OF LOTS /, 2 5, 6 78, 9 /0 AND I9, TRA C T N0. 2569, MEN TONE VIEW TRACT, MAP BOOK 36, PAGE 72, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CAL /PORN /A. SCALE /"= 60' AUDITOR'S CERT /F /CA TE I hereby certify that according /o the records of this office, os of fh /s dote, there are no /lens oga/nst the real �Mper/y- shown upon the annexed map, for unpaid State, Couny rr7unicipa /, loco/ tares or special assesments collected as taxes, ercevt tares or special assesments riot yet payable which are estimated of 11INCENT L. ROTi'-1 County A ud /tor of t/he County of San Doted this day of ' ,/946. Bernard' /no, Slate of California CERTIFICA TE OF CLERK OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS 0 I hereby certify That o cash ,Born' in fhe sure of 0 �� � has been executed and fled with the Board of Supervisors of the Country of San, Bernardino, State of California, conollboned upon the payment of all faxes: State, County, /numgw1 or loco/ and all special cssesrrmen /s collected as taxes which at the f /me of filing of the annexed mop w/th the County Recorder are a lien oqa /n-st saidproperfy, but not yet payable, ond3ono' has been approved by the said Board of Sunerv�sors. HARRY L. ALLISON, County C lerk ono' E x - of o Clerk f the ,Board of Supervisors /3 Deputy OWNER'S CERT /F/CATE SHEET / OF 3 SHEETS ryyZ 1! -�J We hereby certify that we are the owners of, or hove some right hf /e or interest in and to, the real property included w/th /n the subdiv/sion shown upon the annexed map, and that we are the only ,oersons whose consent /s necessary In pa a clear tit /e 10 said property, and we cor?sen f to the makInq of scia map an4' subdivision as shown w /thin the Co %red Border /fines and hereby o'eol(ccte lo the pub /;c use Capri Avenue, 5olerno Avenue. and Anzio Avenue as shown upon said 1770,0 with /n said s ivisio . . 10-0-10 OWN-M NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT State of California Count of San Bernard /no s s. Ors this day 8 . oP-Pna 1946, before me, Fronk B. Orr, a Notary Publ /c In and for the County of San Bernardino, State of Californ /a, resld07 therein, du /y commissioned and sworn, persona //y appeared L. R. Myers , Elsie M. yers, Fred H. S//vester, and ZcNora Si /wester, known fo Brae to be the persons & se names are subscribed to the with /n instrument and acknow /edge fo me ffxrf they executed the some. Iry wTNES5 IIVNEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed m officio/ sue/ the day and the year in this certificate first above written. SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICA TES. I, L.R. Myers, do hereby certify //?G/ 1 0 177 a licensed land surveyor d' the S/o% il/otar Pub //c in and fbr the County of d' Co /!forma, and /hat this map consisting of three shee /s, correctly represents San 9ernardino, State of Callfnrnio a survey made under 177 supervis /on in Llanuary /946, cwd all the monuments A CCEPTANCE thereon actually exist and their positions are correctly shown Dated th/s4� day of /94 6 The County of San Bernardino, Slate of California, by and through ifs du /y authorized off)cers hereby accepts the tbrego /ng ded/cation. L/censed Land Surveyor #2294 � ; �nQ, / 8 /yz, � COUNTY OF SANBERNAPD /NO STATE OF CAL /FO PIVIA NOTE 2; , 2 "x 2/" redwood stakes, painted `vhife, set at a// /ot corners and curve points. Iron Pipe s& of all angle points marked thus ! on streets pipe are buried. Distances are rrxrsured in feet and decimals thereof: ,Bearings are shown in degrees, minutes, ar�d seconds Basis of Bearings fvken from Tract 2569, Menton 1/ew Tract, cs per map recordedin M. 23-36, Pg. 72. COUNT Y SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE Thereby certify thotl hove examined the annexedmap, that the Suboiv /s /on shown t1 is subsfor>tio // tiie same as it appeared on the lenlative map and crr�y cypprove d alterat/ons thereof; that dl /prt�vs�or>s of /he Subdr'vision Map �4cf of the State of California, and SanBernardlno County Ordinance No. 329, as amended, hove been complied with, and I am satisfied that Phis moo /s /CC/7h/ca //Y correct Date J �� ' ~ .u� °-X 1-- County Surveyor, San Dernardino County B �- C/7 :7 n of the Board t' uoery /sons ATTEST- - HARRY L . AL[.isoiv,, County C /erk and Ex- o io C /er,�c of the Board of Supervisors De ut a P y MAP APPROVED -- C/tyfnyineer, City of Red /ands, California /I