sbmb039_066SHEET / OF 2 SHEETS TRA C T No. 2868 SOFFEL A DDIT /ON NO. 2 MEN TONE, GA L F BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PORT /ON OF LOT 133, TRACT NO. 2244 MEN TONE ACRES N0.3, M. B.32, P.9, RECORDS OF SAN BERNARD /NO COUNTY, CAL /FORIII /A SCALE / "= 60' AUDITORS CERTIFICATE I he-eh y certify Mal acco�i7g to the records of this ofrlee, as of Ihis date, (here are no liens oho %:�s: the real property show.? ur�or� the annexed -�:�r, �`?�r state, county mun1gW1, or local tares or saecio/ assesrner?fs co / %rcfed as tares, except taxes or specia) ssesmenls not yet payable which are estimated a/ y %— _ VINCENT L. 20TH voted this i8 day of , /946 county Aud /tor of the Count of 574qSo Bernard /no, Male of Carforno ay Deputy SURVEYOR S CERTIFICATE I, L.R. MYERS, do hereby ce-tifij that Iam a licensed /and surveyor of "the Sfote of California, and that this map consisting of two sheets, correct ly represents a survey made under my supervision in ✓onuory, /.946, a that a// the monuments shown thereon actua //y exists and tieirpositions are correctly shown. Dated this ff-�"'day Of L11 /.946 L ?ceased Lam' Surveyor #2294 COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE .'hereby certify that I have emmIned the annexed mop, that the sub- division shown thereof, is aubetontio //y the same as it opoear�' on the tenhbt?ve map and any approved o/terations thereof,• that a//prnvisicar?s of the subdivision Map Act of the State of Co/itbrnio, and Son Bernordir?o county Ordinance /I /o..-729, as amended, hove been complied with, and I am sot ebb d that this mop is technico //y corf — I +-, L- Couny Surveyor, .fin 8e1 . County Sfafe of California NOTE 2':r, ?:r /6 "Redwood SlakeS set all lot corners and curve , ooinfs, DIm ances ore - neasared in feet and decima ls therPoe Bearings ore show,? ir? ,Degre+es and minutes. Basis of Bearinyts 1.3 -om center /ice of Capri as shown ore plat o 7 d 2242 -A9. ,8,62/.9. Iron pipe set at a// ar?9le ,00infs markde thus •, or? streets pipe ore buried. .. OWNERS CERTIFICA TE I hereby certify that I am the owner of or have some right, title or interest; in and to the / W1 property included within the r 4thd /v /s /on shown elp" the annexed map, and thbt I - t7m the only person whose consent is necessary M pass ,9 c %r title to said property, 017&.f consent lo the .Waking of sold mop and subdivision as shown within the colored border Imes and hereby dedicate to pub /lc use Turquoise Avenue andSoffe/ Sfneef as shown upon said moo within said subra'ivision. A single Mari NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT State of Co/iforIM7 S.s. County � of son Bernardino On this 8 day s r <, /946, befbre me, Frank. B. Orr , a /1/0 any Pcib/rc in and for the County of San Bernardino, 5A71e of Ca //fo M 5 1ding thez�/r!, du /y corn /ssiorxd and sworn „ personally apr Aw ed Glen Sole /, knownfo ire to be the person, whose name es subscribe' to the within instrument and ocki�ow /edged to ?yte that he emmle+d the ,sarr?e. IN 9 I halle here41171,0, set /r? hand and axed my ot3�i'cia/ Seal Me day and the year ir7 this certifibale *\-St above written � — "'” / AoA7ry Public in and for the Ca,?nty of Son Bernordirao. 1 6)t7le 0/ alifornno7 A CGEPTANCE V°L'N� "3 - r.0 66 6�.� Mips s°= The County of son Bernardino, .5*te of oral tbri7io, by and ti,�•n?rgh i>� du /y author /zed oftcers hereby accepts t00�6 fhregoly dedleatibn, Daledlhis /gIO 01'1W,--C17 19� . COUNTY OF SAN BERA /NO ATTEST .' STATE OF CAL/FORVIA Harr A / /isorZ County Clerk and Ex f Mein Clerk Oelhe , Board � of Supervisor Sy a c,?'� - C'hoirman of the ,000710' o S�ipervrsors a �� Ocp . Cdy EnglMVr, City of MCd lamas, Co /ifornio CERTIFICATE OF CLERK OF BOARD b j9F SUPERVISORS I hereby certify that cr cash Bond in the sum of $-AS1 has been e xecuted and filed with the , Board of Supervisors of the County oSan Berndrdino State of California; conditioned upon the payment of'all faxes; stale, County, municipa /or loco/ and a/ / special assesmenls co /lecled as faxes which of the time offiAny of the annexed mop with the County- Recorder are a lien qgalnsl said property, bill hot yet payable, at7d Bond has been approved by the said Board of Supervisors HARRY L. ALL /SON County Clerk and Ex - offs' io Clerk f 7 Board of Supervisors /9?/