sbmb039_075I TRACT JV-9 2705 HOLDEN ACRES /Fd z" /. P. in Rock Afd W 114 Car Section // T 2N, R. /E., S. B. A* M 1 1 0.32'40' it R. 700' T. 205 /4' 1 1 i /Fd. 2"/.R .5 W..Cor.Sec, // r2 R. /ff., 6-5. B. , O M. 1 1.iio.zz Recd. 101A as 7j J G: i` q a r y NOTE Distances ore fneosured in feet and decimals thereof Angles ore measured in degrees and minutes 6os /:s of bearings derived from Wes1 o/ T r aci No. 2550 Lot corners rand curve points marked by "x2 ".15 9 Redxood stokes pointed white. Indicate 14 Iron Pipe buried whet -e located in ski -eels. So. Line Sec /; T.2N., R. /f., 5..58. M. JV / Tra ¢t No. 240.9 or. %'iP. Fd 2'X 2 "R. W. 5, N. W eor. Lo 24 B /k. 202 Tract Ala 2550 r � .zc t sa N -- 7 IS j t' r•; .l ,BIG BEAR VALLEY SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA BEING A SUEDI V /5 /ON OF A PORT /ON OF THE WEST HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUARTER Of SFCT/ON IIP TOM, SCALE / INCH = 200 FEET CERTIFICATE OF CLERK of BOARD OF SUPER V /.508 / hereby certify that o bond in the sum of loQoo has been executecl and fled with the Board ofSuper visors of the County of Son 6ernardino,,5tafc of Calif- ornia, conditional upon the payment of a// taxes, 0ta7 o, county, municipal, or local, and cell ,special assessments co/lcctcd o-5 faxes, which ai'. the tirne of the tiling of the annexed mop with the Gount Recorder are a /icn against saic/ property, but riot payable, ana'saic! bored has been du l � c?p by the 600rd ofSupei Da;"Cd this s? doy of C _,1946. HARRY L. ALL /SON court t C/&-/-/< C/&-/-/< an d eX- Officio Cleric of the• t3oard Supervisor.? 4NTY SURVEYORS CfRT /FICATE 1 hereby certify that / have examined the annexed map, that the Subdivision shown (hereon is 6ubst4nt- •t -• /ally the same as it appeared on the Tentative rnop and any approved alterations thereof, that q// prov- isions of the Subdi vision Map Acs` of the State of California, and the .5an Ser17a/ - dir7o County Ordinance No_ 329 Qs amended, have been comp lied with, Qnd I 8/09 sit am Satisfied that this rn o is f eCh/7iCa // y correct. b4 L /ne Dated fhisJ.S 1h4,ol' of _ /� ,oC✓1_ _ _ /946' - J H. L.Way, County .surveyor •: - -- r't S n Be�h rlino Courit' 1�1 P).p 14 C ocrN� fTu� /f0/" q� r� � 2r3, of ►�6 3 9 7< � Qo • OWNERS CERTIFICATE 1 hereby certify that / am the owner of, or have some right, title or interest h7 and 7'0 the real property included within the subdivision shown on the annexed map and that / am the only person whose consent is necessary to pass 4 clear t %t /e to said property and / consent to the making of said map and subdivision os shown wiMin the colored border /roes , and hereby dedicate 4 0 public use, 901dwin Lake Drive, Hi /1 A venue, Holcomb Avenue, Ho /den Avenue, Wendy Avenue, Hicks Ori ve, and Hale Drive as ,sho wa on -- 3 aid map and subdi vision. NOTARY ACKNOWLED65MEN7" State of California County ofSar7 barnardino On this day, 07`��? �Z_ — /94� before me ILA A!7 �r�'�sS a Notary Public in and for the County of Son Bernardino, State of Ca/ifo residing therein, du /y commissioned and Sworn I oersonal /y appeared, /toward M. golden known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the Ailhin instrument Qnd ackno`vledyed ;o me that ;hey executed the some /N WITNESS WHEREOF / have hereunto set my hand and affixed my officio/ sea/ the doy and year in this certificate first above wri tfen. Notary Public in d for the Coun ly of . San Bernardino, ate of California A CCEP TA NCE The County of Son Bernardino State of Co/itornia by and through ifs du /y authorized officers hereby occe the foreyoing dedication. QalLf �/ris 1a Iay oz 7 /,"a COUNTY OF SAN BERNARD /NO ATTEST STATE OF CALIF R / HARRY L. ALL ISON ey County Clerk and Ex- Officio Clerk Chairman of the 600rd pervisors o { the boa Supervisors E Deputy AUDITORS CERTIFICATE / hereby ce/ -fify (hot occordir�y to the records of this olT ce as of this date }here are no liens against the real property shown upon the annexed map, for, unpaid te, County, .Sta municipo% or loco/ foxes or special ossessrnents collected as fo�res taxes or spec /ol assessments not yet Poyob /e which are estimated of y` Gated this �_✓`� / day of_��t!� _ /94�a VINCENT L. ROTH, < Auditor of the County of Son -. Bernardino Slate of Ca/ifOf is Deputy ENGINEERS CERT /FICATE /, P. e. Hicks, do hereby certify That 1 am a registered Civil Engineer of the State of Ca lfornia and (hot this rnop, consisting of ones/) sheet, correctly represents a survey made by me in December- /942 Qnd that o/! monuments shown thereon actua //y exist and their positions are correct /y shown. Dated this LQ__ doy ofo• uoC,,V- _ J946 l/ Reyisfpered civil Engineer No. 1921 3 MAP A PPRO VED E.Q. 5 District Engineer, District 11111, Diyision of fliyhways 9J 39 -7s