sbmb039_093TRACT N 2870,0 LAKE GREGORY NOR TH SHORE SUB. NO. / SAN BERNARDINO GOUNTY, GALIFORNIA BEING A SUBD I V IS ION OF A PORT /ON OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE SOUTH HALF OF THE NORTHEAST QUARTER SECTION 22, T. 2N.., R.4W. S.B. B. B M. AUD / TOR S CERT /F /CA TE I hereby certify that according to the records of this office, as of this office, there are no /lens against the real property shown upon the annexed nxrp, for unpaid State, 2Lnt, n1 a or loco/ taxes or special assesrnents collected as tares, except /axes or specb/ not yet payable which are ¢__s./rn?0'ed of Gated this_b day of _ 1946 . V/,NCENT L. R 0 M County Auditor of the County of San Bernardino, State of Coliibrn1d CERTIF /GATE OF CLERK OF BOARD OF SUPERI//SORS t hereby cerk* ttat a cash Bond in the sum of .$ 1 1 1 7as been ereculed and filed with the Bwrd of Supervisors of the County of San Bemardino, State of Caifomb; coroitWed upon the,wymenl of all taxes, • S1bfe,County, Munripal, or /ocrr/, and a// special assessments colleeleol as tomes which at ti/m of filing of the annexed =p with the County Recorder are alien ,. against sa,(l property, but not yet,a cable, and said Bond has been approved by the said Board Of Supervisors. HARRY L. ALLISON, County Clerk andEr- officio Clerk of the Board Supery /sors. gy Deputy SURVEYORS CERT /FIGATE I, L. R. MreRS, do hereby certify that I om a Licensed L and Surveyor of the State of Collforn /a, and that this reap, consisting of three sheets, corredtly represents a survey rrxra'e uwer my supervision in Aprt/ /946, and that all the monuments shown thereon actual* exist and their positions are correctly shorn Dated this_- �' -�`' -- day of �11� _ -1946 -- L _ iee _ ' -- _ - ? 2 94 - nse Land urvey NOTE 2:r2"r2l "Redwood stokes painfedwhile, setatoll lot corners and curve points. 314 "Iron l3pe set at o// angle points marked thus t on streets pipe am buried. Distances are measured in feet and deo n7als thereof Beorinys are shown in Degrees, minutes, and seconds_ Basis of Bearings taken f3vm observations on Polaris- COUNTY SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE I hereby certify thatlhave examined the annexed map, thou the Subd /vision shown thereon is substantia / the some as d appeared on the tentative map and any d proved allerations thereof,• that ollpm visions of the Sum vision Map Act of the Slate of California and Son Dernardino Courrly Ordinance No 309, as amended, hove been complied with, and I am satisfied that this map is technically correct OWNER'S CERT /F /CA TE SHEET NO. / OF 3 SHEETS We hereby certify tlxrt we are the owners of or have 90'"e' ight, title or Interest, in and to, the real properf included wlftti the subdivision shown upon the annexed rnnp, and that we are the on /y persons whose consen is necessary to pass a clear title to the sold property, and we consent to the making of soa'mop and subdivision as shown within the colored Border Ones and hereby ded /cak to the public use REDLANDS 5MIR /T ✓ COMPANY President 7 Secretory NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT State of California ss. County of san&rnardino " C ��, Y ,� x �.� 7d� On this _ _day of-.4 _ _ _ before me, _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ _� _ `; b /� wbT Pub /ic in and for Me County of ,SMBernardlno, State of Cal /forma residi the V, duly commissioned and sworn, persona //y oppeorr2d A. Gregory, known try me to be the PresidenI and Mi /dredFhayer, knownfo m to be The Secretory of'the Redbnds Security Company, the corport�tlon that executed the Within instrument and known to me to be the Persons who executed thq srrrn�e upon the behalf of the corporation named therein, and acknowledged to me itvtswii corporation executed the sortie IN IN /TNESS WHEREOF, rinve hereunto set my hand af�`Ixed my ofhcia/ seal the day and year In this certlhbale first above wrilten. My commission = _ _ expires t �� r:: ?" C! 3'. r 5, 1:, .. Noft�rryy Pub /rc in orxi' for the unty off` San ger�rao, stale of Cali,6 b ACCEPTANCE The County of San Bernardino, State of California, by anal through its duly outhonzed ofcers hereby accepts the foregoing dedication. COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO Dated this 61h day of May 1946 STALE OF CALIFORNIA Chairman �,Board vis ors ATTEST.' HARRYL. ALLISON, County Clerk and Ex- officio Clerk of Board of Supervisors. r B.! -- -; -- 4. ='- - -- Deputy Dated thisx'sf day _-lWe ! - -1946 County Surveyor, County of San Bernardino. 446 3 39 f2a ps ,y.4, )� J� 96� .?9- 9.? 1