sbmb040_004ENGINEERS CERTIFICATE /, Off 1 do hereby cc,rtify that /cam a rcg /sfcd Civil Engir�eer 07`' fhc State of Californ and that this map, cor7sisting of one(l)shcet correct /y rcpresen is a survey made by me /n March , 4946 and that .all monuments shown thereon actually exist and their pas /t/ons care correctly 5howr7. Dated Phis %� day ot�l�1_ - y J/ / /// / /�� Registered C 1v/1 Eng /n c er N° 19 ,�-- I CERTIFICATE OF CLERK OF BOARD OF SUP �FRVISORS / hereby certify that a bored in the sum of %f-if-A _ has beer? exc- cutcd And f /led with the Board of Su,oervisors of the county of San 6ernardino, State of California, conditional upon the payment of a/1 faxes, State, County, municipal or local, land all special assessments collected as taxes, which at the time of the 7i'l /1 of the annexed map with the County Recorder arc a //cn against said ,property, but not yet payable, and said bond hos bccr: duly approved by m the Doom' of Su,per'v/sors. Dated thi5Mday o7 'ffim�-_ 1946. HARRY L. ALLISON C�7uni i Glerk and Ex officio Clerk of the Bo rd afSuocrvisors B e Deputy 0 0 �? oN o �o u �,, I"_ h� e N �p3�1 U� v o �� o OWNERS CERTIFICATE We hereby certify that we are the owners cf, or have .some right, t /t /c or interest, in and to fhe I- C C71 property /r7c/uded with- in the subdivision shown on the annexed map and that we arc the only persons whose consent is necessary to pass a clear tit /c to said property and we consent to the making of sold moo and subdivision as shown within the colored border 14r7cs, and hereby dedicate to pub /ic use , Curtis Sfrc et, L arse Stree �`, c�r�a' Van Leuven S7°rrce7' as shown on said mop and subdivision. NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT State of Go /ifornia s.s. County ofson .B rnard/ � On th /s,2 day o _ " 1946, before rne, el';? Z7. Notary Public In and f the County of San Bernardino, 57atc of Calif- duly commiss /one& and swot - n l personally oo.veared Roy one A/Iaurine M. Carpenter, husband and wife, known to Inc to be the persons whose names ore subscrib- ed to Mc with /n instrument and acknow /edged to me that they exe- cuted the Z� amz. IN WITNESS WHEREOF hove hereunto set my hana'and af- fixed my official sea/ the day and year In this cerf/ficate first above O A Pub /ic in and for the County of San Bernardino, State of Ca/ /fornia Z"-i. aw ACCEPTANCE Th c County of San Bernardino, State o{ Cali Porn/., by and through its du /y authorized officers, hereby accepts the foregoing dedica- tion. ��jj Dated this.S day of -- _, 1.946 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO STATE OF GALI FORN IA Ch airman of the Boar of Supery /sots A tfcs t. HARRY L. ALLISON county Clerk and .Ex offic% C /ark of th Board czfSupervisors Deputy AUDITORS CERTIFICATE is J, u; r. �3 r- 5. e9 ° 532 �w /326. dock 75, R. S. 6. Distances are measured /n feet and dec /rnca /s thereof Ang/cs ore measured In degrees and minutes. basis of bearings deri ved from can ter fin e of Moun lain View Avenuc as shown on Record ofSurvey,,5ook3, p.4. � /!`/dicQtE.S bul - '. mod l' /rvrr ��iE. o Indicates 1" /ran Pipe of block corners. Lot corners marked by 2 "X2 " 15" Redwood stakes painted whi 7 e. 5 ' Easement at rear or all /0 7o for Pub Uti /hies_ TRACT N° 2906 EAST LOMA LINDA TRACT BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF LOTS 1 4 16. dLK. 75 RANCHO SAN BERNARDINO SAKI BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA SCALE 1 INCH= 100 FEET NOTE NON h NZ N .�N 0 v 0 v 41.2 .5 , 1412. 6 ' C l.l to r '•i r, 97� / hereby cart /;'y that according to the records of this offi "ce, os of this date, the real propertyshown upon Mie annexed map for unpaid State, County, municipa/ or /oca/ taxes or speci4/ Assessments co l lected o.s faaxes, exce taxes o r species/ assessor not y;q payable which are estimated at Da tea' - - -day off - �/'r - �t - ,/946. 7 VINCENT L. ROtH Coun ty Audi for of th e Goun ty of San B ord/r?o, Sta to of Ca/ /torn /a B - J Deputy COUNTY SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE / hcroby oertify that / hove examined fhc annexed map, that the subdivision shown thcreor7 /s oubslantially the same as /tappcar- ed on the fe n tati ve map and any approved alterations thereof , that a// provisions of the Subd1vision Map Act of the Sf of Ca /- . orn /a, and fhc San Bcrr�ardino CourwLy Ordinance N 32.9, ns o- mendcd, have beer: complied with, and /arn satisfied that this map is technical /y„�orreof Dated f =day of_ �ti��!/� - , I946 H. L. WAY, County Surveyor of San Bernardino County By ��� Oeouy . MAP APPROVED. City 25ngineer, Gi l of Redland6 972 yo -5�