sbmb040_013TRA �T N O. D ��D/ SHEET / OF 2 SHEETS B/6 BEAR VALLEY, GA L IFORNIA BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF THE SOUTHEAST QUARTER OF SECTION 20, T. 2N... R.IE., S.RRaM SANBERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIF. AUDITORS CERTIFICATE l hereby certify that according to the records of this office, as of this dote, there are no liens against the real property shown upon the annexed map, for unpaid State, County, municipal, or local taxes or. special assesments collected as taxes, except taxes or special assesments not yet payable which are estimated at S__ P.W. NICHOLS County Auditor of the County of Son Dated this- day of ___ _1946 Bernardino, State of California. CERTIFICATE OF CLERK OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS / hereby certify that a cash Bond in the sum of $_,U `?- has been executed and filed with the Board of Supervisors of the County of Son Bernardino, State of Californ %a, conditioned upon the payment of all taxes: State, County, municipal or loco/ and a// special assesments collected as taxes which of the time of filing of the annexed map with the County Recorder are o lien against said property, but not yet poyab /e, and Bond has been approved by the said Board of Supervisors. HARRY L. ALL /SON, County Clerk ond&- officio Clerk of the Board of uperv%sors. By - - -- - --- - - - - -- Deputy SURVEYORS CERTIF /GATE L. R. MYERS, do hereby certify that / am a licensed /and surveyor of the State of California and that this map consisting of two sheets, correctly represents a survey mode under my supervision in May, 1946, and that all monuments shown thereon actually exist and their positions are correctly shown. Dated this _Zj] _day of__AQy ,1946 - - - -'-I � _z 2� - - - -- Licensed Lond Surveyor# 2294 NOTE 2�x2�x2l� redwood stakes, pointed white, set of all lot corners and curve points. 314 It 1. P .set at al/ angle points, marked thus ! on streets pipe are buried. Distances are measured in feet and decimals thereof. , Bearings are shown in degrees,mmutes, and seconds. Basis of Bearings taken from the West line of the N. E. 114 of S. E. I14 of Section 20 as shown on map recorded in Book 39 of Maps Pages 20 and 2/ Records of Son Bernardino County, California. COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE l hereby certify that l have examined the annexed map, that the Subdivision shown thereon is substantially the some as it appeared on the tentative mop and any approved alterations thereof, that all provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California and San Bernardino County Ordinance No. 329, as amended, have been complied with, and / am satisfied that this map is technically correct. Doted >h %s__. '� _e___1946 H. L.W..4r County Surveyor, County of San Bernardino By �1 0-¢ao^ Depaf OWNER S CERTIFICATE We hereby certify that we are the owners of, or hove some right, title or interest, in and to, the real property included within the subdivision shown upon the annexed map, and that we are the only persons whose consent !s necessary to pass a clear title to said property, and we consent to the making of said mop and subdivision as shown within the colored border lines and hereby dedicate to the public use McWhinney Court, Comstock Court and Pine Street as shown upon said mop within said subdivision. G A Married Woman NOTAR ACKNOWLEDGEMENT State of California SS. County of SanBernardino On this ALA _ _ day of --�jL � - -- - -1946, before me, - -� � a Notary Pub /ic in and for' the County of San Bernarb�ino , State of California, residing there% , duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Maude Bartlett known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the with in instrument and acknowledged to me that she executed the some. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, /have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and the year in the certificate first above written. My Commission J� -- Exp%res. =2__: ' Notary Public in and fo the County of Son Bernardino, State of Ca /%farm %o NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT State of California County of Los An e/ s s. s. MM ,p On this - . d _day of -C�t!� ____ /946, before me, __! ti _ _f -!'� w _,a Notary Public in and for . *he Cowty of Los Angeles, State of California, residing therein, du l y commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Ray Graham and Thurza Elizabeth Graham known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the some. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, l have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and the year in the certificate first above written. My Commis ACCEPTANCE The County of San Bernardi occepts the going ded%cot%on. �- A. Nato Pub /ic in and for the Cava�ty of Los Angeles,, State of California no, State of California, by and through its duly authorized officers hereby COUNTY OF SAN BERNARD /NO STATE OF CAL /PORN /A �t n ,t L+ a By- Chairman of the Board of Supervisors. ATTEST H RY L. ALL N, County Clerk and Ex- officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors Br - - - 2_ _Deputy 1 G �oa FAIII