sbmb040_040I TRACT NOe2902 GAJON RANCHOS BEING A SUBDIVISION OFA PORT /ON OF SECT /ON 29 (UNSUR VE YED) T / N., R. 4W., S. B. B.M. AND LY /NG W /TMIN THE BORDERS OF MUSCUP /AB1E RANCHO SCALE / /NCH = 60 FEET AUD /TOR S CERT /FIGATE / hereby certify that according to the records of this office, as of this dote, there are no liens against the real property shown upon the annexed mop, for unpaid State, County, Munlcipo% or loco/ taxes or special ossesments collected as taxes, except taxes or special ossesments not yet payab /e which are estimated at S . Z4-1 P. W. NICHOLS Dated ,',till day 946 Ccyrnty ' Auditor of the 'County of San Bemardino, State of California OWNERS CERTIFICATE SHEET / OF3 SHEETS We hereby certify that we are the owners of, or have some right, title or interest, in and to, the real property included within the subdivision shown upon the annexed mop, and that we are the on /y persons whose consent is necessary to pass o clear tit /e to said property, and we consent to the making of said map and subdivision as shown within the colored border lines and hereby dedicate to the public use Porter Street, California Street, Wilson Street, Muscott Street, S 27th Street . as shown upon said map within said subdivn. PIONEER TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST �AY L + President Secretary CERT /F /GATE OF CLERK OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS /VOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT / hereby certify that o cash Bond of has been executed and filed with the State of California S, S. Board of Supervisors of the County of San Bernardino, State of California, conditioned upon County of Son rnardino n/ i a/ or loco/ and all special ossesments Orr this day of �� h ,, , T `O' o Notary Public Me poyntent of al/ taxes: State, County, Mu c p, p 1946 before me t s s e e collected as foxes whidt at the time of filing of the annexed map with the County in and for said County and State, personally o n o oinst said property but not et payable, and soil Bond has known to me to be the President, and E • - - -known to me to Recorder ore o lie g y Pay been approved by the said Board of Supervisors be the Secretory, of the Pioneer Tit /e Insurance and Trust Company, the Corporation HARRY L. ALLISON, County 0164 and that executed the within Instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within Ex- officio Clerk of Board of Supervisors Instrument on behalf of the Corporation herein named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation executed the some. By �G(f s Deputy IN WITNESS WHEREOF, / have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the day and year in this certificate first above written. r SURVEYORS CERT /F /GATE M c °m m'ss' ' �` So Notary P ic' in and the County of expires ___�_ Son Bernordinq SYa of Co/ifornio L. R. Myers, do hereby certify that / am a licensed /and surveyor of the State of ' California, and that this mop consisting of 3 sheets, correctly. represents a survey mode under �+ my supervision in June 1946, and a// the monuments shown thereon actually exist and their AGGEf'TANGE pdsitions are correctly shown. The County of' Son Bemardino, State of California, by and through its du /y authorized Iited this dry of -� l , 1946 officers hereby accepts the foregoing dedication. Licensed L and Surveyor # 2294 ���i �� �,g�¢� COUNTY OF SAN BERNARD /NO STATE OF CALIFORNIA By NOTE Chai man of the Board of &uperylsors 2'x'2%'21" redwood stakes, pointed white, set at ol/ lot corners and curve points. 3. /. P. set at angle points marked thuse, on streets pipe ore buried. Distances are measured in feet and dedmo /s thereof. Bearings are shown in degrees, minutes, and seconds. Basis of Bearings token from Tract 2243 as per mop recorded in M. B_ 32 pages 21 B 22. COUNTY SURVEYORS CERT /F /GATE ATTEST Harry L. Allison, County Clerk and / hereby certify that / have examined the annexed mop, that the Subdivision shown thereon Ex-officio C /erk of the Board of Supervisors is substantially the same as it appeared on the tentative mop and any approved alterations thereof, Cotr.�� that all provisions of the Subdivision Mop Act of the State of California, and Son P- Bernardino County Ordinance No 329, as amended, have been complied with, and / am satisfied By —� Deputy that this mop is ieoMicol /y correct. ` day Doted this /946 L_ y County Surveyor, Son Bernardino County lc�l• x n �, �1G 0 yD-�d