sbmb040_046V TRACT NO. 2966 T TRAC (am. cuR Is BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF LOT 1, BLOCK F, AND OF LOTS if 4.12, BL. E, AND OF HARLEM AND VIVIENDA AVENUES AS SHOWN ON A MAP OF GRAND TERRACE , ON FILE IN MAP BOOK 11, PAGE 4, RECORDS RS CE OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY CALIFORNIA. �s OF THE RECORDS OFFICE APRIL 1946 SCALE '. 1" =100' J.F. Davidson , Givi I .Engineer 60 / hereby certify 11x31 accordiny t o /he records of this office as of This dale, there are no /lens againsl /he properly shown on the wilhin map for unpaid S /a /e, Coun /y or/oca/ fares or species /assess- mer?ls co/lecfed as lax eXCepf l es r ow Q7 lien bul not yel pav -7h 1e, which are .es/irnafad To be y D,7 led l his day of �- �/ , 1946. Counly Audi for / hereby certify /ha / .7 hand in The sum of 42 �as been eXeculed and fi /ed with /he Bverd o1JuperYi - sors of Me Cajnfyof San Bernardino, Stale of California, conoIlloned upon The peymenl of a// Taxes; Sfafe, Cain /y, Muni6p I or /ocaf, and a// special assessmen /s cof/ecled as /a,✓es, which a/ the lime of fi /i7 of Me anmzed reap wilh fhe County Pe corder are a lien agains said properly bul n yel pay- able, and said ,bond has been du /y ppr ✓ed by said .Board of Supervisors. Doled /his s day o ,1- . HA,24 L. ALL 1,50.1V County Clerk anal ex- officio Clerk a, (f t e , 5 wrd o /, 5upe r - visors of The County of San .Bernardino ,b y g W � A I o' a" I � � /8 9.60' . The Counly of San Bem , dino,S /d /e of California by anal Through its duly au/hor*d officers, hereby accepts the a /ached ,c? Dated /his ,/9.�6 . COUNTY OFSAiVBERNARD /NO, STATE OFCAL /FORK /A A //e,sl: p/APQY L. "A L,L/sonV Counly Clerk and ex- officio Clerk of fhe Gard of Supervisors b y Deputy Chairmain of fhe ,B of upervisors /hereby cer /ify /ha/ /have examined The annexed map, lhaf 1hesubd1'visio17 shown ' fherem is substanlia //y The Sarre as i/ appeared on /he fe/7talive reap and any a roved a/ /ersfions Thereof,' Itiat a// pro visions of , fhe .Sum iiision Map. Acl of /he Slate of CWl forma , and San Bernardir7o Counly Ordli7 1712 No. 323, as amended, have been complied wifh, and 1 an7 sa /ised /ha/ /his map is /echnica //y correct • /-/ G. WA Y County Surveyor of .San Bernardino Coun l 8 5Q3' West — AVENUE , 1� 1 I y�•l25'I uj N I � I of vl I� v IZ W � I Q �I V 'III I I 23'i Z5'I MRed..5 B. 255 - _ j s°?Ql O ZI We hereby cer /ify Mal we are /he owners of or have some righ /, fi //e or interest in and /o fhe real properly i wilhin The subdivisibo shown upon the annexed map, and Tha/ we are The on persons whose cor7 is necessary to pass a clear /i //e to said properly and we cor7sen/ to lhemak- inq of said rnap and subd/vision as shown Within the colored border 1ir7eS. 40 O i STATE oF CAL /FOR .NIA COUNTY q- 111- On /his 3/ sf day of /!:�A Y ,13d6, ,before me P.E. a /Vo Public in and for fhe Counly of ,P/verside ,Stale of Ca /ifornia, residiny /herein and duly commissioned and sworn, personal ly appeared Gc%! Manrne Curtis and �hrvsf�o �rirfis known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to The wilhin instrument, and they ackn ow /edged to me Thal They execu The same. /N WImEss WHEREOF / have hereunto se ml hand and affixed my off ties/ sea/ the day and year in Phis cer /if cafe f rsl above wri l/e n . Notary Public in and for / fy of ,piYer -side S / ,7fe of Ca ifo is / hereby cerlify that / am a reyistered Ci vi/ fny'ineer of Me Sl /e of C a /if ornia and lhal this map, complete on /his one sheet, correct ly represents a survey made under my supervision during A•farch 19.d6, and Thal a// monurnen/,s shown hereon ac /u,=7//y exist, their positions being cornet/ /y shown, and are sufrcienf to e le the survey / o b e retraced e ' /erect Ci vi / Engineer /yo. 862 ENG /NEE,PS /VOTE : The basis W beariny for /his survey is /,ken as fhe cenler -line of P,9LM AVENUE, as shown on map of re subdi vision of GRAND TERPACE TRACT on f ie in M. B 1, P /reco of San Bernard n Coun / Calif c indicates % " /ron Pipe AjonjImenl se or rnonumenl found as holed. 2X2 ",Qedwood slakes, pained whi /e, set al a// /o/ corners. f.B. ado -30 F. B. 325-.d7 ._..._..____ ___ _ _ _. yy� yo _ y