sbmb041_016h n �j �J iD ll i �' Ftxraa' � T set /� rr�a 589 "68W /65 {Set . rrvor c` Jet �" Ir Pr' - r v � ' loo loo 479 570//? /ins 09 it/ar, l*e Lot 488 Y lj 4 v W Z Q �I �t h�� V loo s. 1 4 kpo� .rs CC 1, ,S'e/ Xo Eh'Sr /65 e TR ACT 3 0 43 DUB — LOW ACRES BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE EAST 165 FT. OF LOTS 479.8 488 AS PER PLAT OF ONTARIO COLONY LANDS IN THE CITY OF UPLAND CALIFORNIA AS RECORDED IN MAP BOOK I I PAGE 6 RECORDS OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY CALIF. CERTIFICATE OF CLERK OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OWNERS CERTIFICATE lo, ereby errhly thof o cosh bond hl t,* sum of 7S, "� : ha t w e here cerfi /y that we ore h'e ow,7e/-.r of, ar hove some been e,reculed Qrw tiled w/ the Somw righl, fit /e, or inlerert r,7 oral Ao, 1hr 117c/uded With. County of SQn 8err�ora�iiw, Sfofe of CO/ri/orrsr4, Cor�ifior,�/ ua�i h7 the sub d vi r/or7 show/ up�vn /he ama ed moo, and hiof we the Poy/�er�f of o// loser, stole, coun/y, Inevmlc-ivo/ or /o% and vex /lie on /y oenwnr wham can nl /f ce.rr'orY * ,owLrr o c %r sxcro/ Qrrerrfienfr e'a//ecfed os fares, which of die �`i //e r� .roio�,ort�per /y, 4 wr conronf ,55e ir�w,Finy of .raid r�op tiir�e of /ri�q el re o r v to fh Alf ft0e Qn,7"Od aloe hyilh /he Cour7fy , Pecorder or�d .rubdrr.rian yr trr� h%if�yirr die co %red bar a mr wo hergb _ 1 .. _ c _ �...1 .•sw 1 ,.,., � .mow. _L / ....�✓ V aped/ lo oub/ L' // x1, ools Ond o / %vr .ffirJ Are 0 / /Cw �!/J / .r ofN /�I f/f/C�r�/ - • ♦v♦ / r♦ solo/ borx/ ho e 6Per7 du /y approved by 735e soli/ 6001V of &Pon 4910' /noo *11%07 X-910' subd i��.i-ior� Carir�fy C.bn� �d •r- officio - Clerk {h`x� ofJ'ao�ervisorr - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- � ------ •- - - - - -• - - - -• - - -- Deputy _�- �t�•���z����L. - -- - - -- ---------- •-- -• - - -• CERTIFICATE OF CITY CL RK _ -- / herrby certify fhof A*re om no /renr 6'r unp4i4' municivo/ j tares or special axrerrm ogoii�rf any of fhe /and ii�c /uo'ed within fie• subdivision n fhe tww red rr7ov. Doled thi ck d_W,7y 9D6 City Clerk of the ' y lJp/Qn4; Co /fornicr- NO ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Sloes of Co/ifornio � SS /hereby certify that the City Cour�ci% of ftr Cii`y of UP /or7d , Cour�f y of So_n�3ernor�rno by reso /cation udopfecl a7 /he _l�.�doy of_ :. /9d6, approved O// fhls4 �'o c y or-,� t11;e olleched map occepfed Ib A&M/C use 11M dedications o it/olvey A&h &. /;7 &, r the 9 Courrfy of X07 B�ordir�o, ,rft�fr P therein ahrered. of Co/fornio, du/ �io � con,/ ;r,ned and X rr,7 , v Doled fhir. L_ day e'. _ /9dG'. __ Q,(�s� / ��� . �yC /erk o/xC - of %nd,. Colorr�ia.•���_ _,°._/..� - -- -- -- -known /a me 15 he *e pe' -saar w rroit�et air subrcri6ed !o the rYis�ii%7 CERTIFICATE OF PLANNING CO MISSION jn.r,+ menf end oa "aw/edged to me 1,5o/ h* errculed /A- .tome / hemb cerli {y Awl h* mop of /x j r; on /h *ifne rr whereof, /hove hereurr/, ,rvb.rc1-16ed my *e om?ered may war approved al v r,7ewl.,; 9 ,e,S P nraing tome anal allmed my .real fhe day orx/ yror Mr cerfificofe Comm /rr /on of ffie City of Upload on o'oy of. .. {f o6eve wriffa�. re -44- ttrn - - - - Seacie/hry ofif ,% /7r7i 17q C orr�rs�ission of C o Son 6terrmi7o Couhy Up/ona; Co/iforni4 Stole• of Co /tome.'. CERTIFICATE OF CITY ENGINEER f AUDITORS CERTIFICATE Mop op - -" - - - - - - / hereby certify that occordix/ lb t o reconk of this a ce, ax City E i ' �r Derr 0//* Cif y of UR ,f cf thin dole, there air no /rent oyoiizrf �e rro/ �oiaperty shiohr? A- A?1sreal Crri/ Erx/ Nr / /z/ upon The o wexed reap Isr ur7poid sf»fr, county, rrx mc/pa/ or /oco/ foxes or specia/ oxxer r/rierifs collec as foxes e yc e i o f 2 5 3 tuxes or .rpawv/ rssessin not Yrf Pay6/e which ore rs OQf o� th s duy CGo«nf gucl;ta►' _ Coun /yAudIbr efthe► Coawn/y of - - - -- ounty Oct 9� / q�f �o Son Bernoropii�o, S1bfe o f Co /f' SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE /. - �G�_ Nvlt17f -- _ - -. do hereby certify /h�ql / a� o Pegisl�rrd clv,l C&MAP M1o, and that fhir reap coarirf inq of one ri) sheet correct ly repre.renfr v suave y mode undw* ,77y supervision %rI ?t../ that o// A& mvmments - rhom,, 7 • i`hereori "4-/ and *a/ *eir positions qtr corfw1fly .7�0 �rr� �po No7r • z x 2 Slakes w are set Qf a// /of careers Unless otherwise noted. Sasir of 6eorinq.r - Euclid Ave, ossumeal as Noepy --/ e -, 4 `J y llllll Ps �J �1 Iks 1 a $ Z o0 3 4 ` S Z 6 H N 7 _ 9 ' /J = IZ . p = /3 W Z Q �I �t h�� V loo s. 1 4 kpo� .rs CC 1, ,S'e/ Xo Eh'Sr /65 e TR ACT 3 0 43 DUB — LOW ACRES BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE EAST 165 FT. OF LOTS 479.8 488 AS PER PLAT OF ONTARIO COLONY LANDS IN THE CITY OF UPLAND CALIFORNIA AS RECORDED IN MAP BOOK I I PAGE 6 RECORDS OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY CALIF. CERTIFICATE OF CLERK OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OWNERS CERTIFICATE lo, ereby errhly thof o cosh bond hl t,* sum of 7S, "� : ha t w e here cerfi /y that we ore h'e ow,7e/-.r of, ar hove some been e,reculed Qrw tiled w/ the Somw righl, fit /e, or inlerert r,7 oral Ao, 1hr 117c/uded With. County of SQn 8err�ora�iiw, Sfofe of CO/ri/orrsr4, Cor�ifior,�/ ua�i h7 the sub d vi r/or7 show/ up�vn /he ama ed moo, and hiof we the Poy/�er�f of o// loser, stole, coun/y, Inevmlc-ivo/ or /o% and vex /lie on /y oenwnr wham can nl /f ce.rr'orY * ,owLrr o c %r sxcro/ Qrrerrfienfr e'a//ecfed os fares, which of die �`i //e r� .roio�,ort�per /y, 4 wr conronf ,55e ir�w,Finy of .raid r�op tiir�e of /ri�q el re o r v to fh Alf ft0e Qn,7"Od aloe hyilh /he Cour7fy , Pecorder or�d .rubdrr.rian yr trr� h%if�yirr die co %red bar a mr wo hergb _ 1 .. _ c _ �...1 .•sw 1 ,.,., � .mow. _L / ....�✓ V aped/ lo oub/ L' // x1, ools Ond o / %vr .ffirJ Are 0 / /Cw �!/J / .r ofN /�I f/f/C�r�/ - • ♦v♦ / r♦ solo/ borx/ ho e 6Per7 du /y approved by 735e soli/ 6001V of &Pon 4910' /noo *11%07 X-910' subd i��.i-ior� Carir�fy C.bn� �d •r- officio - Clerk {h`x� ofJ'ao�ervisorr - -- - - -- - - -- - - -- � ------ •- - - - - -• - - - -• - - -- Deputy _�- �t�•���z����L. - -- - - -- ---------- •-- -• - - -• CERTIFICATE OF CITY CL RK _ -- / herrby certify fhof A*re om no /renr 6'r unp4i4' municivo/ j tares or special axrerrm ogoii�rf any of fhe /and ii�c /uo'ed within fie• subdivision n fhe tww red rr7ov. Doled thi ck d_W,7y 9D6 City Clerk of the ' y lJp/Qn4; Co /fornicr- NO ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Sloes of Co/ifornio � SS /hereby certify that the City Cour�ci% of ftr Cii`y of UP /or7d , Cour�f y of So_n�3ernor�rno by reso /cation udopfecl a7 /he _l�.�doy of_ :. /9d6, approved O// fhls4 �'o c y or-,� t11;e olleched map occepfed Ib A&M/C use 11M dedications o it/olvey A&h &. /;7 &, r the 9 Courrfy of X07 B�ordir�o, ,rft�fr P therein ahrered. of Co/fornio, du/ �io � con,/ ;r,ned and X rr,7 , v Doled fhir. L_ day e'. _ /9dG'. __ Q,(�s� / ��� . �yC /erk o/xC - of %nd,. Colorr�ia.•���_ _,°._/..� - -- -- -- -known /a me 15 he *e pe' -saar w rroit�et air subrcri6ed !o the rYis�ii%7 CERTIFICATE OF PLANNING CO MISSION jn.r,+ menf end oa "aw/edged to me 1,5o/ h* errculed /A- .tome / hemb cerli {y Awl h* mop of /x j r; on /h *ifne rr whereof, /hove hereurr/, ,rvb.rc1-16ed my *e om?ered may war approved al v r,7ewl.,; 9 ,e,S P nraing tome anal allmed my .real fhe day orx/ yror Mr cerfificofe Comm /rr /on of ffie City of Upload on o'oy of. .. {f o6eve wriffa�. re -44- ttrn - - - - Seacie/hry ofif ,% /7r7i 17q C orr�rs�ission of C o Son 6terrmi7o Couhy Up/ona; Co/iforni4 Stole• of Co /tome.'. CERTIFICATE OF CITY ENGINEER f AUDITORS CERTIFICATE Mop op - -" - - - - - - / hereby certify that occordix/ lb t o reconk of this a ce, ax City E i ' �r Derr 0//* Cif y of UR ,f cf thin dole, there air no /rent oyoiizrf �e rro/ �oiaperty shiohr? A- A?1sreal Crri/ Erx/ Nr / /z/ upon The o wexed reap Isr ur7poid sf»fr, county, rrx mc/pa/ or /oco/ foxes or specia/ oxxer r/rierifs collec as foxes e yc e i o f 2 5 3 tuxes or .rpawv/ rssessin not Yrf Pay6/e which ore rs OQf o� th s duy CGo«nf gucl;ta►' _ Coun /yAudIbr efthe► Coawn/y of - - - -- ounty Oct 9� / q�f �o Son Bernoropii�o, S1bfe o f Co /f' SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE /. - �G�_ Nvlt17f -- _ - -. do hereby certify /h�ql / a� o Pegisl�rrd clv,l C&MAP M1o, and that fhir reap coarirf inq of one ri) sheet correct ly repre.renfr v suave y mode undw* ,77y supervision %rI ?t../ that o// A& mvmments - rhom,, 7 • i`hereori "4-/ and *a/ *eir positions qtr corfw1fly .7�0 �rr� �po No7r • z x 2 Slakes w are set Qf a// /of careers Unless otherwise noted. Sasir of 6eorinq.r - Euclid Ave, ossumeal as Noepy --/ e -, 4 `J y llllll Ps �J �1 Iks 1