sbmb041_0802Gg/ -�pl .Sec u r; T y /e ca 9,'00 q I: �-a&� r LL �Z L a 3 C :3 Fd /Yoi/ond F /os/� Sou//i L /ne o{ Lof 129 75' 387.37' S. E. car. of Lo f 129 Serni- Tropic Lond & wafer Co. Sub. 8001r // Paoe /2 S. 8d. Ca. ?CC. N a j 1P4r dot/ Ave . \ Fd. /Ya /l and F /osr� J , TRACT NO 3070 MANNING T RACT BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THE NORTH HALF OF THE WEST HALF OF LOT 129 OF SUB. OF LANDS OF SEMI - T ROPIC LAND & WATER CO. RECORDED IN BOOK II OF MAPS,PAGE 12 RECORDS OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. FRED B.DAUCHY. ENGINEER. SCALE IIN. = 100 FT. OWNERS CERTIFICATE We hereby certify /tio/ we ore fhe owners of or hove some rigA/, f // /e or inferesf in ono /o fhe reo/ property included willw/7 fhe subdivision show.-? upon fhe annexed rnop q na ihUi we cite `h e or /Y. persc;;s w/ios a corsenf i s necessory fo poss a cleor // fo soya' property and we Co n se nt !o fhe Crno%/r7� of soid 1Tl and SUbdiV /S %on as spawn wit7ir7 fhe co %red border / / OWNERS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. Sfo {e of C o 11fiO r17 f3 0 .n nia ��� ' Co zen f y Of Son Berrordi o U n� a No /or On f /7 /s doy of /946, 6e fore me Y Po6 /ic /rn ona' for / e Count y Of f Son Bernord /no, e f C for,77i d n u /y Co7rr7iSSin and Oed sworn, pei SOrno // oppeored /mown fo me fo fe /hp persons whose nornes ore sub scrl'bed / / e o6ove owners . eerf /fi'c4fe and ockrnowledged /o me fhot fhey executed fhe same. /N WirivE - SS WEER OF, / hove he reun/o se/ my /ion oe' offixed rr7y officio/ sec /, /he day an yeor in /`17 cer /if /co% first o6ove `wri f� en.n � 1 uAkw • /yo /07 Pu6 //c in and for //7 C0 Q,-7 S /o f e o f CIO /i fo rn /o. Son Bernord /no ENGINEERS CERTIFICATE B. Dauchy, f7ereby eerf /f f/ia/ / a m o Rep /s/ ered Civil En�tineer of fne S /Q/ e of Ca /i F Orn /o a n d //iof /his m op COnSi s/in of one sheet corre cf /y repre serfs o serve y r77ode under- my scjperv�'s�o7 /n Oct ober 4Y46 and /ho/ o// /he rnor/uMe - r7 fS shown /hereon oc /uo //y exist and f/ie /r posi {ion,S are correctly shown. Doled f/,is 2"'O do of November /946. ✓ Z/V I IrV I.t/ ✓. � ! V . Rep/slere d Cl v/l ,En¢l� r ° No . 392 AUDITORS CERTIFICAT E / hereby eerf /fy //7 occord /n� /o /he records of /hg's o/"{'ce as of� /h /s do% /here are no liens ogainsf //ie reo/ properly s/7owr7 upon The 41-7 nexed rnop for unoo /d Sfa/e, County, lV/un /c/ple, or 1 foxes or spec /o/ ossessrnen ca//ec/ed as foxes. Dol 4f 7 doy of /946. s P W h' /cHoZ- S , Cozen /y Avdi for• of //7C Covnf y o f Son .Bernord /no, S foie of Co /i {orr, /o. CERTIFICATE OF CITY OFFICIALS Af o rqu /or rnee fin of /fie Cif y Council of // Ci/y of R /o /fo , Cc // forr�io, fie /d on /he 88 doy of Nevgm V /946, //7e soid Council accepfe d on be holr of fie Ci f y or ,F/'Q//0 //iC onnexed rrrop of Tract /Yo. 3070 mode /c desi�nofe /he dr'ff"erenf por /s // represents as divided /n to Lo 1S, and such gecepfonce was ordered on /he MOP CS prescribed by /ow. r �1f /es Z>ep (*fy Ci / Clerfr BoS /s o beorin� s sl7own on /h /S n7 op /S from Trod n% 2072 2 "x2" redwood sfo/res se/ o/ o// Lof corners except os o //ierw /se no /e d. y� �o ti ;Iz� Fd. Noi /ond F�osfi F-� Mer 4 ve N v �I Z 2Z � � b • �0 d+ . � � ti 'dl Rs L M y o s �2 0. . o C3 DK h h y o ILI �,'� � C� off. •hp � o ' o ' � � v oil ° i ti Cb 0 O h o� yo 14 Xb A . West I V I Se f //z � W E'os . _.........� .. iYar/h Z /n e o f S 1 1 2 Of W. //2 Of) Lot 129 esf06 11*sed 1•5 feet N. of old irri50 pipe /Inn ors Ana //y /OCOf w/fh / fhe 5./72 of Wl /2 of Lof /29