sbmb042_037S/// TRACT N9 3134 ACCEPYANCE The County of San bernarr� State of California, by and Through �, (Formerly lQedland s Boulevard) i }s duly aumorized officers, hereby accepts The foregoing dedicQfion. '� � S. B9 ° ,50w. 659.58' n/1alcor L of /7 fat Lend and 2 Do ted Ihis2 . da of _ _ --___ _ _______ -- ,19.47. �/�/C :% ,� _ _ N. 89°,50' E_ — — Y COUNTY OF .SAN f3Cf2NL�RDI NO, �,Qe rl. £ 329.�5'�Rec.330 I i�e.cor, Got /� STATE OF CALI FOf2N IA fd s $. co Ih o R, I MAP offtccn�h St I N. Line - - -- Ch of the 0oard o pervisors Pd P b 42 S0. 50 00' 0 80. Attc,51: ZO' - - - -- - - - - - - -- ---------- - - - - -- -- ---- - - - - -- 30' 30' HAMMY L. .4\L_L_I 50N County G/erk and bx -officio Clerk of The .650ard of peryi�sors p IJeputy STEIMLE TRACT N21 BEI NG A SUBDIVISION OF PORT. OF LOT 17, NA 2 OF A PART OF THE DUN LAP RANCH IN YUCAI PA VALLEY SAN BERNARDINO COUNTYCAL.IFORNIA SCALE 1 INCH =50 FEET OWNERS CERTI FICATE COUNTY AUDITOWSi CERTIFICATE l hereby certify That according fo the records of this office, as of thi,5 date, there are no liens against The real proper }y shown upon the annexed map for unpaid ,5�iaie, county, municvpal or local faxes or apecial osoeasmenrs co/lecyca'ao taxes, exccp, rlaxes or epvciai vssessments not ygt payable which are eehi naied at %# ------------- Dated thf _.day of_ __ �--- -- ;194 7. P. W. N ICHOL5,Counfy Auditor of San ber- nardino County, State of California COUNTY SUtZVEYows CERTII =KATE / hereby certify that / have examined The annexed map, Thai the .subdiYisicn shown fhcreon i,s substaniia/ly fhc same as it ao,0eared on the tentative map and any aaprozved alterations thereof, fbof a,'l provi- sions of the Subdivision - Map Act of the Stale of Cal(fornia, ar)d the oan Bernardino Gounfy Ordinance No. 3Z9, as amended; have been complied i� wiih, and/ am .5aho)'ed fhaf 1 1 /7. ,, 5 mop i,s feohnical /y correct .Doled 1h,4saj CQ U 17 tfy *,L cl r fq r tl ct 1 2 6 / 9H "2."2lo 37 /�7��Ps N OO E H. L. WAY County Surveyor of County of .San .3ernar- dina, State of Gallfornia ,5y 'N� 1'n - &_g-� Dcpuiy CITY CNGINEER, a, of Red /ands Distances are meossured !n feet and decimals thereof. Angles are measured in degrees and m. nu:`es. bcr,si,s of✓earings derived fro, -n the censer /ine of Klcaipa .50ulevard as shown on Map N9 2 of a pars of The Jun lap Ranch, .recorded in book ZO of,!/laps, page 47. _0'L corners and curve points marked by Z'°`Z'- /6redwood sfakco pin led whi C Indicates /'iron pipe ,set where ,shown, unless otherwiso nOied. CERTIFICATE OF CLERK OF IbOARD OF SUPEAV I SOBS I hereby certify that abond !n the sum of s0_ _ has been executed and filed with the .board of t5uverysors of the Coy of err Bernardino, c5taie of C alifornia, conditlona/ upon the paynnent of al,' taxes, state, county, municioal, cr local, and al/ special assessmenYo collected as taxes, which ai the time of the filin of the annexed mac with the County 'Qecorder, are alien against saio but no. yet payable and said bond has been duly approved by the 0,0171 d pf c5uperv. Dated this..,2 Y -- -day of- _- ,1947. HARRY L. �LLI5ON County C/erh and t"x - Officio Clcrk of the 130ard of / ,oer✓1 , � I lJeputy k k I° 0) Ni I� �I o to Ih I� h' IL i 7 Q : -d Gor. Lot 17, Mop Ne 2, Dunlap Zanch ///g We hereby certifyy that we are the owners of, or have some right jp/e, or in feresi, !n and to The rcol iroperty included within ;'he sub - c /ivision shown on The a. ?nexed map and that we are the only ocrsons whose consent is necea3ary to pass a clear tit le io said property and we c,or).sen i to the making of said mac and subdivision a6 shown withinn Me colored border /fines, and hereby dedicate to The public use, ar7 alley, and portion of Wc,5t Yucoipa boulevard, a,s,showa on ,said mop within said w,�dix:%ba SEGURlTY-FIRST NATIONAL. DANK F LOS ANGELES ao Tuj e B 'ce -Prea, Z y A sst sed y. NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Siotc of California County of San ,Dernard. c3J on ,this /OP. day oft 1947, before me ;�rdino, a /Votary Public in and for The County of San be. State of Calif- ornia, residing therein, duly cornrn4�ioncd and sworn, personal ly aapearoa' Aller/ b. Stelmle and Yvonne O. Steimle, husband and wife, known tome lo be The oeroono whose names are oabocribea' to the within insirument and anknow )edged }o me that they executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF / have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official ,seal the day and year in this certificate fins} aboVe written . Notary Public in and for The County o.i" son .bornaf - d1no, Oiaie of CalMorn14 NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT State of California ss. County of Las An9e/es9 On th)o_,_ day of_��%`�'l'i1947, before me o Alotary Public in and for the County of Lo,s Angeles, State of Ca /ifornia, r si inAt erein� dul corrlmissioned and srYOrn, personally appeared known to me io be the Picc- president and _ p _ known to me to be the Assistant Sccreio of the Security -Fil f National bank of Las Angeles, The association that executed the within instrument and ) known to me to be The persons who cxccufed The ,5arne upon beha /,�'of the association named therein, and acknowledged to me i'ho.l ouch Asscziaiion cxecu the same. IN WITNE55 WHERI -OF I have here un;oset my hand and al'fixed my official seal the day and year in Phis ceriif ca�`c first above wriifen . Alb. ar iz�dbl/c in and for 1hc County of Los Anye /eo, ,51a!e of Cahi- orn, LAND SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE !, P. ff. /delis,. do hereby certify that t am o• Licensed Land Surveyor of the c5tatc of California, and ,that this map, con6fofing of one M sheet, correctly reoresenls a survey made under my super- vision in February, 1947, and Mai a// monuments shown thereon aduolly exist and }heir positions are corrcctly •shown. ,Dated this?` day __.,1947 Licensed Land e5ur Ala /218 yz qOW37 L7 w. car. , [,or , /, h I ;... •.... : r„ .. , •.. :: ,.._ ..., . Mat �t/ °Z, Dunlap .anch �I d= 36 °52' 01 T= 437.36'