sbmb042_080.el-, // SfafB of'ca / /�o/no County oAZos An d-, Ss. on th /s `day of l�c�r7� /947 before me L - �/EHVER allolary Pub /ic /n and par the County of -osAnye %s, .State o/C Ca /morn /o, residing fhe/e /n, du /y cor»i»issionPd o.�d s�voi'n, Persona / /y a boa S L3• M1 n/T E' F.R known to me l .6& >`/ie resddnn/' of Ono, 11"c., the corpora/` /on '`hat execaled the w/th/n /17 S11-01" 1717 04nOW17 /0 me to be fhe,oerson who executed the same upon 6Pha /f of fhe cor /wined these /n and acknow /edged fo me thai such coroorat /on executed fhe same: / NW /TNESs w HEREo,-, //lave hereunto sefmy /iorn d and oFAixedmy officio/ sea/ th e ca'ay and year /n Ahls cerAvAlcat s a6o ve written_ t �,,"'•1. = .rni«s No tary 0"t. 0"t. Public /n dnd for fhe Cozen /y o,-'Los,41ge /es, State oFCa /i/corn /a OWNERS' CERTIFICATE We hereby cerA y 1h a/ we are fhe owners of or hovesome ryhf 1111e, or /nferesf' /o and to fhe real pro /nc/uded with /n fhe subdivis /on shown upon fhe annexed mzao and tha/ we are /he on /y persons whose consent 1s necessary fo o c/ art /f /e to saidproper /y, and we consent to th makiny o/'said /na andsubo%vrsion as shown with/n fhe co %red /roes, and /�ereby o%dicale fothe . y a// o/'.San Bernardino, for uses, t e'_ the s /1"ee /s, as a'es9nofed u o sa /d l /nc /ud�nySfa/`eh�iy/�way, with /n sa /dse division. PL7 / /7e /y//Ok/ar1`i /eA�or f/ �on Alva Ono, f0 c., o cor ornt /on ACCEPTANCE s �rti. =Y. Pars, The County of San Bernardino, S of Ca/itornLa, by and through /fs du /y at// •/rued orr/cers nereoy accept Ah e roreyo/ny ae a rc4/ ran. County of San Bernardino Da /e : �✓ Y� /947. Sfafe of Ca /iforn /a Attest : HARRY 4 �I ALL /SON B y County t'lerk o a Ex- o/'fic/o Chairrnort, Boara� of Sc�ie� visors ClerkBo fSuperisors B y ,- a�,°�` Depu AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE /hereby cer /fy fhaf according to the records of /h /s office as oFfhls dale, there are no /lens again/ the real /y shown upon) the annexed map ror un Safe, County, rnun /e/ or /oea /foxes or spec /al assessmen /s collected a.5/ exceol /axes or special ass essmen /s nofye%Paya.6 /e wfi /chi are es/imated o% Oared th/ �` day o /547. P. w.. NicHOLs, County Audi /or County of oSon Bernardino 41 m -t — C% -A t o o\ 4� �e o' c SCHOOL Th /s /ir/e,oer peed dafedd,,ord 4 /947 and recorded May /4,1947�� os /nsfi um ent'8,3 .... • .. . Fd�X6 Hwy. rr. TRACT N0. 3158 BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF LOTS N,O,P &Q OF THE MEYER & BARCLAY SUBDIVISION AS RECORDED IN BOOK 12 OF MAPS AT PAGE 18, RECORDS OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, AND A PORTION OF BELMONT SPRINGS (UNRECORDED) AS SHOWN ON MAP C.S.124 ON FILE IN COUNTY SURVEYORS OFFICE,SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. -BY- R OWE B. WEBB Civil Eng/neers May /947 CERTIFICATE OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS /hereby cerll& fhaf a bond /n the sure oFyP .SC ^ has been executed anal t'//e with /he Board o/'Sc/,oery /sors o/' /he Cou/ti y of San Bernardino, S /a /e of Ca /1/'01"17/a, cond/froned upon fhe paymenl• of a/ /faxes, State, Cozen y, mun/e/pal, or local ana/a / /s assessments co / %cfed as faxes wh/ch a/ fhe lime o/'flie 1r// o,-' ,' 4 6e annexedr»cr with fhe County Recorder are a lien a9611ns1 s011aIR oerty, 6u/ nofyelPayab /e andsald bond has been duy a 6y sala' O oara/ o/'.SuRe/'v /sors. / 1 � 1.947. HARRY L. ALL /SON, County Clerk and Ex -Offrc /o Jerk of fhe Board o/'Su visors 4!v w DePu /y SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE l herehy certify fhaf lam a regls te1"ad CivdEngm er ol'fhe State o/' Ca1IA17o1a and / fhls 1na consrsfrny o/'one correct /y represents a survey oracle under my 5u /on du1"/ng February crud April /947 ana/that ollmonu/nen /s shown hereon actualy exis/ and /heirposr /ions are correcfy shown. ac&X C:66 Re g /stered Civi /Engineer No. 1229 No TE :- Bas/- o "eBearinys /s centerline oXS/ate 111gAuray as shown on /nap record /n Book5ofRecords o/'Sur✓ey atPoge S9, San Bernardino Cou17ty.pecor-ds. .2 X2'Redwood stakes sefafoll lot corners unless otherwise rnafe 3 4 " /ran,oipes se /at allRo/nfs shown /hus C unless otherwise noted. Atop , 4 o proved . Q. 5 , O/sfr/ctEnyineer, o /s/` v///, D /v /s /on of H Fhways -it- 30 q CALL nt'7 �u Cf -'o r' z 80 NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT --oo State ot Ca /i/'orn /a ss. Cozen ofLosAnge %s _ On th /s .2 S day of zy'q Y 1947 6eAore me, G L- • G✓�� Y a n/o/ary Pub /ic In and for fhe Coun y of Los Angeles, state o/'Caa /i�'ornlo, res/cdlny (here /n, du /y comm/ss/oned ondsworn, persona //y a/opecrrec✓ fi'otc/A.�T/l EG6A /VaR // G ✓/c Son/ ez9"-- t/z9 1 known to me to be fhe ersons wlio execu with /n tnsfrurnen/ anc1 they acknow /ed me fhaf /hey executes/ Ahe same. /N W /TNESs WHEREoF' /l ave hereunto set my /land anda my o flit /a sea /h day ana/year In /h /s cerfi�ica /ers� a6o ve wr /tfen. Notary Pub /n and /'or fhe County olOLos Angeles, sta / of Ca /i�' o1"nra COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE /hereby certify fhaf /have exammead the annexedmap, tha /the subdiv /ston A own (hereon Is su6s Fan //y the same as // appeared on the /en /a/rve moo and and ao a /fern /ions fhereo% fhaf a / /prov /s /ons of fhe Subdiv /s /on /Ylap Acfo�' fhe Fla /e WCa /iArn/a and San Bernard /no County ordinance No 329 as crrnended, have been complied with, ant/ lam sa /isfied fh/s /nap 1s /echn/cal/y correct. Da /edth /s 2 -� day o/' /947. H. L. . WAY County Surveyor San Bernardino County By 6 �'� De ♦ �SEcor: Nleyer�Borc /ay Su6d. SA -47 I F.B. // Af