sbmb042_093ys / / ENGI N EER'S CERTIFICATE p. f. Hicks, do hereby ccrt/fy that / am a registered Civil Engineer of the State of California and that this mop, consisting ofone (1) sheet, correctly represents a survey made under my supervision In Ma?y , 1047,and that all monuments shown thereon Actually ex /.st and the /r pos/frons arc correctly .shown. Doted this-1—z— day of� _ , 1947. Rcgistered C /v // Eng /ncar N° 1921 TRACT No 3184 LAKEVIEW KNOLL TRACT Ng 2 BEING A PORTION OF THE N- E, i,4 AND THE S. E. ��,q, OF SECTION 19, T. 2 N., R.1 M.A. B. 15. M. SAM BERNARDI NO COUNTY CALIFORNIA SCALE 1 INCH =100 FEET g/ G COUNTY SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE / hereby cerHfy that / have examined the annexed map , that the subdiv /sion shown thereon is .substantial /y the same as itaopear= col on the tentative map and any ap roved o/terohons thereof, that all prov/s/ons of the Subdivision p Ao:'of the .5fate of California, and the San Bernard + + %no County Ordinance /V 32.9, c7.5 amended, hove been comp/ /cd with, and / am sotisf"cd that this rno,a /s fech- r7 /co //V carroGt. — Dated thio.& doy of �-— - -, 1947. H. L. WAY County Sur ve yor of the county of San Bernand /no"5tate of Gc� /ifornia t7 -Q • • Deputy ACCEPTANCE The County of San Bernardino, State of Ca/iforn /a, by and through ifs duly author /zed officer' hereby accepts the foregoing dedication. Dated this 21_ dQy of— , 1917, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDI NO STATE OF CAL-IFORNIA C h4irm n�o. e 8001-d of Supervisors Attest HARRY L. ALLISON County C/crk and ex- off /c% C /erk of the Board o Super v /601 g � � w Deputy NOTE Distances are measured in feet c�nd dec /o thereof. Angles ore rneasureo' in degrees ana' minutes. Dosrs of bearings a'eriYed from the North line of the Southeast quortcr of Sect /on 1,9, T. 2 N. R. / E., 0. 5. 6. 4 M. as shown on mop of I"rad M° 1746, rccoru - cd in Boo k 25 of Maps, page 46. Lot corners are rnorkea' by 2'5e2 "x White. • Indicates I "buried iron pipe. o +, set I "ii�an pipe. #,Z 7Z Re Cad: Requeost Paf1 ...... / r BY - 4 •.i �6 t1- fd2t251aXe,6. &u1-: Lot ,S; S5, Tinp`N°Z8Z0, Sc } /• Pie t� SEAb ETt- cor, Tit,cf Np2820 (Res. �r Trtac> N° 7746 OWNERS CERTIFICATE We hereby certify 7 we ore the owners of, or have some riyhf title or Interest, in and to the real property included within thesub- division shown on the annexed map and that we are the only per- sons whose consent /,5 necessary to Ross a clear title >o said pro- perty and we consent to the moking ofsoid rr)op and subdiv /s /on os shown Yvithin the colored border /Ines, and hereby dedicate to the County of5an bernarr,/ino, for public uses, a/! the streets and alleys, as each is designated upon said map, within said subdivision. Q4. J-j DM ANY "�tz 40.S -AG 710 president Score tory NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT County of Los Angeles State of Californ Ort th /s 7-� d. ov of a Notory Public in and &' r t ie County of lo.s Ange %s, &tale of Co//f- ornio, resid /ng therein, du /y commissionedand - ewo1 -n, personally ap,,peared A-4 S nw known to me fo be the Yee - President and �•�'ir.l�o -c� j known to me to be, the .4sst,5ecrelaryof the California Trust Company, the corporation thot executedthe with /ns> and known is meta be/-hepereonc who executed the same upon behalf of the coroorotlon named (herein. and acknowIcdged to me that such corporot /on cxecuted the same as trustee. I N WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official .seal the day And year in this certificate fiizst above wr/tten. Nyotary Public in and for' the County of l os Angeles, State of Ca/i forr�ia Q 4 4 1 �9 COUN AUDITORS CER'# I FICATE 0 / hereby certify that according to the records of this of {ice, 40 F as of this date, there are no I/ens against the real pr t opery ohown upon the Annexed map 7`orr unpaid state, county, rnun/c%oo/ �.. or local taxes or spec /a/ asse.ssmenf.s collected as faxes, except 41 faxes or spe(::% / aa,sessmernts r207` yet payable which are C,5.7'/r,101 Doled this day of 1947. Q is 1111�a P W. N IC HOL5, County Auditor of The County ofSanl3ernordino,State ofCaliforn)o CERTIFICATE OF CLERK OF 50ARD OF SUPERVISORS / hereby cert/fy that a bond /n the sum of -02Z1 -- Aa,5 been exe- cuted and f/!ed w /th the Board of Supervisors of the Gounty of Son 5f0te of cond /lianal upon the ,oaymenf ot'a/l taxes, stale, county, municipal, or /oco /, and a1 /,ipeci01 4ssess- ments collected o,s taxes, which at the time of the f /ling of the annex- ed moo w /th the Gounfy Recorder arc a lien aga /nst said propert but not yet payable, and ,soia bor)d ho-5 been duly 000rovec/ by said hoard of Supervisors Dated this L doy of� - - - -, 1 .947. -/ HARRY L. ALLISON County Clerk and cn -o1 ic1b of the Board o Supervisors D y CL,OU7`y 5��- 93 Rr :0