sbmb043_048S� i ..." SURVEYORS C "R7' /F /C�4 TE �� f Recorded at Reg oest of o f �� 1, Leonard R 1, ff; d o he, y cer y tif that .jam a r1 9is fer ed Cl vi/ En 9, neer .. ... c`� / n:` fhe '51,71e of Ca /�fornra and that ffi,r map, cons�:s�ii�9 of sheets, col-rec, yrepresenfsa TIR Z4 C Do e ! 9 r SUr ve y mode ander 127,V sage l-W Sion N7 ,�brvar y, / 997, and fhafa // /Xe mooarr;e ,*fs S.Ivwn 14ereo17 aclaa //y '�7 at...... ....................� o S `0..... M. ' eX js/�and �/ieir pasi>`ioos are correct /y shoa�� oeeffl /9 7. 0 [ 7� /� //'_� in Book........�.3. DATED T!/ /S D day of �, ,4US Tiq/'7 v T �1 ...... c:J �� FO. 6 ":Y /a ".STONE A /Z %�o�E P age (1,,�' � IN TOP gVW Al / -YHC 93, - .Sf/EET Y OF 4.SA6EE7J Records ., ;� F'er,�.trdino Ccn,.nty rr,v ,PSE • lereci/C' ,9 SUBO /r /S /O�t/ OF A hORTioN OF T•yE Al /2 SECT /oN 33; TGWA /V ;TLn� _ __ ,, �„ nnri r• 9 EAST /NCI MINO 7YT ,49AA PO,PT/aN OA' CACTUS DRMje ,4NO LOT 'W3 rf °r�`�'r SB8!`/L/ S,4N , 3ERNARO!/VO COUNTY, C /FOR1V /f� By - DepKty Rero.t, r e tc. ,�......�. O` IM czlfr1FIC�TE 4UDI TORS CFRT/F /C,4T�'.': - 1 We hereby cer / /fy that eve ore >`he owners af, ar hove I fie�e6y cer /i7y fho�` occoio'ir�q /o /he records o/' Phis office as of Phis dam•, SOrr e righ /, fit /e , or rrr /erESf rh a, /o the reo/ properfy 7`here ore rro /erX.s agoirrs>` f/7E rEO/ /araper/y s/ioss�rr U,00rr yhe alvm veal 1wapJ, /oi• //7c/ai-%d W/thin /he sa6411r1s1on shown Upov� /he a. ezeW wep, uriaa�d Sfo CoUrr /y, /lurrrciPa/ or Loco/ fares or s"Oec/a/ oJ1E1`w' - wh co/ /"e ;lea ar Orra Mal me are The ohly persons /chose cot7re/71 rs f7ecessary faXeS. I fo pass a c /P4r fi //e 7 -Fait/ ,oro oer7`y, orr� !ye Corr sErrr` fv /00 DA TED I Z— I f— J 947 — —' 117ok1 al e said ryrao a/7a suh divrsiorr os s/iosyrr Ar1fhi/7 fhe RAI N/CAMS, AUO /TOlF, COUNTY OF NBEI�NAiPO /NO. ((, , oo %rPd borc%r /�rres and hErE6y dec/ico fo fhe Cou�fy ofSanBernardino /orpu6 /i� uses, .STATE OF CWhc, OIT/1/ /.4, I \ fhe aver/ues, 6oa/evords, c/rives, a//eyr ar7o hiyh�rroy and yb San ,Bernardino County � floodConyro /d /sr�ivcr`forf /ood contra/ purposes, a //f /ood confio /,Q /yhls- of- -Way � � �s desi9na upon saidrnaos w: { /rin said subdivision. COUNTY SUpyleyRS CEITT /FlC9TE re��un /ire Irr s Corr I he r6hy C,-,- - y fho /Ihove e- 'a`nraed fhe or�r�erec/ mop, and fhof fhe .so6d�vrrioa sfiotair� fhErF C,17 0 ' Ns suhsfohfio //y fhe same as r/ a0,0, d ors /! /eat /ive rrrop ar�a aPProrEd a / /Prnfians thereof that f , Pr•etl en/` all ' 01011S/OOs of /he Sul d/nve, /y/op ,9cf el' fhe 51ale of Cahlvrr7/o,, or/cd Son 9err7ord/ro Gcrvafy — — tV Ordiao�ce /INa. 3Z9 as om�nendeor hove 6 eew ce ,with safislled /ho/ //irs /moo rs Tech- ENTYMAIE PALMS H /Gl1WAY E N8 MB3 - G 92 -93• , 4z Z-'T 1 / ' /Y 89°a2'da "Z T fjy �• "' Deputy, � I I STAQ TE OF CAL /FOR/1✓ /,9 COU/VTY OF LOS�4NG�L 'FS ,/ / r, > day of /9.�7 , before /h f'Y - c r"fi7fy hof a and in he sam of rSas 6e a execv ed and ed w�>< he BO RD OF UpERY MRS o f/ie CD V7 Y Of SAN B /YgRO/ O, sTAT Aoc CAL/ ORN /A. adifion d 9r7dhO r„e Q - 701aly puh /c 1 17 alW/ are a / /faces SA. fe, Caa ray.Alelrr pa / Loca /, nda ec a sessmia fs co fed as " J 6 f X es, ic .�f /ie rein of fi %i of ffi anr�ex d rsap i�h fhe oanfy econde are a /ea ai' sf Me coawly op .Los r9rr e /es .State of Co /forma, 9 9 aid p e oor. f , v /r/o yefpa a6 /e ari said nd fias 6Pea d Jy app owed 6 y /!e .sai Beard ,residng fherP /n, du /y orr�r�rria d or�d sworn, RPr- o /Sel ery/so -Faro //y appeard ✓y im o5'. Aa -e- o .0<ITF T1/�s �A of /947 .�/,4R Y L. lJ L /SON, oanfy /ei�,F air /fi/awrr >`o rrre l he fhe PrEsrde f ohd �✓. A-howh fa r,�e -� fo 6e fhe SecreTory of fhP T � �I2�I'!E� Tc+��m5 �'ordr'aorJ fhe Corporation 07 e,recakad fhe !within /rrsfrvrnFrrf d171-1 A r70w/7 fa hie 6, s z fo 60 /he persa / erecu/ed Me same upo17 heho /f a1 Go/'Por nor7�sd th ere /r7 , Q/7d Oc.� fIOW/Ea�gECL f0 fl7e that Such corp0ra 11o/7s es Celled /fie If7 xlb fh&, eo% .I hove hereurrlc se / /!7y hawad acrd w/rHPf! r. D , of//.r'ed /may o/'/cial sEa/ 117E day awd yEar rrr Phis cer /i! /ca /e firs/ above Wrifi`err. . Notary aahllc //7 d//d /or bl� Me courr /y o/' 1os.9n9e %s, (,� Stale of Gafillerrr /a . /J J 1 , � ACCEPTANCE G +� a �' aQ Th Coun of Sao ,Bernard /no 0170 fhe San Bernardho Co!/n ' Y `� e y /%od Cant/ o/ ,District, Stole of Co / /*rnio, by and through ils du/y ov129or127ed officers, hereby dcceo/s The foregojr7q O /C07`%0/73. DATE: OV �6 19/ 17 COUNTY OFS,4N FQ,P• C' ,Z STATE OFC�L/ DR G4. /, y� 2 0 °o ,4TTE•S7: 114 RRYz- 4 County C /er e exoffi' o C% Chairman, Boar• of u ervrsor•s 1/ �� y offfe �B o uper•v ' or•,S , Vs d\ J' San Bernav -Wzha Coun /y / o _ 4 AAA 02,°u y F /ood Co fro/ r' rvcf 6, o NOTE Cfair oa o S Yisor,� / x 6 D The hea my or ND 03 ZO X 61/ Me Za.V Aoaadory OfSechorr -p 3j, TIN, 99E. S9. B. M. aS showa 6y/ecord 0/ 5a,-,v--y 6y Uwi , hl B. Cooper, Seal 199,0 `vas faker os Ae' basis O" 61'""T ATTEST ' 1 15 2133 e>< seQ J 4 ZX2 �� redwood s /ah- /s Sel of each /O/ A 3 / "/con pipe /s set of each pouf shown by a So%V circle fhas ---0 — U/7 /ers o f/,erwrse cr ated Secre ory, So/7 Bernorr7iro _ _ _ = Oeno>�s 20' U /ifify Edremenf County T /ood CoNro/ District Board of S�perYisors. SHEET z /� qz 56 of � a SION I D�r I I - I 212 � • ♦ r �•,� I l %� : / 1 P F �W lP /2 "DEEP _ i � "44 OT A�5 c� 30 30 F + Sca /e /t /OD 1 7A �' �2 °Z85y,.` 11L. h/AY, loon /y Surv i AlOURY Dated fh�s� day of , 1947 -Farr bra rdao Cou/7 /y. !< o I fjy �• "' Deputy, � I I STAQ TE OF CAL /FOR/1✓ /,9 COU/VTY OF LOS�4NG�L 'FS ,/ / r, > day of /9.�7 , before /h f'Y - c r"fi7fy hof a and in he sam of rSas 6e a execv ed and ed w�>< he BO RD OF UpERY MRS o f/ie CD V7 Y Of SAN B /YgRO/ O, sTAT Aoc CAL/ ORN /A. adifion d 9r7dhO r„e Q - 701aly puh /c 1 17 alW/ are a / /faces SA. fe, Caa ray.Alelrr pa / Loca /, nda ec a sessmia fs co fed as " J 6 f X es, ic .�f /ie rein of fi %i of ffi anr�ex d rsap i�h fhe oanfy econde are a /ea ai' sf Me coawly op .Los r9rr e /es .State of Co /forma, 9 9 aid p e oor. f , v /r/o yefpa a6 /e ari said nd fias 6Pea d Jy app owed 6 y /!e .sai Beard ,residng fherP /n, du /y orr�r�rria d or�d sworn, RPr- o /Sel ery/so -Faro //y appeard ✓y im o5'. Aa -e- o .0<ITF T1/�s �A of /947 .�/,4R Y L. lJ L /SON, oanfy /ei�,F air /fi/awrr >`o rrre l he fhe PrEsrde f ohd �✓. A-howh fa r,�e -� fo 6e fhe SecreTory of fhP T � �I2�I'!E� Tc+��m5 �'ordr'aorJ fhe Corporation 07 e,recakad fhe !within /rrsfrvrnFrrf d171-1 A r70w/7 fa hie 6, s z fo 60 /he persa / erecu/ed Me same upo17 heho /f a1 Go/'Por nor7�sd th ere /r7 , Q/7d Oc.� fIOW/Ea�gECL f0 fl7e that Such corp0ra 11o/7s es Celled /fie If7 xlb fh&, eo% .I hove hereurrlc se / /!7y hawad acrd w/rHPf! r. D , of//.r'ed /may o/'/cial sEa/ 117E day awd yEar rrr Phis cer /i! /ca /e firs/ above Wrifi`err. . Notary aahllc //7 d//d /or bl� Me courr /y o/' 1os.9n9e %s, (,� Stale of Gafillerrr /a . /J J 1 , � ACCEPTANCE G +� a �' aQ Th Coun of Sao ,Bernard /no 0170 fhe San Bernardho Co!/n ' Y `� e y /%od Cant/ o/ ,District, Stole of Co / /*rnio, by and through ils du/y ov129or127ed officers, hereby dcceo/s The foregojr7q O /C07`%0/73. DATE: OV �6 19/ 17 COUNTY OFS,4N FQ,P• C' ,Z STATE OFC�L/ DR G4. /, y� 2 0 °o ,4TTE•S7: 114 RRYz- 4 County C /er e exoffi' o C% Chairman, Boar• of u ervrsor•s 1/ �� y offfe �B o uper•v ' or•,S , Vs d\ J' San Bernav -Wzha Coun /y / o _ 4 AAA 02,°u y F /ood Co fro/ r' rvcf 6, o NOTE Cfair oa o S Yisor,� / x 6 D The hea my or ND 03 ZO X 61/ Me Za.V Aoaadory OfSechorr -p 3j, TIN, 99E. S9. B. M. aS showa 6y/ecord 0/ 5a,-,v--y 6y Uwi , hl B. Cooper, Seal 199,0 `vas faker os Ae' basis O" 61'""T ATTEST ' 1 15 2133 e>< seQ J 4 ZX2 �� redwood s /ah- /s Sel of each /O/ A 3 / "/con pipe /s set of each pouf shown by a So%V circle fhas ---0 — U/7 /ers o f/,erwrse cr ated Secre ory, So/7 Bernorr7iro _ _ _ = Oeno>�s 20' U /ifify Edremenf County T /ood CoNro/ District Board of S�perYisors. SHEET z /� qz 56 of � a SION I D�r I I - I 212 � • ♦ r �•,� I l %� : / 1 P F �W lP /2 "DEEP _ i � "44 OT A�5 c� 30 30 F + Sca /e /t /OD 1 7A �' �2 °Z85y,.`