sbmb043_052' r J, / / TRACT NO. 3//3 RED HK L ES TATES TRACT NO. 4 BEING A SUBD /VIS /ON OF PORTIONS OF LOTS 5 12, AND /3, SECTION 9, T. IS.,R.7W., CUCAMONGA LANDS AS RECORDED IN BOOK 4 OF MAPS, PAGE 4 RECORDS OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. SCALE" l INGH = 60 FEET AUDITORS CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that according to records of this office, as of this date, there are no liens against the real property shown upon the 'annexed map, for unpaid State, County, municipal, or local taxes or special ossesments collected as taxes, except taxes or special assesments not yet payable which are estimated at $ P. W. NICHOLS County Auditor of the County of Son Doted this _ _ / day of __ _'�_ _ _ _ /947 Bernardino, State of California COUNTY SURVEYORS GERTIFIGATE I hereby certify that 1 have examined the annexed map, that the subdivision shown thereon is substantially the some as it appeared on the tentative map and any approved alterations thereof, that o// provisions of the Subdivision Map Act of the State of California, and Son Bernardino County Ordinance No. 329, as amended, have been comp lied with, and / am satisfied that this map is technically correct. H. L. WAY Dated this_J.S'_ day of _ _ _ _ 1947 County Surveyor, San Bernardino, County By _ - - - •- df'2'L _ Deputy SURVEYOW5 CERTIFICATE I L. R. MYERS,do hereby certify that / am a licensed land surveyor of the State of California, and that this map consisting of three sheets, correctly represents a sirvey made under my supervision in October, 1947, and that all the monuments shown thereon actually exist and their positions are correctly shown. Dated this _ Z-S = _ _ day of _�.d'S�!�?�c� - -194 7 Licensed Land Surveyor # 2294 .-crdcd at Request at in . 1 11D ;f C: � o dit ut R'aaordar Fee . �a .�� . . .... .. . . . ... . . ... . . . . . OWNERS CERTIFICATE We hereby certify that we are the owners of, or have some right, title or interest, in and to, the real property included within the subdivision shown upon the annexed map, and that we are the only persons whose consent is necessary to pass a clear title to said property, and we consent to the making of said map and subdivision as shown within the colored border Anes,and hereby dedicate to the County of San Bernmrdino, for public uses, all the streets and courts, as each is designated upon said maps, within said subdivision, and we hereby restrict any useoge of Grove Street as a means of access or bullding frontage for lots 58 to 6/ inclusive. PIONEER TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY V e -- t4l L resi ent Y Secretary NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT State of Californio S.S. County of Son BernardijW On this_ S = _ _day of .�r"26 ¢ r _ _ 1947, before me, H. R. Toy /or, a Notary Pub /ic in and for said County and State, personally appeared K. E. Marks known to me to be the Vice President, and E. E. Sfidhom known to me to be the Secretary, of the Pioneer Title lnsumnce and Trust Company, fhe Corporation that executed the within Instrument, known to me to be the persons who executed the within Instrument on behalf of the Corporation herein named, and acknowledged to me that such Corporation exeeuted the some. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, l have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official sea/ the day and year in this certificate first above written. My com is io - - - -- - -- --- -- expires _ 90 Notary Pub / County of i - c in for the - Son Bernardi ,State of California ACCEPTANCE The County of San Bernardino, State of California, by and through its duly authorized officers hereby accepts the foregoing dedication. NOTE 2 "x 2 "x /B "redwood stakes, painted white, set at al/ lot corners and curve points. 314"1 P. set at aLl angle points, marked thus • , on streets pipe are buried; a// pipe are tagged L.S.2294 Distances are measured in feet and decimals thereof Bearings are shown in degrees, minutes, and seconds. Basis of Bearings token from the center line of Arrow Highway Tract No. 2952, M. B. 41 Pgs. 26 and 27 COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO STATE OF CALIFORNIA Doted this_ 6 _V.- day of_4u.Ar --1947 BY- - --/� - Chairman of the Boor o u ervisois ATTEST Harry L. Allison, County Clerk and Ex- officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors By _ °_ z Deputy MAP APPROVED Dated this --Z --day of_-j2?n-o2 1947. City Engineer, City of Up/ d, California // 5�3 SHEET N0. / OF 3 SHEETS A� /q7 �9--5000z'