sbmb043_068.r /vZ 6 SHMET NO. I OF 2 5HEhTS. TRACT NO.. 3104 ADOBE ACRES UNIT N0. 7 A SUHDIYISION OF PORTION OF THE N %L OF SEC. 29, TIN, R-9 E., S.B.B. &M. SAN B ERNA RD I NO COUNTY, CALIF W ILLIAM B. HATCH, JR. TWEN?YNINE PALMS, CAUF S UR VBYOR. OWNERS` CERr1F10ArE= ACCEPTANCE Me hereby cerfify that we are fhe owners of or have some right fife, or irnfcrest in ca'nd to fhe real properly included coif /yin fhe subdivision? shocuri upon bhe cmnexed map, and that we crre Me on ly persogs whose Consent /-' necessary fo ,oars a clEa'r fit /e to said property, and cue consent to fhe rr7a4 ofsoid reap clod subdivision as shocurn wifhin Me co %red lines and hereby dedicate /o fhe County of . ,San Bernardino for pub /ic uses all //70 .streets and alleys as each is designo'ted upon said map cLifhin said subdivision. hAM/L TON S S CORPORA 7 President / _.Secretary. CVO rA R Y' State of Ca /ifornic>, } s s. Coon/y of Los A179c1cs, Or" 141s' �r day of /gds before me _ fi- c✓nc�s B ifr`ir��er' a Nofar Pub /ic in and for fhe Coun y of L s An9C /es, State a� Ca/ifornicr resid�r�g therein du /y commiss101-7ed a d swo perr // cvpl✓e G G. Fi/j knocun fo me lo ,6e- t he President and •euby ,477,-7 /H�r-77/l /ors known to me lo be 7 Secretary offce Harm /for? Sales nvporafion that executed fhe cuiffiir7 /nsfru/nenf and known fo me lb be fhe persons who eXecufed fhe same uVorn beha /f'of fhe corporation r2omed (herein and acknocu /edged fo a7e `hat such corporoltior2 executed fhe Yamc- In cu1117ess whereof /have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal fhe day ald yeai- //� ffiis cerfi; cafe fii above wri tten - Notary Pub lic in and for fhe unty of Los State Of California My Co rns, /SS /on CXp/re C2e.aaw,�`' rZ, /! J 0 SUR VEYOR;S' CE'R'r /f /CA rE: / W /% /iam B. /latch, -/r do hereby cerfify Mal am a licensed surveyor of fhe Sfdfe of CCr /ifornid, c7no' Mal Me affachcd map correct /y represer//`.s cy survey made under my supervis /on in ,Se/ofember 19'17 and That all fhe monuments shown hereon actua lly exist and their positions are correct ly shown. - - - Dated ff) /s /5 t day of December 19- L i c e r s e a Su i- v e y o r 1V9 2o-91- Recorded at Request of in .boo .. .... Q3 � .....CC�:........_.......I1�i. Page ... ..... ®f /7ctrS Records Sf. n BM nid, d'no County T ED K. CA R PF' ? r � C n1q keca der P ��oo �Ml►R.rerdar The County of San Bernardino, Stafc of Ca/�fornlev 6y and through ifs du / 'aufhori,3ed officei;f hereby accepts fhe foregoing dedication. AfIesf: HARRY L. ALL /SON, County Clerk 17/70 Ex- Officio, C/er o/ Board Tupervisors, Oepc/ty. AUDITORS CERT /F /CA r &: 017,5 County of .San Bernardino, Slate of California• ey . Chairman, hoard o Surer visors Oc�fe 0 � /911 / hereby cerfify That crccor0'17g fo fhe records of Phis office as of yhir date, fherc are ' -7o / /ens agair�sf fhe real property sfiocur� uoorn fhe affached rndlP far• unpaid Sfafe, County, ,wal7kilPal, or local axes or soecid/ ds- sessMents co/ %fed ds faxes- ' 8 cam— �q�eF 1 Dated this day of 73 P Gt/ N /C H O L. S, A uo d if or County of - sdr7 8err74rd7no .(fate a`' Cd /iforn,a• C041,VrY SU R V EYOR S CERT /F /C,4 rC : / hereby cerfify that / have exarnli 7cd fhe affcached map, that fhe subdivision show" - 1hercor7 75 subsfcvr»`ia //y Me .carne as h' appecyrea on Me TenArtive /nap, and any aPprnved thal a// ,provisions of The .f'uba Moo Act of fhe Sfafe of'Ca /ifornia, and Xan Berncrrd1no County Orza'inawe h/9 329 as amerwq'eo have 6een comp lied cuiffi and /arr/ .satisfied fhdt this map is technically correct Ocrfed fhis_� day of ' /, 9,1A H. L. WAY, Counfv .Iurveyor San Bernardino County: • ay � Deputy. / Z of