sbmb043_09021 2;; 1 TRACT NO. 3198 WIND5012 SQUAQE BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF LOTS 2, 3, 12, W 139 6LOG4 41 RANCHO SAN bERNARViNO AS QECOROED 1N ElOOIG 7 OF MAPS, PAGE 2 RECORCS OF SAN 5ERNA320040 COUNTY, CALIF012N1A $GALE =I INCH = 50 FEET AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE I hereby certify that according to the records of this office, as of this date, there am no liens agdinst the real Property shown upon the annexed map, for unpaid State, County, Municipal, or local taxes or special assessments collected as A-axes, except taxes or special assessments not yet payable which are estimated at $- - - - -- tr Dated this- -clay of_ e - - -- -1948. PW. NICHOLS County Auditor of the County of San Bernardino, State of California CE12T_ IFICATE OF CLERK OF WOMW OF SUPEMVIS OMS d� I hereby ca.rtify that a cash Bond in the sum of been executed er.J filed with the Board of Supervisors of the County of San barnardino, State of California, conditioned upon payrne.nt'of alI taxes; State, County, Municipal, or local and al I special assessments collected as taxes which *.at the time of filing of the annexed map with the County Recorder are a lien against - said property, but not yet payable, and Bond has been approved by - the said Boc - crcl of 5upervi5ora HA22Y L. ALLISON, County Clerk. aind tx.- officio Clark. of the Board of Supervisors J V� Dated this_ �_ -day of- _1948. E5y_``�Ilna!w'�'� -- Deputy SUIZVEYOWS CERTIFICATE I, L.P. MYEIZS, hereby certify that I am a licensed land surveyor of the of Californian, and that this map consisting of three sheets, correctly repr2sen+s a survey made under my supervision irn FebruarLj,1948, and tha+ all the monuments shown thenmn actually exist and their posi +ions are correct y shown. Dated this -45 _day of.&ltZ _1948. NOTE __el - - -- - -- Licensed Land Surveyor *2294 VxV 18 redwood stakes, painted white, set at all lot corners and curve points. 3 /Q." (. P set ah all angle points markacl thus 1, on streets F ipa are buried; al I pipe are tagged L 5.2294. Distances am measured 'in - feet and decimals thernoF. Bearings ars shx n in degrees, minutes, and seconds. Bass of Bearings taken - from thcz4- avf ba�5e Line Si-reet' as per Tract No. 250'1 M. E5. 3S/49, and Tract No. 5123. OWNEWS CERTIFICATE We hereby eerfify that we are the owners of, or haves, some right, title or interest, in and to the real property included within the subdivision shown upon the annexed maps and that we are the only persons whose consent is necas5an3 - ta pass a clear title to sa►d praperli j, and we conewn+ to the making of said maps and subdivision as shown w4Viin the colored lines, and hereby dedicate to the public use all the stnzets and alleys, as each is designated upon said maps witfiin said subdivision. NOTARY A►CKNOWLEOGEMENT SHEET NO. 1 OF S SWEETS .y 2 9 // Recorded Pt Rum Dr»ye..1..`.`l4r. ,h...q. %5 at ........ ........................ M. in Book ............� Records San BeTnardino County TED R. CARPENTER C rnt,.pldPeer�, aC�. ................ ......... Lr �nCJ 04pWy Raeorder S+;-ate of California s.s. County of San Bernardino On thisj3� -day of_.Nloraln__1948 before me, W. N. Vaughan, a Notary FUblie in and for the County of San l3ernardino,5tatm of California, residing - theniin,duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Wynne,A.Savac3e and Lucille C.Savage known to me to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the wif-hin ins +rumen+ and acknowledged to me that they executed the same. IN WITTNESS WHEP-EOF, I have hereunto ee +m hand and affixed my official seal the day and the year in thlz car+!ficatz -first wr*en above. My com s q Notary public in a d r the County csf Q; - -_ Z ! San 5ernardi no, S at¢ of Cal it ff=miat. CITY COUNCIL I ha.mby certify that the. Council of the City of San Bernardino by r adoptacl I QCS� a�1948 approved the attached map, accepted as public all si and alleys shown upon said map within said subdivision .and all easements iven. Dated this ®day csfl`144f' <�',L_I948 City Clerk,, City vfSan barnardino, State of California I hereby approve the forego%ncg resolution. Map approved B I hereby certify that all Street and Sewer assessments on the property shown on the annexed map are Paid. - � - uperinil ent of Sh is I 1,0216 001 141a