sbmb044_065SNEET NO / OF 3 SHEETS TRACT tVO.3222 SWITZERLAND 5UBD /V/S /ON NO. /4 SE'/NC' A SUED / VISION OF A ,'T1ON OF SECTIONS Z5AND Z6, T. ZN., A • Wl S.B. B &IK SANBERAIARDI -MO CO[/NTY, CA 41FORAIIA SCALE / INCH= 60 FEET AMOMOR s CrERMCArE I herb certify fhaf accordiny fo the records of this o as o this dale, there are no /lens against the real proper ty shown upon the annexed map, for unpaid State Coun/y', Mun /c /pa /, or /c�a/ taxes or sorzcia/ essesn7ends c.0 fed as taxes, except taxes or spec /a/ ass0s1nenfs Vol payab le whi -b are• esfir"ated al G P. ill N /Cf/OGS - - - - -- lJated Phis �_ _day of_ _ _/948 County Aud /tor of Me County of Sari Bernard /no, Slate o/' Ca/ifornie CEQr/K/CATE OF CLERK OF BOARD Off` suPERV1..6009 I hereby c¢rtify fhaf a cash Bond of ,$`��0� ° _ 0 has been exeeurfed end filed with the Bo rd of Superviso 1170 County of Sari Bernardino, S /ate of Ca//fbrnia, eondiliorY�d upon 1170 /t faxes : 51afe, Courifry, Muriicipa/, or specie/ assesrrien/s col /ecfed as fares wh/ch a/ the time: of fil/ny of The amne red rngp with the County ,R2,ccv 67M a /ier� against _ /d property, but not yet payab /e, and said Bond has been approved b f Me- 9a /o/ Baarc/ of ,5'uperv/sors /-/IARVYL. ALL /SON, County Clerk and Ex- officio Clerk of fhe Board �f Summa- visors• alArmYoa s Mar/WevArE I L 2. MYE25, doherrzby ae� -t /fy that I am a Lie¢nsed Lased Surve yor o1' the S18 /e of Ca /rforr�ia and that fh /s map eonsistiny of 3 Sh¢ets, rnrr¢ct /y repr+ZSents a survey made ur�o� -r- rr�y supervision in Apr //.-.7d A/Azy /948, al- y a// the rnonum0als shover/ /hereon ZR--/ua //y ex/sf 0170/ / her:e positions gre correc t/y shown Oa/ ed this� ot1�s19 �- -/948v - `�c�s2d ,,2nd 5'urve yor # 2294 p- Worfir 2x2x/8 "redwood stelcesp�inted white, branded L.0 2294, set at a// /o/ corners andeure�z ,cninfs. at a// arxy /e poi: is marked 1hv9 0, ors strrzels pip0 are buried Dis lanes are mee041re4' /n feel ad decirna /s hhereof. B¢arirq are shown in deyr+ees, minul¢s, seeor7ds. Bas /s of Bearir�ys taken from T,PACT No. 3/08 rYeccro%d In Boole of /maps 42 ,�a9,e 4S4G 47 48 49. Off'�va/ rrzc orc> o .�� `- h Berner n o co4nt Co�bforn /2• cowry suALPV&wA? V CEAMPICATE I hereby certifif fha / I have exasnir�ed /he annexed na p, 1171 the sribd /v/9ion shown (hereon /s substantia //y the same, as if appeared on /he tev?latiw- map arr' any approved a /rf�ra>ior/s /hereof, /ha/ all pl isione 'o the subdivision Map Acf of the .Stale of Ca/i1orr/ia, and 5ar/ Bernardino County Ordinance Alo. 60, have been comp /led w / /h, and I am satisfied that th /s map is /Technics /y corr+zct AIL. WW Counly 8urve yor, San Bernard /no, County G?.-7/izd /his_ -Z _ _day of a* /548 By- - - -�t— �. _azouly OWNERV CEAMAICATE Rcco "deal at Req des, °t of 17 q 5q q N ........ 6 -G.�.. tiC'Y._ .Y %�!,� 1 1:, ?it _�ax�.7•),.� 'j D D 1Ci ; Fee's 1.. . .. .. .... ._ We heeezy cerfi fha/ w e are the owners+ of, or haven some right t ///411 or inleMet /n and to the r2E71 property Inclu within the subdivision shown upon the annexed reaps and fhaf we are 1hz only ,uer whose consent /-v to mss a clear ti //e to said properly, and we consent /o #20, making of said maps and Subdivision as shown w/ /h/ the cored lines, and herb 0 io the Coun of San Bernardino, for pub lic use, a// the s /ree /s ano/ walkways, as each /s des ynated upon said maps, W11h1n said aw"bdiv /sior. 'end fur /her, by the- recarda /ion of /h is reap hie hereby re%nFzllsh ano/dedicate fo /,az ,alb //c a// righ /s of ingr -2ss -or ¢yrYesS from/ Lo 74,75, 76,77,83,84, 89 90,8/, 92, 93, 9 4 95,9Y., 97,98, over �no%7 eross the line of the said Lcls which abut on G`d /i2_�Fau/hvrnOr�vesetFio�en Cour� /Tic the in1w ion of 1,616 c�r/ifi'cdfe fo vll?4 1sh v4 elfh o f ingri2s5 to ano/¢yr�2s frarr/ //a / /e" an_d Fau /horr� , �s play be aPpurf¢r/an / fo said /asy shrove ���' Sec retar�y — MOTAOY AC1e#VOWLEDv&mE/V r State of Ca//forn/a S.S. County of San Berr�rdir�o o n Al," 5kf day of-A ffe/,9L - J548, be /ore me, - !/OdEmgve a Notary Pub //c in V170 for the County of San E-;-rnard /no, State of California, residiny therein, duly commie0ioned and sworn, persona //y appeared A. C-;r a-y, known 10 me to be the Dr+zsider�f ar�oi MiYdred rhayYer, /mown to nxe to be, the 5'ecretary of fhe Red /ands Seeuri fy Comaany, 1170 cor -afion fhaf exe,=uled the within /rielrurnru"/ ahc/ known fo me to LaE the persons who executed //X-- erne upon beha /f of the corporation riarned theirin, and sk--knowledged to me 1,601 such corporat /on exeeu/ed llae carne. /N WITNESS W1 / have la2nzun /o se/ rr7y hand arm a1)9xe& /ry officc /a/ sea/ the day - Wol lie year in fhe cer ti>icale first above wr/tk M y P Dec 7�h /9.S M A61°''� PubGo /n an or / e Cou, y of San Commission Ex iris - - - _ _ - - - Bernard no, 5'ta,e of California ACCEPTANCE The County of 5'an Bernardino, S /ale of Ca/iforn1a, by and #?roWh if9 au/horized officers hereby acceola the fore-yo/ny oledreat /on COUM" Y Oc SAN BE,2NA20 /NO, STATE OF CALIRORIV /A Lb�i4zd th /g��day o f�2_t _/�8 Chairmvn 20299/ Sua2< v�sars ATTEST,• //AeRY L. ALL /SON, Co c. Clerk and ,Ex- offNc /o Clerk of the Board of Supervssors. NOTE: ,(S Foot but/o/ing . sel lines fo rVe pars / /e/ with ad fron, /of /i" e+s /O Foo / 'bull dirty .mot bore. /in¢s to run pars //¢/ W///7 a// sicye /of lines vwless o/% wise a/oBrnved by The Coun Flzwnin y Comrr�issorr /263 74VA