sbmb044_076I A r /may z;/ -/9Y, 7 TRACT Cl VIC CENTER 3364 UNIT N 0 1 Being a s uhollycloo of a port` 1017 of tfie S. E. % of Sic tlon 29, T I N, R9E, S B.B. �M- San Bernard) no County Ca/iforn/a 1948 OWNERS CERT /F /CATS: We herehy Cerf/fr/ f ba/ cue are fhe Oulgers o7; or have SO/2746 right of /e or 1171eresf ire (7170' to the /-ea/ prooe rly 117C 100 1 6-d al/f /r7 7 s 6, dA7 510, sham,/ 6POW hk- 0971/exPd cr7yo/ 117(77` ale are Me or/ /y ,Oersons alhose C017sene /s mete ss ary ;K ocyss a clear 11 ,4 1e fo said Pro erfy, a ,90' WP e0r7 fo fhe of said map am s61,6C/iY7s1077 as shOW-17 c IM.1n fhe Co %red 11 0'190' hereby o%diCO'fe 7`o fhe of San Ber12010 for pub /ic /ise, d// the streets ar>d d//eys, 479 each is desiy7�o f &-0' vpor7 said ryp, uJiv`hir� sa /d saho111is- 1012. Tk/E -YNINE f AL MS CO ?PORAT /ON resi en ecrc ry A C CE"PTANCE The Cov17ty of ,Sa17 Beri7ardii7o, 9/afc> of California, by aid fh 917 its 0'v /y �r�fhorized officers here by aecep> fhe forego 1,97 dedic�a> /ors. pate ks� 30 /948 '06117 f of S'ar7 Bernoro' /r�o Ai t es t = Sfafe of Cd /if'orh /d HARRY L. ALL /SON Courify Clerk X- Offic /o (7/,91/7(7/7 Boar d;' vp rMCKS C /eVi, oar of Sv ws'ors B ep uty AUD /TOR'S CERT /F /CATS= I hereby c'erflfy 1`haf ac�cord�7�g fo the records of 117 1,5 0/' /ce, av o{ fhI3 dale there ore s70 /75/7-1 agoirsz the rear/ prop &-rfy 5hocur2 aoo/7 fhe (77777&-x&-0' 777CY for vr/poid -1)015, eovr7 y , rnv /7ie %ocr /� or /oea/ fcyXe,�r, or saeCla/ ass �sS meats co / %clued cYS r`a,4 -e S �e xeeP f taxes or s,oe e GY/ 0's sess rylP77 is 7701' ye f ,o aya6 /e, u�/7ie crre �s1i777- o'7`ed Dated fh/s of — 1948. P W. NICHOLS,AUD /TOR of Me Co unfy 01'3C717 Berr7ardii7o, e of C'allAo`-r7 By: SURVEYORS CERT /FJOATE= I, LEONARD P. W/ffOFF ono hera-by Cert/fy fhaz' I ar7� O• - e_glsfereol Cl Y// E�y /1� &-er of fhe Sfo7`e of C<7 7101�qi a, o'r2<1 that fh /s 1720,0, c017sis111Z9 of or7e sheep, correct /y raoresents a .surrey ,9,9700'&- v /701&-,9 rr7 svarv�s /o,9 ir7 1948 car /7d .117011 cr // Me rr7or7vrner7fs s/�ou�r� 117&-,950,97 c7efvo /y e x�sf a /7d fhe 7 00-117`10 dre 1= /Ref /y shocur� 1 000 Si,Jc r7o't re �, Daf eo' this �� d cr y o7 1 /94'8 /QPgisfered C7vl/ ErJ,yir.7eL /Yo. 2699 I CERT /F 10,4TE OF CLERK OF eO4RD OF SUPER l/ /S0R,9 I hereby cert/fy That a 60,90' 112 fhe 5Z/in Of Z� ~ � has beery eX,nv7'e0' and fi/eo' W1117 f/Se 800',901 of sooervisars o>`' the Cour7fy of Sa,9 Berr7a'rdr�a, .S'�`a/e of C'o' /forr�ia, Cor7di7`ior7ed voor,- fhe pa of a// toxAt -s, sz`afe� covr2fy 177Ur774 or /acv' /, C7,17o' o// s oee�o/ ossessrner»`s eo / %eft as tcyxes, wh7eh crt Zhe t line of fi /any of the crr�r/e,�ed mop w11h the Covi,7 are a yefpoyob /e, o9oi/zsf the property of which this subdieyis/on is apart ava of which Tract No. ,3 /32/;5 O s011o' 90170'1706' been du /y approved said Board of TUpe1111s0rs for 60117 sold TraC1s 9964 ar7d 3/,32. Dated 717/.5 3 d c/y 07c OAN9/948 /HARRY L. ALL /SON Coup& C/erfl zr - Offi c/ o Cleric' o/ Boar c SuperV /sors ,8y. Deputy fir✓ NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT STATE OF CAL/FORN/A COUNTY OFL05 ANGELS S 0.7 1h /s day of U� /998, b &-forte me X e zmwo l L-6 0"r eo I a( N074RY !�l/BL /C /�7 and for fhe Cour7fy of .Gas 1//70'5 /es 52`a1e o/ Co/i fo7 ^,971(7, esldi�y z`here��, 0'v /y c�orr�� /ssior�� and s�uorr�, pc�rsor�a //y a,op�ar�o' ffc'lPn F. Farics /fr/ocur7 f-o rr�e to be 7`he press deaf, ar7o 7 Fr�'nlr .TJ"lacGfrH hr7oca12 fo me to be fie see rPfdiy of fhe 7u7enf s/ir/e /r,,.r �c r F t /�e corporafior> >`hcrf sxecvfeo' fhe cvi110417 ir�sfrv�P�f 0'770' /7ocvr7 >`o �e z`o be ,the ,oerso�s td �x5o v1`Pd fhe So'7 voo�7 6 e ha /f of zhe Corpor471110,17 r�ar�eo/ fher� in a ,9c/ ac1r77ow 1edged 7b me that svc7y cor executed the same. In w1117ess whereof; I hale he re ex vto s p my 17o• a/70 affixed 7r7 o/ fie /d/ sea/ fhe day a�7d y�crr• 1/7 f /7 7s CLOr-1 11ieo'te r�'irsf a6o. ve tariff 77, Nota pub/ /e /17 or7d fo he Caunfy of 1 e s 6r/dels- State o/ Co/iforrio My C01niniss 1017 e.r /res • COUNT' S U/e (/EyO/2 S CERT /Fl LATE I hereby certify Zho'f I have exa7r77i7ed 1fa� orr�P.t -F0' i avo, and tho the s v6 o'ivisiaiv ,5170 cvr7 >`hereor� is s vb s foil fia //y Me same as 7t oa' oeoveo' o,? fhp te77fo dive ,9,910,0 (7,970' appror�d o /feral /or7s thereof : Jhcrl cr // ,provisions of fhe svbdiursiory /770,0 o'c/ o/' fhe -1,9`7,91&- of cahlornio', 0 Scrr� B�rr>ardir�o C0ar7 z, o.o'17a No. 6/0 have bG CorY7,o 11&-0 w 11X7 cr770' I p'rn sa1` is>`ied fhort 4/7is mao is tee17121e0'11 y corree t. Dated: /948 H. L. WAY, County Surveyor Saw 6er/7 vrollno Cour7fy Oeo�ty N&ES The Bearir79 N(9-9 the cer/terline of Twentyn /r>e p / / /ghway ,oer rPCOrded rnap o� Trocz/ 2560 Sari Qernardino C'oC1171 y Zvas used as hasI.3 of ,U` Parii7y for fh /s 7J?dp. /"" P IPE S,ET AT ALL PD //!/T IWWRAED TiYUS o CTR. SEC. 29 T. /N, R.9£ I a 0 of v of Z III S W COR. SE% sre. 29 T.//11.,R9E. 1f0'. /'7.P m CLIO 3o' e85. Aq — 1� I� h a W N O I� O n= 88 ° 2/ 33" R- /o' Ty0.29 L = /S. 99 R- /o' 7-9-72 1,T42 l/89 ° 0 2' 0 0 "E s Nr COR. SE 41 SECT /ON 29 T. /N.,rz9E• 20' HL L EY z8 3- 7 _ 147,80 57.59 57 53 4724 f I Q� 4349 r., 60 — — --�— lo 0 O o of 4 ` 50 , / 0 2 0 3 0 4 Q 5 0 6 $° N Ll= 91 38'27" d= 88 ° 2/33 25 I p =9/ 38'27" o A r • SerBAC . 36 4 57 3 95.09 h 39.2 60 T =20.58 T= 20.58 — — — c =31.99 O 4=so.84 (�i� [ =3/.99 O ;� — N69 a2"oo "E 453, 9 - (Recoxo 0,15n9"r -a c'�5 /.50 N 89° 02' 00'E 7Rr9C7' 2560 TWENTYN /NE PAL MS Hwy I I I I r//Y, R9E. 529 28 592 S96 } Fd 7 x /0 "Sfnwe / 90/Qeu �urfo�ee 0 N N a 0 0 4�c i i 1 -4 4 1 — —.4 0 /4= 16.42 20' HL L EY z8 3- 7 _ 147,80 57.59 57 53 4724 f I Q� 4349 r., 60 — — --�— lo 0 O o of 4 ` 50 , / 0 2 0 3 0 4 Q 5 0 6 $° N Ll= 91 38'27" d= 88 ° 2/33 25 I p =9/ 38'27" o A r • SerBAC . 36 4 57 3 95.09 h 39.2 60 T =20.58 T= 20.58 — — — c =31.99 O 4=so.84 (�i� [ =3/.99 O ;� — N69 a2"oo "E 453, 9 - (Recoxo 0,15n9"r -a c'�5 /.50 N 89° 02' 00'E 7Rr9C7' 2560 TWENTYN /NE PAL MS Hwy I I I I r//Y, R9E. 529 28 592 S96 } Fd 7 x /0 "Sfnwe / 90/Qeu �urfo�ee 0 N N a 0 0 4�c i