sbmb045_038j�_ /!�r / TRACT NO* 3248 DESERTAIR UNIT NO. SHEET NO. / OF 2 SHEETS BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PORT /ON OF THE SOUTH ONE -HALF OF THE SOUTHWEST QUA RTER OF SEC TION 33, T. 5N., R. 3 W., 5 B. B. a M, SA N BERNARD/NO,, COUNTY, CALIFORNIA. STEWA RT 8 SULLIVAN ENGINEERS SCALE / " =- /00 , OWNERS CERTIFICATE We hereby certify that we are the owners of or have some right, title or interest in and to the real property included within the subdivision shown upon the annexed map, and that we are the only persons whose consent is necessary to pass a clear title to said property and we consent to the making of said map and subdivision as shown. within the colored border lines and hereby dedicate to the County of Son Bernardino for pub /ic uses a// the Roads.. Avenues and Highway as each is designated upon said nips within said subdivision. y Gordon Stewart Mildred A. Stewart NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT State of California S.S. Cowty of San Bemardino On this _ _/ O _ day of _,&A ! _ _ /949, before me, Donald L . Campbell, a Notary Public_ in and for the County Of Son Bernardino, State of Californio,residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Gordon Stewart and Mildred A. Stewart known to me to be the persons whose names ore subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that they executed the some. WITNESS my hand and official seal the day and year first above written. My commission Expires Dec_ _7th _— 1950. ENGINEERS CERTIF /GATE No ory Public in and for said my and State. 1, CORDON S TEWART, do hereby certify tAW / am a Registe red Civil Engineer of the State of California and that this map consisting of 4 sheets correctly represents a surrey made under my supervision in November., 1948 and that a// tiv monuments shown thereon actually exist and their positions are correct /yshown. Doted this A _ day ofa^_ _ _ _ 1943. 4 - NOTE Registered Civil Engineer No. 204 7 Basis of Bearings, f- of Kiowa Road assumed North. 2 "x 2 "stakes, pointed white, set of all lot corners, unless otherwise shown . Iron Pipes set and tagged R. E. 204 7o a// points shown thusly O . P. U. indicates Public Utility Easement. -A �- / ,f6 Recorded at Request of . .Cv. St -. .. t�... ty�C f4..r.__ Date �f r,1.7... /.z :.l1f E at........... ' .. ...... ............... J�.:...7...M. . !Il ........... of /if Recor,Is £.ign Sevna '�--Q Country 2Eli R. CARPE- KITES. Z n - : oor & s.%4order �� o .'_!r,�ty I�tcorder Fee .......J .................... EA AUv^ /TORS CERTIFICATE / hereby certify that according to the records of this office, as of this date, there are no tens against the real prop �- erty shown upon the annexed map for unpaid State, County, Municipal, or local taxes or special assessments collected as taxes,except taxes or special assessments notyetpoyab /e which are estimated Dated this day of_ � --194-7 COUNTY SURVEYORS CERTIFICATE P. W. NICHOLS.. County Auditor, County of Son Bernardino, State of California / hereby certify that 1 hove examined the annexed map, that the subdivision shown thereon is substantially the some as it appeared on the Tentative Map and any approved alterations thereof,that a/ /provisions of the Subdivisbn Map Act of the State of California and Son Bernardino County Ordinance No. 610 have been comp lied with and l am-satisfied that th•'s map is technically correct. Doted this _ , day of 1944. H. L. WAY, County Surveyor, County of Son Bemardino , State of California. By -- -) - -Dept' ACCEPTANCE The County of Son Bernardino, State of Ca lifornia by and through its duly authorized officers hereby accepts the foregoing dedication. A Datedthis_ 1. __ day of _ ------ 19�__ 4, COUNTY OF SAN BERNARD /NO STATE OF CAUFORN /A ATTEST HARRY L. ALL /SON County Clerk and Ex- officio Clerk of B arid of Su isors By - - -'- -- -- ---- - Deputy By - - - - - -- Chairman of Board of Su ery sore CERTIF /GATE OF CLERK OF BOA RD OF SUPERVISORS /hereby certify that o bond in./h& sum of S ZC="_ -_has been executed and filed with the Board of Supervisors of the County of San Bernardino, State of California, conditioned upon the payment of all taxes, State, County, Municipp/, or Iota/ and a// specia/ assessments collected as taxes, which of the time of filing of the annexed na7p with the County Recorder are o lien against said property, but not yet poyable and said 6*,7 has been duly approved by said Board of Supervisors Date this �� d y of 74 _,1949 HARRY L. ALL /SON County Clerk and Ex- Officio Clerk of the So d of Supe isors