sbmb046_040bLE/ BtING A R.tVflz5IO 1 TO 45 PAGtS 83 4 84 IN COUNTY, CALIfORNI A. OWNf.R,'S CtRTItI CAT t certify that I am a Qegistered We h¢rehy certify that we are the owners of or have some right, title or interest in and to the real property included within the subdivision Shown upon. the annexed map, and that ve are the only persons who5e con is necessary exist and their to 'p055 a clear title to said property and we consent to the making of Said map and subdivision a5 shown within the colored border lines. publi W OW NOTARY ACK MOW LtDGMtNT STATt Of CAUf'OZHIA County of Los Arngeles I s s On this 2511 day of November A.D., 1 before me , a.m. JucK•ETT , a Notary Public in and for said County and Staie, personally appeared fRQNK. B. TMOMP50N 4 N1xT1Af_LLt TNOMVSON known to me, to be the persons whose names are subscribed to the within instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the Sam¢. IN \V17 WE.SS W14tPEC)r - , 1 have hereunto set my hand and affixed m y official seal the day and year in this c¢rtMCCIte first .: a.bove written. ' NotaZ Pu lic in and for said County and State My s sfon _xpires Ju�y zo, 1951 t NGI Nt t V3 CtR.T If I CAT t I , Ltt✓ C. MANOMEV, hereby certify that I am a Qegistered Civil trigineer of the State of California and that this map con - s13ting of Z sheets correctly represents a survey mode under my supervision in October 1949 and that all the monuments shown hereon actually exist and their positi =A:P,dP orreetly shown. __.. not yet payable and am. /�/� ��.�� R¢q i stered Civil tn9in¢er N The first National Bank Of Pomona as Trustee is the holder of certain rights as set forth in the document recorded in book 2359, page 64 of Official Records in the office of the County' Recorder of San Bernardino County, California, and hereby consents to the making and recordation of this map. TNt FIRST NATIONAL BANK Ot POMONA 4f Tvslee A7 Z VIC(Z - VrVa31UVr« C T CON 5ISTIMG ACtRAGt Of TNt Off I Ct N 0 so 0 f 2 TRACT N 3465 Of TNt COUNTY t3 5 1 ro SN ttI S AS Pt% MAP RfCOR.DtD IN MAP BOOK, R.tCOR.DER. Of SAN BtR.NAP-DIN0 1 1 here y c¢rtif that bond i the um of h 5 bee exec tad an filed with t e Boa d of S ors of the County of San Bernardino, St to of Colifocon - dit'oned upon he paym nt of II tax¢ , Stat , Counu ici - pa1 or ocal a d all 5 e clol a 3e35men S, Co ect o es, whi h at the ti ¢ of \t'Prn the Win of t e onn xed ith the Coun y R¢c rder ar n lie Qgains said pro ut not yet payable and aid bo d has been dulrov d by Said Board i Sup¢ visors. Dated this d y H ARR L. A LLI 0 N , Courk and of , 19 9. fX- Off eio Clerk of t he Board of Supery 5or5. AUDITOR'S CtRTIfICATt I hereby certify that according to the records of this off i c¢ o5 of this data, there are no I ien 5 against the real property shown upon the annexed map for unpaid State, County, municipal, or local taxes or special ass(z ssments collected as taxes , ¢xc¢pt taxes or special ass¢ s5m¢nt's not yet payable which are estimated at Date this day of R W CI-I W. NIOL3, County Auditor, County of San Bernardino NOTARY ACK.NOW LtD G M tNT STATt Of CALIfORNIA SS County of Los Anqeles" On this day of A.D., 1949 , before me, a Noior P g. ) , is in and for said County and State, personally Qppeared known to me to be the Vic¢ - President and T?��•� known to me to be the Trust Officer of `The first National Bank Of Pomona, the corporation that executed the within aJ tru3 in5trum¢nt ^ (11710 known to me to be the persons who executed the within instrument on behalf of the corporation therein named and acknowledged to me that said corporation executed the same IN WITNt=SS 1VNtlZtOf =, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal the . -d and year in this certificate first above written tlotary Public in and for said County and State My Commission txpires �° i9�.z COUNTY 3URVtYOR'5 Ct RT MCATt I hereby certify that I have examined the annexed mop, that the subdivision shown thereon is substantially the Sam¢ os appeared on the tentative map and any approved alterations thereof and that all the provisions of the Subdivision Map Act and Son Bernardino County Ordinance No. 610 have been complied with and 1 am satis iied that this map is technically correct. H. L. WAV , County Surveyor, County of San Bernardino, az7 , 1949 Colifornio.. Doted Deputy ACCtDTANCt The County of San Bernardino , State of California, by and through its duly - authorized officers hereby aeccpts the a f fached" map. / d-, � ; 3 194 Dated COUNTY Of SAN btRNARDINO ATTt ST HARRY L. ALLISON County Clerk, and t oi+ieio. Clerk. of Board of Supervisors fs Deputy 5TATt= 0f CAL1fORN1A B y Chairman , Board { Supervisor3 - Recorded at Request of r .............. Date C-9.5- Y `I at ........ _._.. ........ �..__. �i g...n.?v1. in Book. �6 M..._.- o f �ir rs Page..... Records San Bernardino Comity T ED R. CARPE7\,T21:R C ty lleeordu - Ily Deputy Necord: , / .37V Al �960_ 40��