sbmb046_055G /,25' di rRA ue"! T NO. 3525 MA RSHA LL- H /GHLAl1/OS HOMES UNIT NO,3 BEING A SUED /V /S /OW OF POR TION OF THE WEST 112 OF SECT /ON 28, T. IN, R.4W., S. B.B.AM., BEING W1 THIN THE. MUSCUP /ABE RANCHO. SCALE /" =100' OWNER'S CER MICA TE MAJ H O CITY COUNCIL t ENGINEER'S CERTIFICA TE /, Chos L. Foa /k do hem certify fhaf /0117 a ,Pe ist6 Ci�i/ En ir2eer o/ the 3 Of Co /r rnia 01 ,7a // this reap cor7siSA1 of or7eshee corn t/y �epresehts' a servey made u 17 der• rr4y s�,oervisio17 ire November, /9.49 21/A tix�t rnor�umenfs s/�ot�'r� ocfuo /y erisf a17d fheir,00sifions ary correct /y show'? A& i.M red 00117 Ei79ii7eer A OF NOTE Basis of ,B7r/hy's was the West Lime of Trnct No 1726, as per N.9 .30, pt' .5O, r ecords of 5017 Bernardino, Co /rfc�nio. 21r2'Slakes set of a// /of corners, fel Al "/,o fogged R,E /33 where shown Chas /y A. s&--GZZ- 0 Notary Pub /,rc in ol"'forsaio"CoZ1n y 01121 Sfote /hereby cFrfify fhaf the Coanci/ of /he City of Son Bernardino, ,V Reso/afiorn od40feo Jan Llar-NI 3 1 /9SD,o,�o/vved the offachad moo, oceepfeo'aspub /f' a// 1ieefs and a//ey shown carp �5`ie oftoc dinno oad o// easements giver� Doted /his �5 ± h day of 1101 x /950. G y C /er,C Ci,I of 500 ernordi17o, Sfafe of C� ir�ia / hereby 000/rye fhe fnre rr�so /afion. AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE /hereby cert /fy /hotaaV, 1,yA0 the records of /hisoffice as of'1/iis dote /here ore no /revs against the rea /,oiVW� .sfio�n opon die onneXrd rnap for unr�oidSfofe, Count' ,Velnic✓po/ or Loco/ taxes or soena/ assPssrneats collecw as loses Da/edthis �2G d�f P W. N/C,HOL5, Couny.411211101. ,� qsm County of Son Bernardino, Sta le of Co /iforr4io STATE OF R. s_ iri 7 day of. J N I 50 H o t t'1 A S On t I _F N N c1A _�,- - , -- -___ .'ublic is eia! e�id r w.- personally appeared - - - -L ou 5 A- "`'.`:k- -- ---------------- - -w -__ �_..,. . _ - - - -- - - -� % ►_UQ CA -- �.--- ------ ----- ----------- ., . known to me to be the ', ; Hem o r--e nbecibed , r the wi -Chin instrument and at 1`1' xnecuted the Vie. Vap Approved C yc'Sor� Qerr/or�6ir�o, State vfCo /for17io Acfii Gay -z"rryiaeer of" Son ,tiornorolrno, or calrrorr71a / hereby ce, fheprnper /hot all the street 0,70 sewer assessments or/ wry ow the otlachedrnao 61 r o7id. �77 of Streets c%y OeS,07 .Bernard /no, State of Ca//to/;nia. Ne hereby cerll y ft/ we ore the owners of or have soiree rry' hf, fit /e or ioferesf in and /o the rea/p shown &P47 the =Vered moo and 1h,91 we o/e the o�►/y,cersor,�s ;vhose e.0, . enf is necesso fo vacs fo said property oad we conser�1 to tl�e rrlale ofsaid m arx�'sab��rsion as sho within co %redborz�'er /i/ s and deoicote 4 / /stieefs o�' an oddofiona/ 2 feet a /on f Kics /of on e olio y /Ofoof o /% y Of shover! /o flee 04'01 San AeM&Via q a &udic/,oa/ Corpo/afion ondwea� convey on easerneat and Pmt of woyoc ss the rear.3" of ofLo/s.1 to85Ic/usive forfhe e- bmlivetzi nandn7oiMw //p 000 afi /rfics Ole very kiadafld (heirs, s/ens, Egapmenf and ooparfe17ances thereto. YAPS//ALL !H /GHLAND5 AW,E5 /NC. .4,1 /I NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT '510 /e Of Callrorn/a Coax✓ y ae Las A ! /� ss - �. on /his � - day of , /9 .d� before /rLi; �i• �allotary tic in and for the Coan/y atlas vin9e% /a /eof knor Co /rfrnio,aersono //y ap*1W Poa/ �1! asr�.to �/7 to, ne 10 t fig President and Chas If MllrJ known /0 one 70 he the - 3•ecreforr/of A&40 /.411 - W11Z4 NOS'HOrLfES; /NC,fhc _ _ Ccrporofion Thal arecal' the wr1hio ir7strarner7t and 4cknow /ed9ev'/n ine fh0 /so /d co�pO�fi� erCCO%'fhc' .s� /N l� /TNESS I�HEQEof, /faereby sefiny hondo�' ofco %sue /fi�'d�yvnoyeor h! af�ove �rrfii Rccorded at Request of Date..1 L ySo at ...... ...._.. ..... ._.__....... Q42........:...Iti1. in Book.. _ Y- 1�.o"--. -__ P age ......_- ..,�.1�.' ..o� .. Records San Bermardi72o County TED R. CARPENTER C cent Recorder ".---. ............................... e—D O Deputy Recorder �6 -.ss