sbmb046_065BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PORTION OF LOT 14 TRACT NO 2256 FONTANA TOVlWNSITE AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 32 OF MAPS, AT PAGES 43 TO 53 INCL., RECORDS OF SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, STATE OF CALIFORNIA 4 OWNER'S CERTIFICATE We hereby certify that we ore the owners of, or hove some righ tit /e or interest in and to the real property inc /tided within the subdivision shown upon the annexed naps and that we are the only persons whose consent is necessary to puss a c %ar to said properly, and we consenl to the making of said mops and subivisian as shown wilhin the colored lines, and hereby dearicofe to the Covnfy of Son Bernardino, for public uses, all slreeis, and to the Son Bernardino County Flood Control 01strlct for flood cconfrol purposes, a// drainage easernpnts designated upon said map within said subdivision. PIONEER TITLE INSURANCE ANO 1r.E7T4ER )MOOS /NC. TRUST COMPANY os trustee - - - -- -,� - - - - - - - -- �c resident � � Sider, - -- — -- — — — — St+crefory _ ACCEPTANCE The County of San Bernardino and the Son Bernardino County Flood Confro/ District, Stale df Co/Frnio, by and through the duly au/hori=ed officers bereby accept the fore - going dedications� Doted this I� da of a,�n+uX ,,950 COUNTY Of SAN BERNARD /NO, STATE OF CALIFORNIA Ct9oirrr�on, Board of S pervsors ATTEST HARRY L. ALL /SON Cozen y Clerk and Ex- Officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisor Y 8y � --------------- , oe, P, V y SAN BERNARD /NO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRIC B.y Cfioirrnan, Board o! ap visors ATTEST - - - -- — - -- ------=-- ------- Socrplory, on ernoedino County Food confro/ Des {riot Board of Supervisor.? TRACT NO, 3535 ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE Mg We thy, hereby certify mal / am o Regis tared C %Y %/ Engineer of the Stote of California and that this map consis/`ing of 2 sheets correctly represents o survey mode under my supervision i _FeA_ _ _ _ 1950 and thof o/l the monuments shown ho t-vo n actually ex/st and their positions are correct /y shown. Doted _day of- 6" - - _ 4930 signed _ "' Em — ioriificafe NarsbQr /S9/ COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE / hereby certify that / have exomined the annexed map. Mal the subdivision shown thereon is su651onfio //y the some as appeared on the tentative m op and any approved alterations thereof, that all provisions of the subdivision mop act of the Sfafe of California and Son Bernardino County Ordinance No . 610 have been complied wifh, and / am satisfied thpf this map is technical /y correc f. Doted this f - day of /950 H. L. WA Y County Surveyor, , Co ^ un ` y � of .Son 8er�ardii�o l' y AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE / hereby certify that according to f e records of this office, e, of Phis dole, there are no liens asoinsf the real property, shown upon the - annexed map for unpaid Sto te, Counly, municipal, or /oea/ foxes, or spec/ol assessments collecled as loxes. Doled this 21,1-L day of 4-d 1950 Signed. _ _ `� P. W. — County of Sari Bernardino f CORPORATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Sfo of California JS CoUn y of Son Bernardino 1 On this %. 7- day of /950, before me _l,� - �,�Y..� o Nolory Public in and for said Cozm y and Si/ate, pesonal/y appeared, -_ � -�► n_ kT*- fie!^- - known to me to be the _ _ PrPSiden t, and _ F &C- w1s -s�,- J n. - kr/own to me fo be the _ _Secretory of l(e#ler /(no/ls Inc.; the Corporation thaf 'e)(ecufed the within instrument, on behalf of The Corporation herein named, and acknow ledged to me 6-al such Corporation e rpzrufed the same. In Witness Whereof, / hove hereunto subscribed my name and affixed M y official sea/ the day and year in this Cer/`ifieate first above wriften. My Commission expires -�� �- % 7, — ?1 ?-- - +- - - - - -- 11 L� ,a 7 4 j - e _ - Notary Pob/i in and for so %d Comfy and StotP CORPORATION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT state of Co/iforrViu ss: County of San Bernardno Or this day of %���� D., /950, before Ine �? _7 e _ , o Notary Public in and for said Cozen y and Stole, peesonul /y appeared - A � !u�� fir_ _, known to me to be the_ �'� �_ President a,7d- 5 " -cl 0 M ., known to ire to be the_ _ _Secretary of the Pioneer Title, Insurance, and Trust Company, the Corporation thol erecaled the within insframent, on beho /f of the Corporator herein hanged, and acknowledged to me that such Corporator executed the same. /n Witness Whereof, / have hereunto set my hand and o111�red Try official seal the day and year in this certi {cote firsl above wri /fen. My commission No eIr ? a for sold Coan and State #,3,23 Recorded at Request of at ...... .._.......... 2 Z.. to Book ... ....�a ---_� S t of /'1aP Records San Bernardino County TED R. CARPENTER 4un - Recorder 00 Sheet IV- 91 of 2 Sheets /39 6-1 4-4��