sbmb047_008SHEET NO. / OF 2 SHEETS TRACT NO. 34/4 BEING A SUBDIVISION OF A PORT /ON OF LOT 7, BLOCK 53, RANCHO SAN BERNARD /NO, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CAL IFORN /A . STEWARF & SULL /VAAI - EA IG /NEER AUDITORS CERT IF ICATE I hereby certify that according to the records of this o {lice, os of this date, (here are no liens og0inst the reol property shown upon for unpoicl 5/a/e, County, Municipal or local taxes or special ossessrnents eo/ %fed os Cruxes. except tz�xes or specia/ assessments not yef poyob /e which are esfirnafed at .. W. N 1C1-10L3 County Auditor for the County of San 5ernorc1V?0, S/ote of Co%fornb Gb/ea' this day of - - - /950. B y _ ��Z� ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE I, Gordon Stewort, do tereby Certify Mot I orn a Peyrstered Civil Engineer of the Stole of Cable' rni0 and //xq/ this mop, consisting of two sheets, correctly represents o .survey mode under my supervision in 6151'ober /948, and /hot oll the monuments shown hereon octuolly exist and their positionsore correctly shown. Doted th1sL7 day of 1'!'' I - - _ 1950. - ,9eg15tered Civil Engineer No. 2047 NOTE Z "x 2 sto,�.s, painted white and stomped C. L 2047, set of oll lot corners unless otherwise shown. Iron pipes togged R. E 2047 set of poin/s shown thus • unless otherwise indicated. psis of Bearings token from the t of /6' -* Street 0-54 C/T Y COUNCIL I hereb certify thot the Council of the City of San 5ernord1ho by resolution adopted approved the oh`oched mop, accepted os public all Streets and Avenues own ci on solo' rrpop within sod subdivision and oll eoserr�nts given. Gbtea' fhisJ $ } k day of 11 _ _1950. ' - - - - - City C/er for the City of Son 8ernordino, ,Stole of Colifornio. I hereby opprove the foregoing resolutibn. Gbted M1. 5i 19.50 of_ �`l�1 _ /950. - - - - - - - iYlayor of the Cityy o .Son dernordino, Sto1`e CoMbl -nib. SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS I hereby certify Mot all the sheet ono' sewer assessments on the property shown on the annexed MO ore paid. Qated this xe dog of P�P r il .,- 1950. 11x5rion ntendent of Streets for Me City 5ernarolno, Stote of Co%iorn /a. MAP APPROVED Z;W d thislbt� da of "T. LI -150. Acting OF Engineer fo the Oty of San ternardi1i0, State of Cal /fOrn/a OWNER'S CERTIFICATE We hereby certify thot we arc the owners of or hove some right, tit /e or intcrest in and to the real property included within the subdivision shown upon the annexed map ono' thot we are the only persons whose consent rs .necessary 10 ,005-9 a c%or title to sold property and we consent /0 the rnoking of sold mop and subdivision as shown within the colored born'er lines and we hereby dedicate /o the public use o// the S/rr°ets, Avenues and Ways shown upon sold mop within said subdivision. We hereby convey to hhe City of Son Bernordino, a Municipal Corporation, an eosernent ono' right of way os shown upon the atloched trop, for the construction, use orb' maintenance of a// public utilities of every ,-Ina' and their systems, e *uipmenf and oppurtenonces thereto. COLONY MANOR COQPOIZAT /ON NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Stole of California V, County of los Angefe5 On thisR° day of_ - /950, before m - o Notary Public in and r h`ie County of Lo es , State of Co6lorno, persona / /y app reel- - • #Co - _ Ar7Own to me lobe tfe- and .��- - known to me fa be the - - - - of thy Ma nor Corporation, 1t6 Corporation that executed tl�-- within instrument on be17o/f of the Cocporot herein nomed and octnowledged to me that such Corporation executed the some. IN WITNESS WHEWOF, / hove hereunto set my hoed and affixed my official sea/ the day and yeor this certificate first wrl#cn obove. My .canmiss/ -- - - - - - - — expires Nolory Public nd for the County of J Los Ange les , State of California. CERTIFICATE OF CLERK OF_ THE BOARD OF SUPERVISORS I hereby certify that o bona' m the sum of ,�- - has been execr led and filed with /he boons of Supervisors Of the County of Son Bernardino, ,Stale of Californio, conditioned upon the,ca_yrnent of o// loxes, Stole, County, Municipal or local and o// special assessmen/s collected as /axes, which at the 11kn of fr%rr�g of the annexed map with the County Recorder ore o lien against said property, but n& yet payable, and Said bona' lags b6en duty approved by the sold Board of Supervisors. H nn L ALL /SON Dated this - _day of_ _1950 A Y . County Clerk and Ex - officio C/enk- of the Ba S nd of ermor5 L — -'L — /s&-puty 9 2 //8 rI Rewrded at Request of at ......... _ _..._._.:._ ... Z. ... P. N1. in ............. t of j PEoWT& Safi fierrurdino CL)uTitF `I'E.0 R. CARPENTER By . L+r+n ^ ...... der OCJ Deputy Recurda, 0