sbmb047_046X7� A / .5heef MR / of 2 .Stieefa TRACT N0 BEING A SUBDIVISION OF THAT PORTION OF LOT 785 LYING WEST OF FONTANA AVENUE, EXCEPT THE WEST 10.60 ACRES, AS PER MAP OF THE SEMI TROPIC LAND AND WATER COMPANY SUBDIVISION, RECORDED IN BOOK I1 OF .MAPS, PAGE 12, RECORDS COUNTY OF SAN BERNARDINO STATE OF CALIFORNIA. All ENGINEER'S CERTIFICATE 1, ,y R. McWefhy ,hereby certify that / om a Registered Owl Engineer of the Slate of Coli forma and that }his mop consisting of 2 sheets Corr cT /y represents a survey mode under my supervision b7 _ _ _ _ /950 and that o// the monuments shown he"W7 actuo //y xist ord their positions are correct /y shown. Dated this_ /? ih _ day of_ _ 1950. l ivil �'ng /veers Cert/ficote No. /591 ACCEPTANCE The County of Son Bernordiho and fhe Scan Bernardino County Flood Control D /slriel, Slate of C'o/iforMio, by and through the duly authorized officers hereby accept the foregoing dedicalions. rid fh is 44711�Z p Tract No. 3450. Doled M/s l da of_ _ , /950 J' Coun y of Son Be Stale of Co /ifor/�io "�' ` y -,►- Chairman, rd of Supervisors ATTEST Harry L. Allison Coun y Clerk 1� Ex- Officio Clerk of the Board of Supervisors y Deputy SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY FLOOD CONTROL DISTRICT 'r 01 Man Bo r of Supervisors ATTEST Secr ary, Son Bernardino Courtly Food Con /ro/ DiSINCi, Board of Supervisors AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE /hereby certify that according to The records of this office as of this date, there are no liens against the real property shown upon The annexed mop for unpaid Slate, County, rnun /c /pa/ or /oco/ taxes or specio/ assessments collected as loxes, exceof foxes or Spec./;g/ ossessrr>enfs r�ot�t af�voyab /e. . Dated mis 3= day of G � - �- P W. Nic�ho /s, C un y Auditor County of Son Bernardino CERTIFICATE OF CLERK OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS / hereby certify that o bond in the sum of �aa r has been executed and filed with the Board of Supervisors of the County of Son Bernardino, Stole of Col /forma., condilioneo' upon the poymenl of o// Taxes, Stale, Coln y, mut7icipa /, or /oca/ and o// specio/ assessments, 0011,6e1ed as loxes, which of the tune of the filing of the annexed map with fhe County Recorder ore a lien against said property, bur nor yel payable and sold bond has been du/yy��approve by sold Board of Supervisors Doted thish doy o - _ _ _ ,1950. Ho r L. Alison, 0ou171,v Clerk ornd Ex- officio Clerk of The Board of Supervisors COUNTY SURVEYOR'S CERTIFICATE /hereby certify that / have examined the annexed reap, thal the subdivision shown therean is substantial /y fhe same as # appeared on the tentative map and any opproved alterations thereof and that a// the provisions of the Subdivision Mop Act and Son Bernardino ebantV Ordinonce No. 610 hove beer? complied w/lh and / om sot /sfied that this map is techniCo //y correof Doled this. K, doy H. L. Woy, County Surveyor County of Son f%ernordino, Co/iforala Deputy OWNER'S CERTIFICATE We hereby certify that we are the owners of, orhove some right, of /e or interest in and to the reo/ property included within the subdiv/sion shown upon the annexed maps and that we are the only persons whose consent is necessary to pass a e %or tit /e to said properly, and we consent fo the mahIng of said mops and subdivision as shown within the co lored /fines reserving for',ou.6iic utility ,ourooses, a// easerr7e171s so irdicafod 4,0017 fhe anne red 1wp and hereby dedicate Ab fhe Govnfy of .1Jn Bernard n0 for ,ocib /ic uses, a// the ,rlreels, and fo fhe San Ber-r�ar�dino Gounfy flood Control District, for flood control pvrpvses, a// drdinay►e easemen a'esignatea' upon saidmap �i /hin said subdi�isior�. NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT Sfo}e of Callkrnia ) County of Son Bernardino) ss On this1-7 day of r = _ A. Q, 1950, before me, o Notary Pahke in and for the said County and 5101e, persona //y appeared,�t�W-- a Pez — — — —, lrnown To me l a 6e the persons whose names ore subscribed to the within /nsfrurhenl and aeknow/edyed to me that they executed the Same. /n Witness Whereof, / have hereunto -sal my hand and affixed M ofFcIo/ sea/ the doy andyeor in this cer }i cafe fi�sf above writ }en. No ary Public in and for said 6 y and State My Commission expires ,5" ;ad at i vnque st 'C'o cc n.7�'l� D/ .f . o TEL, I t. CARPENTEK "�b�o 1Cta�an�er X�cprtta; Nefurder / 101/ 4 1 -1), 4